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_ScienceBase Catalog
__US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
____Migratory Birds
_____Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management
______USFWS MBM Alaska Shorebird Program
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This file contains information on seasonal snow cover and water availability on long-term shorebird monitoring plots including date and time, location, and relative cover of snow, water, and land.A portion of these data are available on the NSF Arctic Data Center ( data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained...
This file provides information on shorebirds observed during 10-minutes point counts including date and time, location, weather information, and shorebird observations.These data do not represent all locations where specific avian species may be present, as surveys only occurred in discrete survey plots. Additionally, individual birds may have went undetected within survey plots, as detectability was likely less than 100%, and is a function of many variables, including differences in species, habitat, time-of-year, weather conditions, survey effort, and individual surveyor. The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended...
The primary objective of this project was to monitor the growth of shorebird chicks by recapturing them from hatch to fledgling in relation to food abundance and weather conditions. In 2014 and 2015, we attempted to estimate the impacts of trophic mismatch by experimentally creating late hatched broods by refrigerating eggs to delay hatch. Transmitters were then attached to adults and chicks to follow and recapture chick in order to estimate growth rates and survival (see annual protocol documents for further information).Information for the Utqiagvik chick monitoring study were obtained concurrently with information obtained for the Utqiagvik shorebird project and information on chicks and nests included in these...
This file provides data collected during ALMS surveys including date and time, location, and species observations.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Potential users of these data should first contact the data authors listed below, as potential biases may occur within the data depending on the intended use.General field methods...
Collection of photographs taken during PRISM field work on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photos include those taken of habitat within rapid survey plots (usually taken at the northwest corner of the rapid survey plot boundary), completed datasheets, and by crew members. Directories include ANWR_PRISM_plot_photos, ANWR_PRISM_datasheet_photos, ANWR_PRISM_other_photos. These data do not represent all locations within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge where specific avian species may be present, as surveys only occurred in discrete survey plots. Additionally, individual birds may have went undetected within survey plots, as detectability was likely less than 100%, and is a function of many variables, including...
Many North American shorebird species are experiencing significant population declines, but we have incomplete information about the population sizes and trends for most species. Conservation efforts are underway throughout the Hemisphere to reverse these declines, but we cannot measure the success of those efforts until we have an accurate assessment of population sizes and trends. The Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM) is a broad-scale, multi-national effort to monitor both the sizes and trends of shorebird populations ( PRISM also strives to describe the distribution and habitat...
This file provides final processed GPS location data for Whimbrel tagged from 2019-2022 collected via the ARGOS website. Raw data files were processed with Lotek Argos-GPS Data Processor V3.18 (2018-2021) or V4.2 (2022).The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential users of these data should first contact the data authors...
This file contains information on avian nests found during this study including species, date and time found, location, status, estimated incubation dates, tiny tag and camera monitoring and retrieval information, and nest fate. Note, that .ttd files viewed using Tinytag Explorer may have assessment times that are off by an hour, as the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. Also, in 2019 camera date and times were not set correctly prior to deployment. See fields...
This file contains information on incidental observations of lemmings and potential shorebird predators from 2018 and after by year including date and time, location, and predator or lemming observations. Data were separated by time period due to changes in methodologies that occurred in 2018.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential...
This file contains information on herbivore fecal counts by year including location, date, and fecal counts. These data were only collected from 2016-2019.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential users of these data should first contact the data authors listed below, as potential biases may occur within the data depending...
This file provides data pertaining to occurrence (i.e., presence) of all bird species encountered during rapid surveys on both rapid and intensive plots. Each record pertains to a unique species observed on a given plot. Therefore, survey plots may have more than one record when more than one species was observed on a given plot. Each species is listed only once per plot and includes species seen or heard both inside and outside (usually within 200 to 300 meters) plot boundaries (including species counted during PRISM surveys - see ‘YKD PRISM rapid survey data’).A portion of these data are available on ServCat ( of these data have been published in Lyons,...
This file provides final processed GPS Pinpoint location data for Semipalmated Sandpipers tagged in 2017. Raw data files were processed with PinPoint Host portion of these data are available on Movebank (American Golden-Plover:,path=study565443493; Dunlin:,path=study565467203; Pectoral Sandpiper:,path=study560144617; Red Phalarope:,path=study917593988; Semipalmated Sandpiper:,path=study606508137;...
This file contains information on blood and tissue samples contained within the inventory including information on sample type, sample location, and associated banding information.These samples are maintained by USFWS and the feather samples in particular are part of the AviSample Network metadata repository (see Brlik et al. 2022. The reuse of avian samples: opportunities, pitfalls, and a solution. Ibis 164:343-349).Additional information for samples collected at Utqiagvik and in association with the tracking project can be found in the Utqiagvik shorebird project (file:// and shorebird tracking study archives (file://,...
This file contains banding information on shorebird chicks captured or eggs collected including band number, sex and age, status, date and time captured, location of capture, band combination, morphological measurements, samples collected, and tagging information.A portion of these data are available on the NSF Arctic Data Center ( data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable...
Differential GPS locations of nest sites. Files organized by year. No manipulation of files has occurred, they are those directly received from Craig Tweedie or Stephen Escarzaga, The University of Texas at El Paso, Department of Biological Sciences.These files can be found in the raw data folder.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained...
This collection of files contains separate excel files for aquatic, dry, and mesic invertebrate samples each year from 2010-2021; additional file for data from 2008-2009. Files from 2010-2021 were produced by Aquatic Biology Associates and provide information on a variety of metrics. Metadata is included in the excel files. Files from 2008-2009 were produced by Brooke Hill.These files can be found in the raw data folder.A portion of these data are available on the NSF Arctic Data Center ( data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the...
This file contains information on shorebird nests found during Spoon-billed Sandpiper surveys including species, date found, location, and egg floatation information.These data do not represent all locations where specific avian species may be present, as surveys only occurred in discrete survey plots. Additionally, individual birds may have went undetected within survey plots, as detectability was likely less than 100%, and is a function of many variables, including differences in species, habitat, time-of-year, weather conditions, survey effort, and individual surveyor. The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that...

map background search result map search result map Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival nest data ANWR PRISM photographs Utqiagvik Alaska Incidental Observations 2018 to present Utqiagvik Alaska Herbivore Fecal counts Utqiagvik Alaska Joint Circumpolar Protocols Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM surveys Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM occurrence data Alaska Shorebird Blood Samples Alaska Shorebird Sample publications Alaska Shorebird Tracking study Pinpoint locations SESA Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations WHIM Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Chick Banding Utqiagvik Alaska differential GPS Nest Location data Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Survey Protocols Utqiagvik Alaska Snow and Water surveys Utqiagvik Alaska Summarized Invertebrate data files Spoon-billed Sandpiper Surveys Nest data from Near Kotzebue Alaska Spoon-billed Sandpiper surveys point count data from Near Kotzebue Alaska Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Chick Monitoring Study Utqiagvik Alaska Landbird Monitoring Surveys data Utqiagvik Alaska Landbird Monitoring Surveys data Utqiagvik Alaska Incidental Observations 2018 to present Utqiagvik Alaska Herbivore Fecal counts Utqiagvik Alaska Joint Circumpolar Protocols Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Chick Banding Utqiagvik Alaska differential GPS Nest Location data Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Survey Protocols Utqiagvik Alaska Snow and Water surveys Utqiagvik Alaska Summarized Invertebrate data files Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Chick Monitoring Study Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival nest data ANWR PRISM photographs Spoon-billed Sandpiper Surveys Nest data from Near Kotzebue Alaska Spoon-billed Sandpiper surveys point count data from Near Kotzebue Alaska Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM occurrence data Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM surveys Alaska Shorebird Tracking study Pinpoint locations SESA Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations WHIM Alaska Shorebird Blood Samples Alaska Shorebird Sample publications