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___Animal Health Diagnostics & Surveillance
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Nest number, description of nest structure and location, longitude, latitude, dates of observations, presence of adults, eggs, nestlings, outcome of reproductive effort, number of young fledged, and osprey nest platforms occupied by Canada geese.
This study examined effects of the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) on the avian endocrine system. Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) were exposed to multiple doses of HBCD over multiple generations through feed and by maternal deposition into the egg. Liver transcriptomes were examined to identify genes and pathways directly affected by HBCD to better understand the mechanisms of action in birds. RNA was extracted from liver of adults and embryos and analyzed (1x50 bp) on an Illumina HiSeq 2000. NCBI Biosample accessions and the raw counts that were input into the differential expression analysis are provided in this dataset. The raw sequence data are available at the NCBI Sequence Read...
The information provided in the Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates (CEE-TV) Database profiles available geo-referenced information on contaminant exposure and effects in terrestrial vertebrates along the U. S. Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts (including Hawaii and Alaska) and the Great Lakes.
Biological indicators including morphometric (length, weight), age, sex and health indicators including organismal (health assessment index, condition factor), organ (hepatosomatic index, gonadosomatic index), cellular (intersex, parasite density, macrophage aggregate density), subcellular (plasma vitellogenin, estradiol, testosterone, 11-keto testosterone) and molecular (hepatic transcript abundance) were measured in smallmouth bass from tributaries in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Total mercury was measured in these fish and correlations between mercury and biological indicators were assessed.
Decades of poor reproductive success and young-of-the-year recruitment, in addition to adult mortality, has led to a decline in the smallmouth bass (SMB) population in subwatersheds of the Potomac River. Previous studies have identified numerous biologic and environmental stressors associated with negative effects on SMB health. To better understand the impact of these stressors, the current study was conducted from 2013-2019 to identify temporal changes associated with SMB reproductive health. Grab surface water samples were collected and analyzed for over 300 organic contaminants, including pesticides, phytoestrogens, pharmaceuticals, hormones and total estrogenicity (E2Eq). Adult SMB were collected and sampled...
Chemically intensive crop production depletes wildlife food resources, hinders animal development, health, survival, and reproduction, and it suppresses wildlife immune systems, facilitating emergence of infectious diseases with excessive mortality rates. Gut microbiota is crucial for wildlife’s response to environmental stressors. Its composition and functionality are sensitive to diet changes and environmental pollution associated with modern crop production. In the study entitled Exposure to crop production alters cecal prokaryotic microbiota, inflates virulome and resistome in wild prairie grouse we use shotgun metagenomics to demonstrate that exposure to modern crop production detrimentally affects cecal...
The data were gathered as part of a long-term, seasonal assessment of estrogenicity in selected locations within Pennsylvania from 2012-2017. Data were collected over this time frame to determine seasonal and annual changes in surface water estrogenicity.Estrogen is reported as estrogen equivalents (EEQ) as determined by a bioluminescent yeast estrogen screen. A total of 193 grab water samples were collected during this time of which 41% had EEQ above the limit of detection. The maximum estrogen equivalents (EEQ) measured was 5.44 ng EEQ/ L, while the median concentration was 0.44 ng/L. POCIS samplers were deployed at a number of sites to determine time-weighted estrogenicity between 2014 and 2017. A total of 150...
Histopathological assessments of young-of-the-year smallmouth bass (YOY SMB) in the Susquehanna River drainage identified a high prevalence of the myxozoan Myxobolus inornatus. This myxozoan infects the connective tissue of the muscle below the skin but is sometimes observed in the esophagus and buccal cavity. In some instances, shallow infections cause breaks in the skin which could increase the chance of opportunistic bacterial infections. Several microbial pathogens including Flavobacterium columnare, Aeromonas spp. and largemouth bass virus (LMBV) have also been cultured from clinically diseased YOY. A multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay was developed to determine potential co-localization...
This data set is from a study examining the flow of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) through food webs. The data are PFAS concentrations in gastrointestinal contents of tree swallows.
In 2016, smallmouth bass were collected from three sites in the Lake Erie drainage in Erie County, Pennsylvania and an out-of-basin site in the Allegheny River drainage in order to assess reproductive health and identify endocrine disruption responses. Pieces of liver and gonad were taken in Z-Fix and RNALater for histology and transcript abundance analysis. A landscape analysis was conducted for the immediate and upstream catchments with 2016 land cover data. Correlations between biological variables and transcripts were made in addition to differences between sites. The results showed that males had biological variables that correlated with transcripts associated with endocrine disruption and a high rate of testicular...
In the fall of 2005, dead and dying great blue herons (Ardea herodias) exhibiting emaciation, lethargy, inability to fly and a hard abdomen (steatitis confirmed at necropsy) were observed at Poplar Island and nearby Coaches Island (Rattner et al. 2006). Birds were hand captured at or near impoundments (cells) and ponds that contained large algal blooms, and because of poor prognosis were euthanized. Seemingly healthy great blue herons were subsequently collected at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. Blood and fecal samples were collected, and submitted to Antech Diagnostics (Lake Success, New York) for Avian/Exotic Combined Blood Count, Comprehensive Avian Chemistries, Fecal Cultures and Vitamin E analysis. Liver...
We report a draft genome of a previously undescribed calicivirus from a single brown bullhead inhabiting Lake Memphremagog, Vermont/Quebec. The genome is 7413 nt in length and is most similar to the Atlantic salmon calicivirus (nucleotide identity; 64.7%).
A number of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) have been reported to interfere with the thyroid signaling pathway and cause oxidative stress in birds, yet the underlying shifts in gene expression associated with these effects remain poorly understood. In this study, we measured hepatic transcriptional responses of 31 genes in American kestrel hatchlings following in ovo exposure to one of three high-volume alternative BFRs: 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy) ethane (BTPBE), bis(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), or 2-ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (EHTBB). Hatchling kestrels exhibited shifts in the expression of genes related to oxidative stress (CYP, GSTA, SOD, GPx), thyroid hormone metabolism...
Disease outbreaks, skin lesions, fish kill events, and reproductive abnormalities have been observed in wild populations of bass in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Occurrence of synthetic and natural hormones from wastewater treatment plants and livestock operations, pesticides from agricultural lands, and phytoestrogens from cover crops have been implicated as potential causes of these adverse effects. Late summer to fall is the period of early gonad recrudescence in adult bass when spermatogenesis and oogenesis begin for the upcoming spawning event in spring. Our objective was to assess whether early gonad recrudescence was a period of sensitivity for inducing immunomodulation. Adult largemouth bass (LMB; Micropterus...
Data described herein was collected by USGS personnel and the project funded by USGS and the National Park Service (Catoctin Mountain Park) through a FY14 NRPP project involving both agencies and developed to detect the presence and prevalence of ranavirus and chytrid pathogens among amphibians of Catoctin Mountain Park (CATO). Supplemental molecular analyses were performed on behalf of LSC by the molecular biology laboratory at Hagerstown Community College whereby students performed the molecular diagnostic testing and provided the raw data to LSC for analysis. There is no data sharing agreement specifying ownership, but the data was presented to the NPS CATO staff to help guide their management decision-making...
Monitoring wild fish health and associated exposure effects in regions where agriculture and development have impacted rivers and streams has become a valuable research tool. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) are a sensitive, indicator species that exhibit symptoms of immunosupression and endocrine disruption in response to water quality changes and contaminant exposure. In the Susquehanna River drainage, smallmouth bass have been used in biomonitoring assessments to help understand changes in the population due to poor young-of-the-year recruitment and health effects. To help determine effects of agriculture and development on smallmouth bass health, two sites (a developed/agriculture site and a forested site)...
The dataset are the results of studies examining the osmoregulatory physiology of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus). Two experiments were conducted on physiological responses to salinity change, and another experiment on the effects of cortisol treatment on osmoregulation.
-Test subject identification information (sample collection site and date, test subject identification number, and sample number) -Clotting time parameters and comments (prothrombin time, Russell’s viper venom time, fibrinogen concentration, and coefficient of variation for replicate analyses)
Data described herein was collected by USGS personnel and the project funded by USGS. Northern snakehead specimens were collected from the Potomac River and its tributaries by regional natural resource management agencies in the course of their field investigations working with this priority invasive aquatic species. Specimens were provided to USGS for the purpose of conducting health related assessments of northern snakehead in the region, with approximately 90 specimens evaluated grossly and histologically for the presence of lesions and abnormalities. Data presented here was collected seasonally (spring through fall) in 2006 and from 2015 to 2017. Data for each specimen includes date and location of collection,...

map background search result map search result map Assessing Exposure, Physiological Effects, and Geographic Scope of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in the Critically Endangered California Condor Physiological and Endocrine Responses of Hatchling American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) following Embryonic Exposure to Technical Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (C10-13) Physiological changes in response to salinity and cortisol treatment in Atlantic sturgeon Presence and prevalence of pathogens among amphibians of Catoctin Mountain Park, 2014 Biological variables and liver and testes transcript abundance from smallmouth bass sampled in the Lake Erie drainage, Pennsylvania (2016) Presence/Absence of Myxobolus inornatus, Aeromonas spp., and Flavobacterium spp. in Young-of-the-Year Smallmouth Bass with Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Estrogen equivalents of surface water in Pennsylvania, 2012-2017 Data Supporting: Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel Calicivirus from a Brown Bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) from Lake Memphremagog, VT Health assessment of invasive northern snakehead in the Potomac River drainage, 2006 - 2017 Characterizing microbiota, virulome, and resistome of wild prairie grouse in crop producing and uncultivated areas of Nebraska Great Blue Heron collection at Poplar Island Complex and Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex Water Chemistry and Smallmouth Bass Biological Data From the Potomac River, Dargan, Maryland, 2013-2019 Hepatic gene expression transcript counts in liver samples of American kestrels Biological Indicators and Mercury Concentrations in Smallmouth Bass The Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV) Effects of estrogens and atrazine on functional immune responses of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in tree swallow gut contents Water Chemistry and Smallmouth Bass Biological Data from Pine Creek and West Branch Mahantango Creek, Pennsylvania, 2015-2019 Transcriptomic Responses to Hexabromocyclododecane in Japanese Quail Osprey Reproduction in vicinity of the Choptank River 2024 Effects of estrogens and atrazine on functional immune responses of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) Transcriptomic Responses to Hexabromocyclododecane in Japanese Quail Physiological and Endocrine Responses of Hatchling American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) following Embryonic Exposure to Technical Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (C10-13) Water Chemistry and Smallmouth Bass Biological Data From the Potomac River, Dargan, Maryland, 2013-2019 Presence and prevalence of pathogens among amphibians of Catoctin Mountain Park, 2014 Physiological changes in response to salinity and cortisol treatment in Atlantic sturgeon Assessing Exposure, Physiological Effects, and Geographic Scope of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in the Critically Endangered California Condor Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in tree swallow gut contents Osprey Reproduction in vicinity of the Choptank River 2024 Data Supporting: Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel Calicivirus from a Brown Bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) from Lake Memphremagog, VT Health assessment of invasive northern snakehead in the Potomac River drainage, 2006 - 2017 Hepatic gene expression transcript counts in liver samples of American kestrels Great Blue Heron collection at Poplar Island Complex and Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex Biological variables and liver and testes transcript abundance from smallmouth bass sampled in the Lake Erie drainage, Pennsylvania (2016) Characterizing microbiota, virulome, and resistome of wild prairie grouse in crop producing and uncultivated areas of Nebraska Biological Indicators and Mercury Concentrations in Smallmouth Bass Estrogen equivalents of surface water in Pennsylvania, 2012-2017 Presence/Absence of Myxobolus inornatus, Aeromonas spp., and Flavobacterium spp. in Young-of-the-Year Smallmouth Bass with Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Water Chemistry and Smallmouth Bass Biological Data from Pine Creek and West Branch Mahantango Creek, Pennsylvania, 2015-2019 The Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV)