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__US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
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_____Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management
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The Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Breeding Pair Survey provides data on distribution, abundance, and trend of 33 bird species that nest in northern Alaska. The survey has been conducted in its current form annually since 2007. Methods follow the standard operating procedures for the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey. Primary uses of the survey data are to evaluate recovery status of Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri) and Steller’s Eider (Polysticta stelleri), as well as monitor species of conservation concern including Lesser Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens), Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii), Red-throated Loon (G. stellata), and Black Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans). Survey data are...
The roselaari subspecies of Red Knot is one of the rarest shorebird populations breeding in North America, based on a the current population size estimate of 17,000 individuals (Carmona et al 2013). As a result of suspected declines,the roselaari subspecies has been designated as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada and was petitioned for listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to not conduct a full status review for listing was based on the lack of substantial information identifying threats and population trends (USFWS 2011). The apparent low population size coupled with the scarcity of information on many demographic and...
This dataset, SummerSimplified.csv, contains the bird and marine mammal data collected during the 1997-2002 aerial summer Southeast Alaska Nearshore Waterbird Survey, edited for quality-control (QC) purposes. During the QC process, observations of the same species that were less than 0.3 nautical miles apart were merged. Species codes of certain species were changed to a group code, e.g., scoter-specific species (BLSC, SUSC, WWSC) to SCOT. Species that were considered inadequately surveyed due to detection issues or inappropriateness of the survey design were removed.
The daily flight tracks of the 1997-2002 aerial winter Southeast Alaska Nearshore Waterbird Survey were recorded to an onboard computer using the custom survey software RECORD (John I. Hodges, FWS-MBM-Alaska, retired). The tracks were recorded by capturing the plane’s location from a GPS every five seconds as long as the software was running. The software was started at some time between the aircraft’s engine start and the start of the survey, and was shut down at some time between the end of the survey and engine shut-down. The tracks thus may include the aircraft’s flight to and from the airport base. Note that the 1997 flight tracks are missing.The track files in all years except 2002 are named TRMMDDYY_AIR.csv,...
The Alaska Swan Survey Protocol was first developed by MBM-AK (James G. King, retired) in the 1960s to describe a standardized method of conducting aerial swan surveys in Alaska. Documentation of the protocol was last updated in 2007. All the swan survey data in the Alaska Swan Database were collected using this protocol.
From 1981 to 2009, MBM-AK collaborated with its partner, U.S. Forest Service Cordova Ranger District, to conduct spring nesting and late-summer trumpeter swan surveys on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. An annual summary report was produced by MBM-AK. As of the date that this metadata was written, only the 2004-2009 reports were available in digital format and archived in the FWS Alaska Regional Data Repository (AK_Swan_Database project). All the reports in paper format are available upon request from MBM-AK (see contact information elsewhere in this metadata).
The Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey data files (AK_TRUS_Data_YYYY.csv, where YYYY = survey year) include a field called “Contrib,” which indicates the organization that collected the data. Each organization is identified by a numeric code. Contrib_Codes_AK_TRUS_Survey.csv defines the data-contributor codes that were entered in the Contrib field.
This is the GeoPackage (“TMG_AdditionalAreas.gpkg”) that contains the layer (“main.TMG_NewAreas”) depicting the spatial extent of the four Additional Survey Areas that are assessed during the annual MBM-AK TLSA molting goose aerial surveys. This GeoPackage (NAD83; ESPG: 3338) was created by Michael Swain in August 2021 and subsequently emailed to Maggie Harings. It includes waterbody units, waterbody types, and waterbody perimeter as well as their areas.
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: ALPINE/TUNDRA, ALPINE/TUNDRA, ALPINE/TUNDRA, ALPINE/TUNDRA, ALPINE/TUNDRA, All tags...
This GeoPackage, WBPHS_Strata.gpkg, contains the approximate WBPHS survey design stratum boundaries for Alaska and Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory (i.e., strata 1 through 12). Strata 1-12 were adopted in 1974 and are applied retroactively to all years of data during analyses. The strata and measurements in this GeoPackage are not accurate, because MBM-AK has been unable to locate clear, unequivocal documentation of the exact boundary delineations that were measured and adopted in 1974. Multiple versions of historical paper maps and blueprints exist on which survey designers drew stratum boundaries; however, the maps do not include documentation on what the drawn boundaries represent, i.e., whether they were draft...
The code repository for the quality controll processing, data creation, modelling, and mapping or trend estimation is at The full history of the quality control process and issues is documented in R code file in this repository. Please report any addition errors to and follow update of this repositiry to keep track of new errors and updates to data sets, maps, or trend estimates.
This collection of files contains the reports that were produced when the raw data were quality-checked against the defined standards in the “Transcribed Data Dictionary” using the “GreenLight” function of the R Package “AKaerial.” The QC log files document the quality control process, data standards, and what changes (if any) were made in the QC data compared to the raw data. Each log file was named following the same file naming conventions: SSS_YYYY_QCLog_OOOO_yyyy-mm-dd, where; YKD = Duck data, YKG = Goose data or YYY=Year, OOOO = observer’s first initial and last name,yyyy-mm-dd = year, month, and day the AKaerial.R (“GreenLight”) function in was most recently executed
This collection of files includes audio files downloaded directly from acoustic monitors in 2022, providing sound recordings of shorebird PRISM plots. Using automatic recorders allows for a consistent, unbiased, and regular data collection during the whole summer and will be used to verify PRISM survey data and determine if shorebirds can be monitored remotely using audiorecording devicies. Files are organized in folders by plot. These data do not represent all locations within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge where specific avian species may be present, as surveys only occurred in discrete survey plots. Additionally, individual birds may have went undetected within survey plots, as detectability was likely less...
This file provides data pertaining to occurrence (i.e., presence) of all bird species encountered during rapid surveys. Each record pertains to a unique species observed on a given plot. Therefore, survey plots may have more than one record when more than one species was observed on a given plot. Each species is listed only once per plot and includes species seen or heard both inside and outside (usually within 200 to 300 meters) plot boundaries (including species counted during PRISM surveys - see ‘ANWR PRISM rapid survey data’ and during nest survival surveys - see ‘file://’). These data do not represent all locations within the Arctic National Wildlife...
This file provides data collected during rapid surveys of both rapid and intensive plots, with each record pertaining to a unique sighting of a given shorebird species within a survey plot including information on species, number of individuals, and breeding status. Therefore, each survey plot may have multiple records when more than one sighting occurred. Each record also contains information pertaining to the survey plot including date and time of survey, survey conditions, survey location, and ecological and biological conditions of the survey plot.A portion of these data are available on ServCat ( of these data have been published in Lyons, J.E., S.C....
Protocol documents related to PRISM surveys conducted on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge including: 1) Saalfeld, S. T., H. R. Gates, S. C. Brown, K. M. Sowl, B. A. Andres, J. A. Johnson, J. E. Lyons, B. J. McCaffery, and R. B. Lanctot. 2022. Survey Protocol for the Arctic Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM). Version 1.0. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Anchorage, AK, 2) Saalfeld, S. T., H. R. Gates, S. C. Brown, K. M. Sowl, B. A. Andres, J. A. Johnson, J. E. Lyons, B. J. McCaffery, and R. B. Lanctot. 2022. Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM) – Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge Surveys (2015–2016), Version...
This file contains information on resightings of shorebird tagged in 2017 that were not recaptured to retrieve tagging device. Information included in the file includes date and time of resighting, location, and band combination.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential users of these data should first contact the data...
This file contains information on feather samples contained within the inventory including information on sample type, sample location, and associated banding information.These samples are maintained by USFWS and the feather samples in particular are part of the AviSample Network metadata repository (see Brlik et al. 2022. The reuse of avian samples: opportunities, pitfalls, and a solution. Ibis 164:343-349).Additional information for samples collected at Utqiagvik and in association with the tracking project can be found in the Utqiagvik shorebird project (file:// and shorebird tracking study archives (file://,...
This file provides final processed GPS location data for Pectoral Sandpipers tagged from 2018-2021 collected via the ARGOS website. Raw data files were processed with Lotek Argos-GPS Data Processor V3.18.A portion of these data are available on Movebank (American Golden-Plover:,path=study565443493; Dunlin:,path=study565467203; Pectoral Sandpiper:,path=study560144617; Red Phalarope:,path=study917593988; Semipalmated Sandpiper:,path=study606508137;...

map background search result map search result map Copper River Delta Swan Survey Reports Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Breeding Waterbird Aerial Survey 2007-Present Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Air QC Data 1997-2002 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Winter Flight Tracks 1997-2002 Alaska Swan Survey Protocol 2007 Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Contribution Codes Teshekpuk Lake Alaska Molting Goose Additional Survey Areas GeoPackage Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Strata geodata Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Survey Github Code Repository Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Raw Data Quality Reports Alaska Red Knot Breeding Ecology Nest Data 2010-Present Alaska Red Knot Breeding Ecology Brood Data 2010-Present ANWR PRISM acoustic data ANWR PRISM occurrence data Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM rapid survey data Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM protocols Alaska Shorebird Feather Samples Alaska Shorebird Tracking Study Resightings Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations PESA Alaska Red Knot Migration Study 2015-Present Alaska Red Knot Migration Study 2015-Present Copper River Delta Swan Survey Reports ANWR PRISM acoustic data ANWR PRISM occurrence data Teshekpuk Lake Alaska Molting Goose Additional Survey Areas GeoPackage Alaska Red Knot Breeding Ecology Nest Data 2010-Present Alaska Red Knot Breeding Ecology Brood Data 2010-Present Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Aerial Survey Raw Data Quality Reports Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM rapid survey data Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM protocols Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Breeding Waterbird Aerial Survey 2007-Present Southeast Alaska Nearshore Summer Air QC Data 1997-2002 Southeast Alaska Nearshore Winter Flight Tracks 1997-2002 Arctic Coastal Plain Aerial Survey Github Code Repository Waterfowl Breeding Population Habitat Survey Alaska Strata geodata Alaska Trumpeter Swan Survey Contribution Codes Alaska Swan Survey Protocol 2007 Alaska Shorebird Tracking Study Resightings Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations PESA Alaska Shorebird Feather Samples