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__Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)
___Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Data
____Invasive Species
_____Asian Carps (silver, bighead, black, & grass carps)
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Data set includes water Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O for the Mississippi River and tributaries, and otolith Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and δ18O data from bigheaded carp (Silver Carp and BIghead Carp) collected in navigation pools 16-19 of the Upper Mississippi River in 2016 to 2018. Bigheaded carp (Bighead Carp and Silver Carp) are invasive species in the US and have spread throughout most of the lower Mississippi River Basin. Population abundance upstream of Lock and Dam 19 (LD19) on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) has likely been limited by the high-head dam at this location, which restricts all upstream fish passage to the lock chamber. To determine early-life environments of adult bigheaded carp captured upstream LD19 at the...
A slope raster generated from multibeam bathymetry and terrestrial lidar collected simultaneously on November 14, 2019. Slope represents the rate of change of elevation under the water column.
Recent research has attributed major flood events with the upstream spread of invasive carp in the Mississippi River. In two sequential years, the upper Mississippi River experienced a low water year with very minimal flooding in 2022 and a very high water year with extreme and sustained flooding in the spring of 2023. This data release contains hydrologic data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at upper Mississippi River navigation locks 4-18 to classify when each dam experienced open river conditions and was no longer preventing upstream movements of fishes. To attribute biological movements around these open river conditions, we used acoustic telemetry data to track native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded...
Studied changes in the profiles of digestive enzymes of two planktivorous fishes, silver carp and gizzard shad. Results from this study will help scientists develop and design a novel oral delivery formulation to control the invasive silver carp while minimizing impacts on native fishes like the gizzard shad.
These datasets include data that was used to evaluate the efficacy of carbon dioxide (CO2) injected under-ice as a tool for reducing the overwinter survival of invasive carps.
In 2016, for the first time, an abundance of age-0 silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) were captured at several sites upstream of Lock and Dam 19 on the Upper Mississippi River near Keokuk, Iowa. These data were collected in an attempt to determine the early life environments and frequency and timing of the reproductive events that led to a large year class of age-0 silver carp. This information is important for informing decisions about control measures. We sampled these fish to determine age (days) and early life environments using their otoliths. Sampled age-0 silver carp were collected from navigation Pools 18 and 19 from July–October 2016 using a variety of sampling gears. We aged these fish by counting...
The Underwater Acoustic Deterrent System is an experimental deterrent that utilizes underwater sounds to deter invasive carps. An experimental deployment and evaluation of a UADS is currently being conducted at Lock 19 on the Mississippi River, near Keokuk, Iowa. This dataset includes information derived from two telemetry arrays (i.e., 307 kHz HTI and 69 kHz VEMCO) deployed at and around Lock 19 to evaluate fish movement and response to the UADS in 2021 and 2022. Silver Carp, Bighead Carp, Grass Carp, and a variety of native fish species were tagged and monitored with the telemetry arrays. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
This data contains environmental DNA (eDNA) sample assay results that were collected from water samples taken from a tank housing Asian carp and placed either on ice or at room temperature. At both treatment temperatures, water samples were left untreated or were treated with an ethanol and sodium acetate solution (EtOH-NaAc). This was done to evaluate an ethanol and sodium acetate solution to maintain the integrity of the DNA samples for the time between collection and lab testing. Every day for 6 days following collection, a subset of the samples was removed from each treatment and DNA was extracted and nuclear and mitochondrial markers were assayed with qPCR. Results showed comparable persistence of DNA between...
An XYZ generated from multibeam bathymetry and terrestrial lidar collected simultaneously on November 14, 2019. An XYZ is the raw point data that generated the original digital elevation model. This XYZ file contains latitude, longitude, elevation and intensity values for each point measured by the multibeam sonar.
A digital elevation model generated from multibeam bathymetry and terrestrial lidar collected simultaneously on November 14, 2019.
Mississippi River Lock and Dam 19 is located at Keokuk, Iowa. The navigation lock is being used to test deterrent systems designed to control the upstream movement of non-native fish (e.g., silver and bighead carps).
Recent studies have shown the potential of acoustic deterrents against invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). This study examined the phonotaxic response of the bighead carp (H. nobilis) to pure tones (500– 2000 Hz) and playbacks of broadband sound from an underwater recording of a 100 hp outboard motor (0.06–10 kHz) in an outdoor concrete pond (10 × 5 × 1.2 m) at the U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center in La Crosse, WI. The number of consecutive times the fish reacted to sound from alter- nating locations at each end of the pond was assessed. Bighead carp were relatively indifferent to the pure tones with median consecutive responses ranging from 0 to 2 reactions away...
Invasive carp pose substantial economic and ecological damage when populations are widespread in freshwater systems within the United States of America (USA). Resource managers in the USA have a limited number of chemical control tools to selectively remove nuisance fish. The present study examined whether Antimycin-A (antimycin) wax encapsulated microparticles could cause selective lethality to invasive carps in a series of laboratory trials, controlled outdoor pond trials, and an experimental pond trial. Datasets include water quality, fish biometrics, fish survival, yttrium consumption, and antimycin microparticle dissipation data. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and...
This dataset assesses the responses of native (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoide and bluegill Lepomis macrochirus) and invasive (silver carp Hypophthalmichthys. Molitrix) fishes to an acoustic stimulus (playback of a 100 hp boat motor. Fish were collected from the Illinois River and Emiquon Preserve and implanted with a Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tag. Fish movement was monitored using PIT antennas installed in a water control structure (WCS) that connects the Emiquon Preserve to the Illinois River.
The effectiveness of an acoustic barrier to deter the movement of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, and bighead carp, H. noblis, was evaluated. A pond (10 m, x 5 m x 1.2 m) was divided in half by a concrete-block barrier with a channel (1 m across) allowing fish access to each side. Underwater speakers were placed on each side of the barrier opening and an outboard motor noise (broadband sound; 0.06 – 10 kHz) was broadcast to repel carp that approached within 1 m of the channel. Broadband sound was effective at reducing the number of successful crossings in schools of silver carp, bighead carp and a combined school. Repulsion rates were 82.5% (silver carp), 93.7% (bighead carp) and 90.5% (combined). This...
Bighead Carp, Silver Carp and Grass Carp (collectively Asian carp) were introduced to North America in the 1960s and 70s and have established in the lower Mississippi River basin. Previously published evidence for spawning of these species has been limited in the upper Mississippi River to just below Dam 22 (near Saverton, MO). In 2013 and 2014, we sampled ichthyoplankton at 18 locations in the main stem of the upper Mississippi River from Dam 9 through Dam 19 and in four tributary rivers that empty into the Mississippi River (Des Moines, Skunk, Iowa and Wisconsin Rivers). We identified eggs and larvae using morphological techniques and then used genetic tools to confirm species identity. The spawning events we...
This dataset includes quantifications of bigheaded carp DNA found in water samples collected from the Wabash River along transects at 3 sites over time. The samples were collected at 18 equidistant points in a transect across the river at each site. Samples were collected in 2013 on May 29, 30, 31, June 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was performed to determine the DNA concentrations in two replicates using the bigheaded carp assay defined in Merkes and others 2014.
This dataset includes information derived from a Vemco telemetry array located at Lock and Dam 19 on the Mississippi River near Keokuk, IA. Ten fish species, comprised of both native and invasive species, were detected with this system. Lock Queue Reports, which detail the daily lock operation for river traffic, were obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Temperature data were recorded on the Vemco receivers and stage height data were obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Six worksheets are included in this file, including a meta-data sheet that describes the datasets, provides variable names, and associated units of measure.
This was a joint project between: Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, U.S. Geological Survey, La Crosse, WI 54603 La Crosse Fish Health Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Onalaska, WI 54650 This repository contains the raw data and R codes used in the metabolomics analysis for the manuscript which used silver and bighead carp fry cells exposed to thiram. Species indclude in this manuscript Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) The raw data is in: BHC thiram data.csv SVC thiram data labels.csv The code used in the ordination analysis is in: figure_1_knit_code.Rmd The code used in the principle component analysis is in: figure_2_knit_code.Rmd The...
Categories: Data
Spreadsheets include data that was used to evaluate the efficacy of carbon dioxide (CO2) deterrence at different temperatures in invasive carps. There are 8 csv files and 2 folders containing text documents associated with this study.

map background search result map search result map Wabash River, Indiana bigheaded carps environmental DNA: Data Evaluation of an acoustic fish deterrent system in shallow water application at the Emiquon Preserve, Lewistown, IL Data 2017-2018 Telemetry data for Asian carp and native fish species at Lock and Dam 19 in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Otolith microchemistry of adult bigheaded carp for determining early-life environments in the Upper Mississippi River 2016-2018 Otolith microchemistry and microstructure of age-0 silver carp for determining early-life environments and spawning periodicity in the Upper Mississippi River in 2016 Lock and Dam 19 Bathymetry Slope, 2019 Lock and Dam 19 DEM, 2019 Lock and Dam 19 XYZ, 2019 Data Release for Lock 19 Underwater Acoustic Deterrent System (UADS) Study: Interim Project Update Data release associated with research that describes how major flooding and dam operations in the upper Mississippi River contribute to large upstream migrations of native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded carp Lock and Dam 19 Bathymetry Slope, 2019 Lock and Dam 19 XYZ, 2019 Lock and Dam 19 DEM, 2019 2017-2018 Telemetry data for Asian carp and native fish species at Lock and Dam 19 in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Evaluation of an acoustic fish deterrent system in shallow water application at the Emiquon Preserve, Lewistown, IL Data Otolith microchemistry and microstructure of age-0 silver carp for determining early-life environments and spawning periodicity in the Upper Mississippi River in 2016 Otolith microchemistry of adult bigheaded carp for determining early-life environments in the Upper Mississippi River 2016-2018 Data release associated with research that describes how major flooding and dam operations in the upper Mississippi River contribute to large upstream migrations of native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded carp Wabash River, Indiana bigheaded carps environmental DNA: Data