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_ScienceBase Catalog
__US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
____Migratory Birds
_____Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management
______USFWS MBM Alaska Waterfowl Program
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This is the YKD egg observation data summarized into yearly stats on mean initiation and hatch dates for various species. This file is produced from the R code eggs.R.
This product contains the transcribed count data from the Alaska Izembek Winter Brant Survey. These data were produced from transcribed georeferenced voice recordings using customized software developed by John Hodges (Program Record, Program Transcribe).
Between September and November each year, nearly the entire world population of Pacific black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) stages at Izembek Lagoon and surrounding estuaries (hereafter: Izembek Complex). The Izembek Complex is a unique area of protected brackish waters, supporting one of the world’s largest eelgrass beds and a diverse array of wildlife. The Alaska Fall Brant Survey has been conducted annually since 1976 in late-September through October, to provide an index of abundance for the entire post-breeding Pacific black brant population (Branta bernicla nigricans), while secondarily, providing annual fall population indices for cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii), emperor geese (Anser canagicus), and...
The daily boat tracks of the 2000-2002 winter skiff-based double-sampling surveys were recorded to an onboard computer using the custom survey software RECORD (John I. Hodges, FWS-MBM-Alaska, retired). The tracks were recorded by capturing the skiff’s location from a GPS every five seconds as long as the software was running. The software was started at some time between the boat’s engine start and the start of the survey, and was shut down at some time between the end of the survey and engine shut-down. The tracks may thus include the boat’s travel to and from the home base. Note that the 2001 boat tracks are missing.
The Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey was an aerial survey conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Alaska Region (MBM-AK) and partners to monitor the status of trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) in Alaska. It was first conducted in 1968 and then repeated at five-year intervals from 1975 through 2015. The objectives of the survey were to estimate the abundance, distribution (1968–2005 only), and productivity of trumpeter swans in late summer, when the swans were dispersed on breeding territories and cygnets were large enough to be easily counted from the air. Estimates were obtained for the abundance of white swans (swans >1 year old), cygnets, and total swans, as well...
The Alaska Swan Survey Protocol was first produced by MBM-AK sometime in the 1980s to describe a standardized method of conducting aerial swan surveys in Alaska. It was last updated in 2007. The protocol was not exclusive to the statewide Alaska Trumpeter Swan Surveys described in these metadata; however, it did generally describe these surveys’ flying technique and data collection methods.
This is the GeoPackage (“TMG_AdditionalArea_Trans.gpkg”) that contains the layer (“main.TMG_Area_Trans”) depicting the spatial extent of the four Additional Survey Area transects that are surveyed during the annual MBM-AK TLSA molting goose aerial surveys. This GeoPackage (NAD83; ESPG: 3338) was created by Michael Swain in August 2021 and subsequently emailed to Maggie Harings. It includes waterbody units, waterbody types, and waterbody perimeter as well as their areas.Transects do not exist for Cape Simpson as this area is adequately assessed by conducting aerial surveys for lakes only. Piasuk River Delta area is surveyed using a combination of aerial lake surveys and transects. Colville River Delta and Atigaru...
This is the quality controlled YKD salinity data for fixed and random plots 2006 - 2019. These data are quality controlled using the R code in the file ‘YKDsalinity_QC.R’ to produce the data used for analysis and sharing (‘YKDsalinity_QC.R’). These data should be what is used for analysis or distributed on request.
Observer-specific population indices for the USFWS Region Migratory Bird Management Arctic Coastal Plain study area. The survey consists of low-level aerial observations of waterfowl on a stratified strip transect design. The resulting data frame is several indices separated by observer and calculated using a standard ratio estimator. These data are output from the R package AKaerial and are also available within that package, see The data used to produce these estimates contain known errors. Many but not all of these errors are corrected within the R package AKaerial. These data are presented for historical purposes only. See and comments within...
This collection contains the original “raw” survey data that were recorded and transcribed by each observer during the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (YKD) Aerial Breeding Pair Survey. Left-front and right-front seat observers recorded data on geese, swans, and cranes since 1985, while data on eiders, ducks, and waterbirds was recorded by a right-rear seat observer since 1989. These raw transcribed data should be used to produce updated quality-control (QC) datasets by running the quality assurance/quality control script “AKaerial.R” whenever the quality control procedures are revised or modified. The data files in this collection were named using the following naming convention: YKD(YKG)YYYY_RawObs_OOOO, where YKD=Duck...
This R code (PrepData.R) is used to process the quality controlled legacy nest card data (1985 - 2019) together with the observer names data to produce a capture history data set plot searched twice in 1995 to 1999. Second searches of plot are defined by the PLOTTYPE = “R2” in the nest cards data. Matches are define by the PREVIOUSOBS and PREVIOUSNEST field in the nest card data set but a large number of quality control issue arise in this process and are resolve as detailed in this code. This code produces a data file “chdata.csv” that defines the capture history for each nest and is used as input to Program MARK and JAGS for model fitting and detection estimation. Basic operations include reconciling species and...
This contain a zip folder of comma delimited (CSV) files for each of the 19 tables in the report. It is produced automatically upon compiling the R Quarto code. Column headers are difference than in the tables in the report but order is exactly the same. Refer to the report to understand meaning of the columns. Each cell of the tables contain a management index estimate or the standard error of the estimate.
This project is an annual communicating memo explicitly designed to inform the Alaska Migratory Bird Comanagement Council and related partners of the survey results and subsequent population index for emperor geese (Anser canagicus) for incorporation of the data into the harvest management strategy and regulatory processes. This memorandum is additionally shared widely with partners outside the USFWS. The major products are an annual report in .pdf format and the associated R Markdown generating code.
Combined population indices of ducks and loons (YKD) and geese and swans (YKG) for the USFWS Region Migratory Bird Management Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey study area in a combined csv format. The survey consists of low-level aerial observations of waterfowl on a stratified strip transect design. The resulting data frame is several indices combined over observers (or single observer in years where estimates were not combined) and calculated using a standard ratio estimator. These data are output from the R package AKaerial and are also available within that package, see
Dusky Canada geese (Branta canadensis occidentalis) comprise one of the smallest populations of geese in North America and their breeding range is limited to Prince William Sound, primarily the Copper River Delta, and Middleton Island, Alaska. The Alaska Region of Migratory Bird Management initiated an aerial breeding pair survey on the Copper River Delta in 1986 after reported declines in the abundance of dusky Canada geese on their nesting and wintering grounds. Since 2008, the Pacific Flyway Council uses results of the aerial breeding pair survey, together with Middleton Island ground counts conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, as a management index to determine optimal hunting regulations. Survey...
Dusky Canada geese (Branta canadensis occidentalis) comprise one of the smallest populations of geese in North America and their breeding range is limited to Prince William Sound, primarily the Copper River Delta, and Middleton Island, Alaska. The Alaska Region of Migratory Bird Management initiated an aerial breeding pair survey on the Copper River Delta in 1986 after reported declines in the abundance of dusky Canada geese on their nesting and wintering grounds. Since 2008, the Pacific Flyway Council uses results of the aerial breeding pair survey, together with Middleton Island ground counts conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, as a management index to determine optimal hunting regulations. Survey...
In many areas surveyed during the North American WBPHS, ground surveys are conducted in conjunction with the aerial surveys to derive annual visibility correction factors (VCFs) for the aerial survey crews, which are used during analyses to adjust for detection bias. Due to the remoteness of strata 1–12, ground surveys are not conducted there. Instead, a set of fixed VCFs by species and basic habitat type (strata 1–7 = boreal forest; strata 8–11 = tundra; stratum 12) are used. The fixed VCFs that were used through 1991 were derived from work done in WBPHS prairie strata. During the years 1985–1991, efforts were made by the FWS Division of Migratory Bird Management-Alaska Region (MBM-Alaska) to develop more appropriate...
WBPHS_Stratum_Areas.csv is a table that lists the area measurements (in square miles) for strata 1-12, as measured and adopted by survey designers in 1974. These measurements are used by MBM-AK in analyses to produce bird abundance estimates by species and stratum.

map background search result map search result map Mean initiation and hatch from Egg Data 1985 - 2019 Alaska Yukon Delta Pond Salinity Data 2006 - 2019 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data Alaska Izembek Brant Winter Aerial Survey Raw Observations 2012-Present Alaska Izembek Fall Brant Aerial Survey 1976-Present Southeast Alaska Nearshore Winter Boat Tracks 2000 and 2002 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 1986-2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Protocol 2007 Teshekpuk Lake Alaska Molting Goose Additional Survey Area Transects GeoPackage Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Species Visibility Correction Factors data Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Stratum Areas data Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Survey Expanded Index Estimates 2007-present Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Distance Sampling Field Protocol Alaska Yukon Delta Double Observer Nest Card Quality Control R Code Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Raw Transcribed Data 2024 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices R Quarto Code 2024 Alaska Emperor Goose Population Index Update Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Combined Index Estimates 1985 to present Alaska Copper River Delta Aerial Dusky Canada Goose Breeding Pair Survey Alaska Copper River Delta Aerial Dusky Canada Goose Breeding Pair Survey Combined Index Estimates 1986 to present Alaska Izembek Fall Brant Aerial Survey 1976-Present Alaska Copper River Delta Aerial Dusky Canada Goose Breeding Pair Survey Alaska Copper River Delta Aerial Dusky Canada Goose Breeding Pair Survey Combined Index Estimates 1986 to present Alaska Izembek Brant Winter Aerial Survey Raw Observations 2012-Present Alaska Yukon Delta Pond Salinity Data 2006 - 2019 Teshekpuk Lake Alaska Molting Goose Additional Survey Area Transects GeoPackage Mean initiation and hatch from Egg Data 1985 - 2019 Alaska Yukon Delta Nest Plot Distance Sampling Field Protocol Alaska Yukon Delta Double Observer Nest Card Quality Control R Code Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Raw Transcribed Data Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Combined Index Estimates 1985 to present Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Survey Expanded Index Estimates 2007-present Southeast Alaska Nearshore Winter Boat Tracks 2000 and 2002 Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Species Visibility Correction Factors data Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Stratum Areas data Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey 1986-2015 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Protocol 2007 2023 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices Tabular Data 2024 Alaska Goose, Swan, and Crane Population Indices R Quarto Code 2024 Alaska Emperor Goose Population Index Update