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__US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
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_____Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management
______USFWS MBM Alaska Shorebird Program
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Collection of photographs taken during Utqiagvik chick monitoring field work. Photos include those taken of completed chick monitoring datasheets by year.Information for the Utqiagvik chick monitoring study were obtained concurrently with information obtained for the Utqiagvik shorebird project and information on chicks and nests included in these files is also contained within the Utqiagvik shorebird project archive (file:// If there are discrepancies between the files please use the information contained within the Utqiagvik shorebird project files. Additional information on chick growth was also obtained in 2013 by Kirsten Grond and is...
We have gathered information on all known recaptures and resightings of marked Dunlin throughout the East-Asian Australasian flyway, as well as opportunistically at other locations. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify regional connectivity patterns within and among subspecies of Dunlin migrating and wintering along the EAAF, (2) examine the regional connectivity patterns of Dunlin of unknown subspecies captured and marked at sites on the nonbreeding grounds, (3) examine recovery patterns of arcticola Dunlin initially captured on the NW and NE portions of their Alaska breeding range, (4) examine recovery patterns of arcticola males and females, (5) examine recovery patterns of arcticola Dunlin of different...
This file includes R code to select annual sampling units for nest survival analysis on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge using a stratified random sampling approach. We used the Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) procedure (Stevens and Olsen 2004) to obtain a spatially balanced sample of 28 plots in 2019 and 48 in 2022 within two of the four strata. In 2019, plots were equally allocated between wetland and moist strata, with 14 plots allocated to each. In 2022, additional plots were allocated to the moist stratum given the proportional availability on the landscape, with the final allocation being 30 moist plots and 18 wetland plots. We also selected an additional 20 “oversample” plots in each...
This file provides final processed GPS location data for American Golden-plovers tagged from 2018-2022 collected via the ARGOS website. Raw data files were processed with Lotek Argos-GPS Data Processor V3.18 (2018-2021) or V4.2 (2022).A portion of these data are available on Movebank (American Golden-Plover:,path=study565443493; Dunlin:,path=study565467203; Pectoral Sandpiper:,path=study560144617; Red Phalarope:,path=study917593988; Semipalmated Sandpiper:,path=study606508137...
This file provides information about each collection site including site name, location, principal investigator, and contact information.These samples are maintained by USFWS and the feather samples in particular are part of the AviSample Network metadata repository (see Brlik et al. 2022. The reuse of avian samples: opportunities, pitfalls, and a solution. Ibis 164:343-349).Additional information for samples collected at Utqiagvik and in association with the tracking project can be found in the Utqiagvik shorebird project (file:// and shorebird tracking study archives (file://,...
Collection of photographs taken during field work to equip adult shorebirds with tracking devices. Photos include those taken of adult shorebirds banded, completed datasheets, and by crew members.Directories include Tracking_study_banding_photos, Tracking_study_datasheet_photos, and Tracking_study_crew_photos.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or...
Beginning in 2003, we have conducted a long-term shorebird breeding ecology study at Utqiaġvik (formerly Barrow), Alaska. The objectives of this study are to (1) collect baseline data on temporal and spatial variability of shorebird diversity and abundance, (2) collect information on nest initiation and effort, replacement clutch laying, clutch and egg size, nest and chick survival, and other demographic traits of Arctic-breeding shorebirds, (3) establish a marked population of as many shorebird species as possible that will allow us to estimate adult survival, mate and site fidelity, and natal philopatry, and (4) relate weather, food availability, and predator and prey abundances to shorebird productivity and survival....
This file contains information on egg measurements from shorebird nests found during this study including location, date, and egg measurements.A portion of these data are available on the NSF Arctic Data Center ( data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential users of these data should first...
This collection contains files associated with data analysis of Dunlin brood survival found in Saalfeld, S.T., B.L. Hill, C.M. Hunter, C.J. Frost, and R.B. Lanctot. 2021. Warming Arctic summers unlikely to increase productivity of shorebirds through renesting. Nature Scientific Reports 11:15277.Directories include: input_files, output_files, R_code, program_mark_files, and figure_files. Found in the analysis_output folder on the RDR.Information for the Dunlin brood survival project were obtained concurrently with information obtained for the Utqiagvik shorebird project and information on chicks and nests included in these files may also be contained within the Utqiagvik shorebird project archive (file://
Image scans of feathers collected from 2006-2019. Naming convention for each photo is species code_band number_year. If more than one photo was taken of a given photo type, a unique letter was added to the end of the photo description.The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions, or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.Potential users of these data should first contact the...
Information on abundance, distribution, chronology, and habitat associations of birds at U.S. Air Force Long Range Radar Sites (USAF LRRS) and U.S. Navy lands is either outdated or lacking. In other situations, existing information has been obtained using a variety of incompatible methods thereby complicating the ability to discern changes to bird communities or the habitats they rely upon. Up-to-date information on the use of military lands by all bird species is important for both the Department of Defense (DOD) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Furthermore, updating avian inventories and implementing a standardized monitoring program across military lands helps USFWS-MBM by improving avian trend...
Publications that have used data collected during PRISM surveys on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
We conducted shorebird surveys following a double sampling protocol (Bart and Earnst 2002) on 16-ha plots in Alaska. Seventeen study plots were located on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (9 plots in 2001-2002 [McCaffery et al. 2012] and 8 plots in 2016), and 33 plots were located on the North Slope of Alaska (Utqiaġvik [6 plots, 2014–2015; R. Lanctot personal communication], the Colville River [20 plots, 1998–2001; Bart and Johnston 2012, Bart et al. 2013], and the Canning River [7 plots, 2002, 2004; Brown et al. 2007]).Data collected in 2016 at the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge were combined with 1) data provided by the Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM), and 2)...
This file provides data pertaining to bird nests found during surveys on rapid plots and includes information for each nest such as date found, species, location, and egg floatation data.A portion of these data are available on ServCat ( of these data have been published in Lyons, J.E., S.C. Brown, S.T. Saalfeld, J.A. Johnson, B.A. Andres, K.M. Sowl, R.E. Gill, Jr., B.J. McCaffery, L.R. Kidd, M. McGarvey, B. Winn, H.R. Gates, D.A. Granfors, and R.B. Lanctot. In press. Global importance of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, to breeding shorebirds. Ornithological Applications.These data do not represent all locations within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife...
This file provides final processed Argos location data for Red Phalaropes tagged in 2019 and 2020 collected via the ARGOS website. Raw data files were processed with the Microwave MTI Argos-GPS Parser.A portion of these data are available on Movebank (American Golden-Plover:,path=study565443493; Dunlin:,path=study565467203; Pectoral Sandpiper:,path=study560144617; Red Phalarope:,path=study917593988; Semipalmated Sandpiper:,path=study606508137;...
These datasets describe the inventory of feather and blood samples collected from shorebirds that were captured primarily in northern Alaska but also in other parts of the world where studies were conducted on migratory species that breed in Alaska. These samples are maintained by USFWS and the feather samples in particular are part of the AviSample Network metadata repository (see Brlik et al. 2022. The reuse of avian samples: opportunities, pitfalls, and a solution. Ibis 164:343-349).Additional information for samples collected at Utqiagvik and in association with the tracking project can be found in the Utqiagvik shorebird project (file://
The degradation of critical wintering and migratory stop-over sites is known to have direct consequences on the survival and reproductive condition of migratory shorebirds. However, little is known about migratory movements and connectivity of shorebird populations. By identifying migratory stop-over and wintering areas, we can begin to identify sites that should be conserved and evaluate the relative risks of development and climate change scenarios. Beginning in 2017, we initiated a project to track the migration movements of shorebird species using Argos, GPS, and Pinpoint tags. The primary objective of this study is to collect baseline information on movement patterns of shorebirds during the post-breeding period...
This file provides reference data pertaining to tagged shorebirds including information pertaining to tagged individual, tag type, and tag deployment. This file was created for upload into Movebank.A portion of these data are available on Movebank (American Golden-Plover:,path=study565443493; Dunlin:,path=study565467203; Pectoral Sandpiper:,path=study560144617; Red Phalarope:,path=study917593988; Semipalmated Sandpiper:,path=study606508137;...

map background search result map search result map Dunlin resightings and recaptures along the East-Asian Australasian flyway Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival plot selection ANWR PRISM publications Utqiagvik Alaska Joint Circumpolar Studies publications Alaska PRISM detection ratio samples Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM publications Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM nest data Alaska Shorebird Sample Inventory Alaska Shorebird Sample Study Site Information Alaska Shorebird Migration Tracking Study Alaska Shorebird Tracking study Argos locations REPH Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations AMGP Alaska Shorebird Tracking Study Reference data Alaska Shorebird Tracking Study photographs Utqiaģvik Alaska Shorebird Breeding Ecology Study Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Egg Measurements Utqiagvik Alaska Dunlin Brood Survival Analysis Shorebird Feather Scans from Alaska Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Chick Monitoring Photographs Avian Species Inventory and Monitoring at U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy lands near Point Barrow Alaska Avian Species Inventory and Monitoring at U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy lands near Point Barrow Alaska Utqiagvik Alaska Joint Circumpolar Studies publications Utqiagvik Alaska Dunlin Brood Survival Analysis Utqiaģvik Alaska Shorebird Breeding Ecology Study Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Egg Measurements Utqiagvik Alaska Shorebird Chick Monitoring Photographs Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival plot selection ANWR PRISM publications Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM publications Alaska Yukon Delta PRISM nest data Alaska PRISM detection ratio samples Shorebird Feather Scans from Alaska Alaska Shorebird Migration Tracking Study Alaska Shorebird Tracking study Argos locations REPH Alaska Shorebird Tracking study GPS locations AMGP Alaska Shorebird Tracking Study Reference data Alaska Shorebird Tracking Study photographs Dunlin resightings and recaptures along the East-Asian Australasian flyway Alaska Shorebird Sample Inventory Alaska Shorebird Sample Study Site Information