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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Northwest CASC > FY 2019 Projects ( Show direct descendants )

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Knowledge of snow cover distribution and disappearance dates over a wide range of scales is imperative for understanding hydrological dynamics and for habitat management of wildlife species that rely on snow cover. Identification of snow refugia, or places with relatively late snow disappearance dates (SDDs) compared to surrounding areas, is especially important as climate change alters snow cover timing and duration. The purpose of this study was to increase understanding of snow refugia in complex terrain spanning the rain-snow transition zone at fine spatial and temporal scales. To accomplish this objective, we used remote cameras to provide relatively high temporal and spatial resolution measurements on snowpack...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
We collected snow density measurements at camera sites from December 2020 - April 2021, at the same time as snow hardness measurements. We took measurements every few weeks as logistics allowed. We took samples near the camera site in snow visually similar to the snow in the camera viewshed (the geographical area that is visible from a location) to prevent snow conditions from being disturbed beyond normal camera deployment. We took snow density samples using a homemade prairie sampler in snow depths < 100 cm and using a federal snow sampler in snow depths > 100 cm. The sampler was inserted into the snow to remove a snow core. We retained the core if the depth of snow in the sampler was at least 90% of the actual...
Remote camera data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were used and set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images. The cameras were deployed from October 2020 - May 2021. Snow presence was assessed up to 15 m from the camera. Snow depth was measured using virtual snow stakes created with the edger R package created by the author. Wildlife were marked as present in all photos in which they appear, and new individuals were counted. Snow density was collected using a federal or prairie snow sampler. Snow hardness was collected using a ram penetrometer. Solar radiation was calculated using hemispherical...
A rapidly changing climate and expanding human footprint is driving increased rates of landscape change in the Pacific Northwest. This makes it challenging for managers to know if and to what extent recovery goals and conservation plans for at-risk species need to be modified to account for changing habitat conditions. Addressing this challenge requires accurate, up-to-date information about landscape change and how it affects the habitat and viability of at-risk species. In addition, managers need to be alerted when trends in habitat conditions approach key ecological thresholds, in order to determine if management goals and plans need to be modified in response to these changes. The goal of this project is to...
Scientific information about the risks of climate change to important natural and cultural resources is crucial for developing and implementing climate adaptation plans and management actions. Tools that incorporate both science and expert knowledge on adaptation actions can greatly benefit municipal, regional, and other decision makers, as they develop and implement their adaptation plans. In 2018, EcoAdapt created the Climate Change Adaptation Certification Tool, which was designed to support the implementation of climate adaptation plans. Discussions with the Washington State Interagency Climate Adaptation Network have confirmed that this tool was ideal for supporting decision making in the natural and cultural...
Remote cameras are used to study demographics, ecological processes, and behavior of wildlife populations. Cameras have also been used to measure snow depth with physical snow stakes. However, concerns that physical instruments at camera sites may influence animal behavior limit installation of instruments to facilitate collecting such data. Given that snow depth data are inherently contained within images, potential insights that could be made using these data are lost. To facilitate camera‐based snow depth observations without additional equipment installation, we developed a method implemented in an R package called edger to superimpose virtual measurement devices onto images. The virtual snow stakes can be used...
Within the Yurok Tribe’s territory in northwest California, tribal, public, and private land managers share the overlapping goal of promoting forests that are more resilient to climate-related disturbances through the implementation of forest treatments that are based on traditional tribal knowledge. Managers seek to understand how restoration strategies such as prescribed burning, tree harvesting, and fuel reduction can promote more resilient forests and increase the capacity of forests and human communities to adapt to extreme weather events, drought, fire, and pests and diseases. Very few existing studies of forest vulnerability and resilience have incorporated indigenous or tribal knowledge. In order to promote...
Tree regeneration is a critical mechanism of forest resilience to stand-replacing wildfire (i.e., where fire results in >90 % tree mortality), and post-fire regeneration is a concern worldwide as the climate becomes warmer. Although post-fire tree regeneration has been relatively well-studied in fire-prone forests across western North America, it is less understood in fire regimes characterized by large patches of stand-replacing fire at long intervals, such as the nominally infrequent, high-severity fire regimes of the western Cascades of Washington and northern Oregon, USA (northwestern Cascadia) where some of world’s highest-biomass forests reside. Recent wildfire activity (2015–2020) in northwestern Cascadia...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Attributes of remote camera stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID including georeferencing information and camera deployment information. Remote cameras were used to collect data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were used and set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images. The cameras were deployed from October 2020 - May 2021.

map background search result map search result map An Alert System for Managing At-Risk Species in Cascadia under Climate Change Promoting Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Forests and Tribal Communities in Northern California Developing a Climate Adaptation Checklist to Inform Natural Resource Management Snow Density Measurements at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID (12/1/20-4/30/21) Attributes of Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Environmental Data at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Snow Density Measurements at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID (12/1/20-4/30/21) Attributes of Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Environmental Data at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Promoting Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Forests and Tribal Communities in Northern California Developing a Climate Adaptation Checklist to Inform Natural Resource Management An Alert System for Managing At-Risk Species in Cascadia under Climate Change