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__Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Science
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LiDAR scans were taken using a tripod mounted Riegl VZ-400 scanning LiDAR. The tripod was set up such that the scanner was between 1.5 and 2.5 m tall. The VZ-400 is a near infrared (1550 nm) scanner. Geometric control was achieved using a pair of Trimble RB GPS antennae, one mounted on the LiDAR scanner (rover) and the other setup as a base station. Before taking a LiDAR scan, the VZ-400 would use the GPSs to fix a real time kinematic (RTK) solution for the scanner’s location and then use that position (scan position) as a reference for LiDAR returns. Post processing was done using RIScan-Pro version 2 (scanner specific software). Also, in post-processing, overlapping areas of point clouds were merged and inaccuracies...
This data represents laboratory reflectance and emissivity spectral measurements of dune sand samples collected from a variety of dune types and mineralogical compositions from eight dune field locations in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico (labeled and designated as samples DS-1 through DS-8). Each sample were sieved into various size classes and measured both prior to and after sieving. Visible through Near Infrared through Shortwave Infrared (~0.4 - 2.5 microns) reflectance were measured using an artificial light source attached to an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrometer. Hemispherical reflectance measurements spanning Mid-IR wavelengths, including the Thermal Infrared...
As part of a NASA-funded study of sediment flux rates at a Mars analog site, we installed a suite of instruments in a small dune field near Grand Falls, Arizona. Data released in this report were collected from 10/28/2013 to 11/04/2016. The Grand Falls (GF) dune field is located on the Navajo Nation. It lies ~70 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ, 2 km east of Grand Falls, and just north of the Little Colorado River (LCR). The dune field consists of barchans, smaller dunes, ripples, and bare, indurated interdune surfaces; all features commonly found on the Martian surface. We measured sediment flux using a Sensit saltation sensor and a set of three Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) passive sediment samplers, at 20, 50, and 100...
This dataset is one of many used in the development of the manuscript 'Advancing Cave Detection using Terrain Analysis Techniques and Thermal Imagery' by Wynne et al. 2021. Manuscript Abstract: Since the initial experiments nearly 50 years ago, techniques for detecting caves using airborne and spacecraft acquired thermal imagery have improved markedly. These advances are largely due to a combination of higher instrument sensitivity, modern computing systems, and processor-intensive analytical techniques. Through applying these advancements, our goals were to: (1) determine the utility of methods designed for terrain analysis and applied to thermal imagery; (2) analyze the usefulness of predawn and midday imagery...
The NASA Goddard Instrument Field Team (GIFT) has led and supported planetary analog field science campaigns for the last decade focused on addressing fundamental research and testing new instrument technologies. This sub-community of Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Science is managed by GIFT personnel, following USGS review and approval standards for scientific data.
We created this guide to introduce the user to the San Francisco Volcanic Field as a terrestrial analog site for planetary volcanic processes. For decades, the San Francisco Volcanic Field has been used to teach scientists to recognize the products of common types of volcanic eruptions and associated volcanic features. The volcanic processes and products observed in this volcanic field are like those observed on lunar and Martian surfaces. As a result, this region has been a favored location for training National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronauts and engineers since the Apollo missions.
LiDAR scans were taken using a tripod mounted Riegl VZ-400 scanning LiDAR. The tripod was set up such that the scanner was between 1.5 and 2.5 m tall. The VZ-400 is a near infrared (1550 nm) scanner. Geometric control was achieved using a pair of Trimble RB GPS antennae, one mounted on the LiDAR scanner (rover) and the other setup as a base station. Before taking a LiDAR scan, the VZ-400 would use the GPS to fix a real time kinematic (RTK) solution for the scanner’s location and then use that position (scan position) as a reference for LiDAR returns. Post processing was done using RIScan-Pro version 2 (scanner specific software). Also, in post-processing, overlapping areas of point clouds were merged and inaccuracies...
This data collection includes ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data and related observations collected from the NASA Goddard Instrument Field Team (GIFT) Expedition to the Icelandic Highlands in July-August 2019 and August 2021. This dataset includes observations at the Askja Volcano and caldera and Vikrahraun lava flow. GPR data were collected using Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc (GSSI) shielded bistatic antennas at center frequencies of 200 MHz, 400 MHz, and 900 MHz. Common offset surveys were conducted to investigate the subsurface interfaces. The GPR data includes raw data obtained from the instrument (as GSSI .dzt files), line shapefiles of survey locations, and interpreted ice thickness GeoPackage files with...
These data represents laboratory reflectance and emissivity spectral measurements of dune sand samples collected from a variety of dune types and mineralogical compositions from eight dune field locations in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico (labeled and designated as samples DS-1 through DS-8). Each sample was sieved into various size classes and measured both prior to and after sieving. Visible through Near Infrared through Shortwave Infrared (~0.4 - 2.5 microns) reflectance were measured using an artificial light source attached to an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrometer. Hemispherical reflectance measurements spanning Mid-IR wavelengths, including the Thermal Infrared...
As part of a NASA-funded study of sediment flux rates at a Mars analog site, we installed a suite of instruments in a small dune field near Grand Falls, Arizona. Data released in this report was collected from 02/07/2017 to 05/22/2019. The Grand Falls (GF) dune field is located on the Navajo Nation. It lies ~70 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ, 2 km east of Grand Falls, and just north of the Little Colorado River (LCR). The dune field consists of barchans, smaller dunes/ripples, and bare interdunes with indurated surfaces, all features commonly found on the Martian surface. We measured sediment flux using a Multi Layer Solid State Saltation Sensor (MLS4) and a set of three Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) passive sediment samplers,...
Multi-incidence-angle (in the 25?? to 55?? range) radar data aquired by the NASA/JPL Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) at three wavelengths simultaneously and displayed at three polarizations are examined for their utility in characterizing lava flows at Pisgah volcanic field, California. Pisgah lava flows were erupted in three phases; flow textures consist of hummocky pahoehoe, smooth pahoehoe, and aa (with and without thin sedimentary cover). Backscatter data shown as a function of relative age of Pisgah flows indicate that dating of lava flows on the basis of average radar backscatter may yield ambiguous results if primary flow textures and modification processes are not well understood. -from Author
This data represents laboratory reflectance and emissivity spectral measurements of dune sand samples collected from a variety of dune types and mineralogical compositions from eight dune field locations in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico (labeled and designated as samples DS-1 through DS-8). Each sample were sieved into various size classes and measured both prior to and after sieving. Visible through Near Infrared through Shortwave Infrared (~0.4 - 2.5 microns) reflectance were measured using an artificial light source attached to an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrometer. Hemispherical reflectance measurements spanning Mid-IR wavelengths, including the Thermal Infrared...
Grand Falls dune field (GFDF) is located on the Navajo Nation, ~70 km NE of Flagstaff, AZ. This active dune field displays a range of morphologies, including barchans, smaller dunes, and ripples, and is bimodal in composition. The felsic component is likely derived from the Little Colorado River, and the mafic component (basaltic grains) is locally sourced from nearby cinder cones [1]. GFDF is an excellent analog site for both active dunes on Mars and other planetary bodies that have dune-like features (e.g., Venus and Titan). We have set up a meteorological station within the dune field that records temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, solar radiation, and precipitation....
As part of a NASA-funded study of diurnal thermal imaging at a Mars analog site, we conducted simultaneous oblique thermal imaging and in situ temperature measurements within two regions of interest on the Pisgah lava field, near Ludlow, California. Both regions of interest contained either cave or cave-like alcoves. Data released in this report was collected from 03/23/2010 to 03/25/2010. The experiment was conducted at Pisgah lava field, which is located about 175 miles northeast of Los Angeles on Bureau of Land Management lands. Consisting of Quaternary basaltic lava and a cinder cone superimposed on alluvial deposits and lacustrine sediments of Lavic Lake playa (Dibblee, 1966), the flow is approximately 21,000...
This data release is a companion to Dundas et al., 2020. Additional description of the methods and rationale for data collection is provided there. The primary data are from several categories of data-logging sensors described in detail below. Sixteen images are also included as part of this data release. These document the sensor locations as described in Dundas et al. (2020).
This field guide is written for use by the planetary geology community of students, engineers, researchers, and other interested parties to investigate field sites in the Verde Valley, north-central Arizona, and their potential use as terrestrial analogs for identifying water-lava interactions. We provide regional geologic and historical context for this important basin in the Transition Zone on the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau, while highlighting important field locations that exhibit water-lava interactions during or immediately after lava emplacement.
Earth-based research of features and processes being studied on other planetary bodies.

    map background search result map search result map Visible, Near Infrared, Shortwave Infrared and Thermal Infrared Laboratory Spectra of Samples of Compositionally Variable Dune Fields in the Western United States and Alaska Visible, Near Infrared, Shortwave Infrared and Thermal Infrared Laboratory Spectra of Samples of Compositionally Variable Dune Fields in the Western United States and Alaska - Sample DS3 Visible, Near Infrared, Shortwave Infrared and Thermal Infrared Laboratory Spectra of Samples of Compositionally Variable Dune Fields in the Western United States and Alaska - Sample DS7 USGS Astrogeology Terrestrial Analogs Sensor Data from Monitoring the Cooling of the 2014–2015 Lava Flow and Hydrothermal System at Holuhraun, Iceland Grand Falls, Arizona: Dune Field Sand Transport 2013 - 2016 Grand Falls, Arizona: Dune Field Sand Transport 2017 - 2019 Imagery, soil temperature and humidity profiles, and meteorological data from December 2020 to April 2021, Grand Falls Dune Field, Arizona Aircraft-Borne Thermal Imagery and Derived Terrain Analysis Layers, Pisgah Lava Field, California (COPY) Oblique Thermal Imaging of the Pisgah Lava Field, California Acquired March 2010 (COPY) NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2019 Oskjuvatn LiDAR A Geologic Field Guide to S P Mountain and its Lava Flow, San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona StoryMap The Verde Valley, North-Central Arizona: A Terrestrial Mars Analog for Water-Lava Interactions StoryMap NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2015-2019 Baugur LiDAR NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2019 and 2021 Askja Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Observations Imagery, soil temperature and humidity profiles, and meteorological data from December 2020 to April 2021, Grand Falls Dune Field, Arizona Grand Falls, Arizona: Dune Field Sand Transport 2013 - 2016 Grand Falls, Arizona: Dune Field Sand Transport 2017 - 2019 Sensor Data from Monitoring the Cooling of the 2014–2015 Lava Flow and Hydrothermal System at Holuhraun, Iceland Oblique Thermal Imaging of the Pisgah Lava Field, California Acquired March 2010 (COPY) Aircraft-Borne Thermal Imagery and Derived Terrain Analysis Layers, Pisgah Lava Field, California (COPY) NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2019 Oskjuvatn LiDAR NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2015-2019 Baugur LiDAR A Geologic Field Guide to S P Mountain and its Lava Flow, San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona StoryMap NASA GIFT Iceland Highlands: 2019 and 2021 Askja Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Observations The Verde Valley, North-Central Arizona: A Terrestrial Mars Analog for Water-Lava Interactions StoryMap Visible, Near Infrared, Shortwave Infrared and Thermal Infrared Laboratory Spectra of Samples of Compositionally Variable Dune Fields in the Western United States and Alaska