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Forests is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4) representative of other...
Great Lakes Shoreline and Dune Habitat is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region,...
Improved Gulf Hypoxia Planning Tool: Landscape scale planning tools focus conservation priorities through a series of region-specific lenses. These tools include: CHAT; SECAS; Gulf Hypoxia Initiative - Precision Conservation Blueprint v1.5; and landscape designs developed by the Great Plains LCC and Gulf Coast Prairie LCC. Discussions with industry, agency and organizational leaders across the mid-continent suggest that the time is ripe for opening a dialogue about how to bridge the planning between the west and east to find the appropriate stakeholder-driven set of mid-continent connections for a network of lands and waters. The recipient will assist staff from multiple LCCs and other interested entities in setting...
The Midwest Landscape Initiative (MLI) developed a Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need (RSGCN) List to provide an effective, collaborative focus and approach for regional wildlife diversity conservation in the Midwest. The Midwest RSGCN effort applied a process initiated in the Northeast, advanced in the Southeast, and refined by the MLI At-Risk Species Working Group, to identify RSGCN for the Midwest. The Midwest RSGCN process evaluated 1,817 SGCN across 13 taxonomic groups and selected 340 as RSGCN. Taxa groups included mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crayfish, mussels, Odonates (dragonflies and damselflies), bumble and solitary bees, Lepidoptera (butterflies, skippers and moths), mayflies,...
In recognition of the need for landscape-scale planning to address the conservation challenges of the Midwestern United States, the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies passed a resolution endorsing the Midwest Landscape Initiative, a collaborative that identifies shared conservation priorities and develops solutions for healthy, functioning ecosystems in the Midwest (MAFWA 2019). To address these goals the Midwest Landscape Initiative identified an opportunity to create a regional terrestrial habitat system that could provide consistent and structured description of natural and cultural habitats across the region. The regional habitat data aids partners by providing a common lexicon through which conservation...
Public Recreation Access is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4) representative...
Aquatic Invasive Species is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4) representative...
Equitable Tree Canopy Cover is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4) representative...
Lakes is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4) representative of other...
Sustainable Land Use Systems is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4)...
The threats and anthropogenic influences on conservation are often global in scale (e.g., climate change, invasive species, etc), however, the relevant decisions and actions to conserve natural areas and ecosystem services occur within unique jurisdictions. Thus, the socio-ecological complexity of these problems requires collaboration across large spatial areas and diverse community interests. However, the interoperability of different planning or decision-support products across decision makers, jurisdictions, and objectives can impede integration and collaboration across space and scale. The objective of the Midwest Conservation Blueprint is to provide a comprehensive framework to coordinate voluntary conservation...
This project will develop a principle method for the estimation of monarch butterfly colony sizes as informed by technological innovations derived from (1) LiDAR, (2) object-driven, quantitative 3D modeling, (3) thermography and associated visualization and analytical capabilities and; establish the foundation of a science communication and public education strategy for USFWS to increase awareness and support for science-based approaches to Monarch conservation.
There are three widely used neonicotinoid seed coat formulations that protect young crop plants (e.g. corn and soybean) against pest herbivory (thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and chlothianidin). These insecticides are systemic, meaning they can be absorbed and distributed throughout the plant. Once seeds germinate, the insecticides are translocated throughout the growing corn plant[6]. When the plant is consumed by herbivorous insects, the insect also consumes and is affected by the toxicity of the insecticide.Not all of the neonicotinoid insecticide remains with the seed or growing corn plant. Owing to their high water solubility, a portion of the insecticide is leached away from the seed reaching groundwater and...
In recognition of the need for landscape-scale planning to address the conservation challenges of the Midwestern United States, the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies passed a resolution endorsing the Midwest Landscape Initiative, a collaborative that identifies shared conservation priorities and develops solutions for healthy, functioning ecosystems in the Midwest (MAFWA 2019). To address these goals the Midwest Landscape Initiative identified an opportunity to create a regional terrestrial habitat system that could provide consistent and structured description of natural and cultural habitats across the region. The regional habitat data aids partners by providing a common lexicon through which conservation...
Equitable Access to Recreation is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or 4)...
Grassland birds throughout the United States have exhibited significant declines in the last three decades indicated no grassland bird species in the Upper Midwest were increasing in abundance. Continental and regional population declines are mirrored in Wisconsin with species like Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark and others declining by 50 – 90% since 1970. Conservation groups, state and federal agencies within the Upper Midwest have long recognized these declines and have taken action, yet despite the value of these conservation actions, none of the grassland birds have halted their population declines or returned to population sizes of the 1970s. Within the conservation community there...
Spatial patterns in mussel richness and endemism (i.e., weighted and corrected weighted endemism) at stream reach, HUC4, HUC6, and HUC8 spatial scales were characterized. Stream SR was estimated by summing the total number of mussel species predicted within each stream. Stream-level weighted endemism was calculated by weighting each species’ presence in the stream by the inverse of the total number of streams it was predicted to occupy, then summing across all species predicted present within the stream. This biodiversity metric therefore provides context about the range extent of the species predicted within the stream (e.g., higher values indicate either high richness or the presence of several range-restricted...
In August 2016, a petition to list the Sturgeon Chub Macrhybopsis gelida and Sicklefin Chub Macrhybopsis meeki under the U.S. Endangered Species Act was presented to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Historically these two species were located throughout the Missouri River basin. Currently these two species have reduced to the lower main stem Missouri River and are considered rare throughout the tributaries within the basin. Several factors (i.e., habitat fragmentation, channelization, etc.) have likely contributed to these declines (Figure 1 & 2). Although concerns in the decline of these species have been considered in the past, little effort has been put towards better understanding the current status of these...
Successful interns will be placed with the Chicago Field Museum and become members of the Field Museum’s Keller Science Action Center Department working on an Urban Monarch Conservation Program – a program aimed at coordinating efforts of individuals, communities, governments, and organizations in answering key questions about how best to conserve monarchs in urban areas along their migration flyway connecting the butterflies’ overwintering sites in central Mexico to the landscapes of the Upper Midwest. Interns will gain experience working as key team members in developing community pollinator interaction programs and perform such duties as: working with community members to facilitate metropolitan pollinator gardens;...
Terrestrial Habitat Connectivity is an indicator of the Midwest Landscape Initiative’s (MLI) 2023 Midwest Conservation Blueprint. The Blueprint is a basemap of priority lands and waters for conservation across the Midwest consisting of over 20 social and environmental values representing diverse interests across society. This indicator was chosen as a targetable, important feature of the MLI goals that will be used to track conditions over time and prioritize areas for conservation. Indicators were defined through elicitation and prioritization exercises with federal and state participants. Criteria for the indicators includes 1) actionable, 2) measurable, 3) relevant to multiple groups across the region, and/or...

map background search result map search result map Estimating grassland bird populations to inform landscape-level conservation in Wisconsin Gulf Hypoxia Precision Conservation Blueprint v2.1 Counting Butterfies: Using Lidar to Count Monarchs Effects of Chronic Neonicotinoid Insecticide Exposure upon Monarch Development Fish Community Assessment in the Lower Basin of the Missouri River Development of a Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Midwestern United States Midwest Conservation Blueprint Forests Aquatic Invasive Species Great Lakes Shoreline and Dune Habitat Terrestrial Habitat Connectivity Lakes Sustainable Land Use Systems Equitable Tree Canopy Cover Equitable Access to Recreation Public Recreation Access Midwest Regional Mussel Hotspots and Species Richness Estimates Midwest Terrestrial Habitat System Midwest Terrestrial Habitat System Counting Butterfies: Using Lidar to Count Monarchs Estimating grassland bird populations to inform landscape-level conservation in Wisconsin Effects of Chronic Neonicotinoid Insecticide Exposure upon Monarch Development Fish Community Assessment in the Lower Basin of the Missouri River Development of a Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Midwestern United States Midwest Conservation Blueprint Forests Aquatic Invasive Species Great Lakes Shoreline and Dune Habitat Terrestrial Habitat Connectivity Lakes Sustainable Land Use Systems Equitable Tree Canopy Cover Equitable Access to Recreation Public Recreation Access Midwest Terrestrial Habitat System Midwest Terrestrial Habitat System Midwest Regional Mussel Hotspots and Species Richness Estimates Gulf Hypoxia Precision Conservation Blueprint v2.1