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This dataset contains the reference genome assembly, created from 23 Hawaiian hoary bats collected across the four Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai. These data were collected in order to examine the phylogenetic history and patterns of genetic variation in the Hawaiian hoary bat. The raw sequencing data are deposited to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under accession PRJNA559902. The data are archived in GenBank at the following URL: The data are stored in two files, one in a text-based FASTA format (HHB genome 2009-2015.fa) and the other in general feature format (HHB genome features 2009-2015.gff), both...
In Hawai‘i and other oceanic islands with few native land mammals, black rats (Rattus rattus) are among the most damaging invasive vertebrate species to native forest bird populations and habitats, due to their arboreal behavior and generalist foraging habitats and habitat use. We evaluated the nesting response of Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis; Monarchidae), a generalist insectivore, to the removal of black rats using rodenticide in a before-after-control-impact study in high and low, mesic montane habitat recovering from long-term damage from introduced ungulates and weeds. We monitored nesting and rat activity during 2015–2016 before applying diphacinone bait in 2017 to remove rats from two 700 x...
Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection tools are becoming increasingly popular for documenting occurrence and distribution of native and invasive species. These tools can allow early detection of new diseases and invasive species and provide critical information for land management. We designed two new samplers for monitoring airborne particulates, including fungal and fern spores and plant pollen, that rely on natural wind currents (Passive Environmental Sampler) or a battery operated fan (Active Environmental Sampler). This dataset contains results of an experiment that was designed to determine probability of detecting known numbers of Ceratocystis lukuohia spores on individual slides in these samplers.
Surveys for immature life stages of Papilio godeffroyi were conducted on 117 individually marked host trees (Micromelum minutum) in eight forest stands on Tutuila Island, American Samoa, at approximately monthly intervals during 2013-2014. The eight sites were mostly in or adjacent to the National Park of American Samoa (NPSA), but one stand was located near the western tip of Tutuila, outside NPSA. Specimens of immature Papilio (eggs, eggshells, larvae, pupae) and exuviae were collected during surveys and taken to the laboratory at American Samoa Community College for analysis, and in the case of living specimens, rearing. Sampling effort was measured in terms of number, area, and dry weight of host plant leaves...
We examined habitat use and foraging activity of the endangered Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), as well as nocturnal aerial insect abundance at Kaloko-Honōkohau National Historical Park located in the coastal region of Kailua-Kona, Hawai‘i Island. The study area covers approximately 486 ha of marine waters and terrestrial coastal plains. Hawaiian hoary bat echolocation vocalizations were recorded at seven acoustic stations between 1 and 10 m above sea level, that operated nightly from November 2013 through February 2015. This data set includes data derived from these acoustic recording stations. Each acoustic recording station was comprised of an acoustic recording unit (SM2Bat+ Song Meter Digital...
We created a comprehensive estimate of potential distribution for a subset of 17 ecosystem modifying invasive plants (EMIPs) in Hawaiʻi. This work uses methods that integrate a wide set of data sources including agency and citizen science data, but perhaps more importantly, the integration of regional and global distribution information for these species. We built three sets of ensemble species distribution models (SDMs) for each species. We first built global and regional ensemble distribution models for each species. Then, to create a comprehensive estimate of potential invasive species distribution for our study species in Hawaiʻi, we built nested regional models that integrate our global and regional ensemble...
Non-native passerines, common canary (Serinus canaria; n=24) and the common myna (Acridotheres tristis; n=19), were captured by US Fish and Wildlife Service Biologists on Sand Island, Midway Atoll, and had a blood sample taken to test for avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) infection. Blood samples were analyzed for the presence of avian malaria DNA using a Realtime PCR (qPCR) assay. No evidence of avian malaria was found in any of the bird samples.
This dataset provides high-resolution, species-specific land cover maps for the Hawaiian island of Lāna'i based on 2020 WorldView-2 satellite imagery. Machine learning models were trained on extensive ground control polygons and points. The land cover maps capture the distribution and diversity of vegetation with high accuracy to support conservation planning and monitoring. This data release consists of two child items, one containing the field and expert collected ground control data used to train our models, and another consisting of resulting land cover maps for the island of Lāna‘i. The research effort that generated these input data, and products are carefully described in the associated manuscript Berio Fortini...
We used an automated radio telemetry network to document the activity of radio telemetered Hawaiian forest birds in two study sites, one a continuous forest and the other a fragmented forest. Four bird species were studied: the nectarivorous ʻiʻiwi (Drepanis coccinea) and ʻapapane (Himatione sanguinea), the frugivorous ʻōmaʻo (Myadestes obscurus), and the generalist Hawaiʻi ʻamakihi (Chlorodrepani virens; hereafter ʻamakihi). In the continuous forest we also tracked two non-native species: the frugivorous red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), and the generalist warbling white-eye (Zosterops japonicus). Using sequential changes in radio signal strength we were able to estimate when birds were moving or resting....
Hawai‘i’s endangered waterbirds have experienced epizootics caused by ingestion of prey that accumulated a botulinum neurotoxin produced by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum (avian botulism; Type C). Waterbird carcasses, necrophagous flies, and their larvae initiate and spread avian botulism, a food-borne paralytic disease lethal to waterbirds. Each new carcass has potential to develop toxin-accumulating necrophagous vectors amplifying outbreaks and killing hundreds of endangered birds. Early carcass removal is an effective mitigation strategy for preventing avian intoxication, toxin concentration in necrophagous and secondary food webs, and reducing the magnitude of epizootics. However, rapid detection...
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents survival of endangered Portulaca sclerocarpa, percent cover of vegetation surrounding Portulaca sclerocarpa, as well as soil depth and soil temperature. All data were taken between 2011-2021 in the Puhimau Geothermal Area in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.
This dataset contains single nucleotide polymorphisim (SNP) genotypes for 23 Hawaiian hoary bats collected across four Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai. The data were collected in order to examine the phylogenetic history and patterns of genetic variation in the Hawaiian hoary bat. The raw sequencing data are deposited to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under accession PRJNA559902. The data are archived in GenBank at the following URL: Note to users: ordinary text editors cannot open large files, users are advised to utilize a specialized text editor (e.g., EmEditor) or genetic bioinformatic-type software...
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents water temperature and salinity measured at four core pools supporting the Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas) at Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park during 10 September-31 October 2016.
This data release contains the point-transect distance sampling records of Hawaii Akepa collected at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge in 2002, including survey point locations, distance to detected birds, number of detected birds, elevation, and alliance-level habitat classification. This data release consists of two tabular datasets, one that contains distances (described herein) and the other that contains locations, elevation, habitat and counts.
These data include metadata and associated data files associated with the manuscript, "Economical Environmental Sampler Designs for Detecting Airborne Spread of Fungi Responsible for Rapid ʽŌhiʽa Death." These data include a total of 8 datasets used for both controlled and field studies evaluating the use of Active (with battery operated fan) and Passive (dependent on wind) USGS Environmental Samplers on Hawaii Island between 2016-2018. Samplers were operated under controlled laboratory and field conditions with a commercial sampler (Rotorod® Model 20) to compare efficacy in capturing synthetic polyethylene spheres (12 - 160 µm in diameter) and also Xyleborus spp. boring dust (frass) known to contain the fungi responsible...
We designed two new samplers for monitoring airborne particulates, including fungal and fern spores and plant pollen, that rely on natural wind currents (Passive Environmental Sampler) or a battery operated fan (Active Environmental Sampler). Both samplers are modeled after commercial devices such as the Rotorod® and the Burkard samplers, but are more economical and require less maintenance than commercial devices. We compared our two new samplers to Rotorod® samplers using Xyleborus spp. boring dust known to contain ROD causing pathogens. The comparison was done in a large outdoor field cage to determine relative effectiveness of the three samplers for capturing windblown boring dust. The dataset contains results...
Mosquito-borne avian malaria is a key limiting factor on Hawaiian forest bird populations. Preservation of endemic forest birds and restoration of Hawaiian forest bird communities will rely on mosquito control. While landscape level control is being developed, managers need short term and reliable tools for monitoring and controlling mosquito populations to protect remaining breeding bird populations. As part of a larger study looking at the efficacy of the biopesticide VectoMax FG for control of larval Culex quinquefasciatus, USGS and DOFAW personnel monitored adult mosquitoes (Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes japonicus) along the Kawaikoi Stream during late summer, September through November 2016 and 2017. Ten...
The data contain the raw quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) results after pre-amplification by polymerase chain reaction for all Ceracystis lukuohia and huliohia testing of environmental DNA (eDNA) collected in Passive Environmental Samplers (PES).
LANDFIRE biophysical settings describe and map plant communities based on geophysical conditions and natural disturbance regimes (LANDFIRE 2016). This dataset is the ruleset used by Sofaer et al. (the related larger work for this data release) to simplify the many LANDFIRE categories within the Great Basin into fewer, coarser groups for the purpose of modeling.
Categories: Data; Tags: Great Basin, biogeography, biota
It is unclear whether DNA lysis buffers used for preservation of whole blood samples from Hawaiian forest birds cause denaturation and loss of antigen binding capability of antibody molecules. If their antigen binding capability is not affected, then the samples can be used in serological assays to provide an independent assessment of the accuracy of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) diagnostic tests for avian malaria. This data set provides derived Percent ELISA (Enzyme linked Immunosorbant Assay) Values calculated from adjusted absorbance measurements that were collected with a BioRad Model 3550 ELISA plate reader at a wavelength setting of 405 nm.

map background search result map search result map Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017 Hawaii Island Environmental Sampler Comparison 2016-2018 Ceratocystis lukuohia spore dilution for probit analysis Ceratocystis DNA Detection in Frass During Caged Sampler Comparison Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Hawaiian hoary bat acoustic data 2013-2015 Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii, Hawaii Akepa distance data, 2002 Derived ELISA Values for Hawaiian Island forest bird avian malaria detection using whole blood preserved in lysis buffer Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian hoary bat genome assembly data, 2009-2015 Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian hoary bat SNP genotype data, 2009-2015 Pre-Amplifcation qPCR Ceratocystis DNA Detections Kawaikoi Mosquito Dissections 2016-2017 Kaua‘i Avian Botulism Surveillance Track Data Hawaii Island bird activity from 2014 through 2019 Categorization rules used to coarsen LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings data into fewer groups for modeling invasive plant cover in the Great Basin Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Puhimau Geothermal Area vegetation and abiotic data, 2011-2021 Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Temporal changes in water conditions in four anchialine pools supporting Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly, 2016 Hawaiian Islands habitat suitability models for highly invasive plants based on global and regional data for baseline climate scenario (1990-2009) Lāna‘i Landcover Maps Samoan swallowtail, life history, sampling effort, 2013-2014 Midway Atoll survey of avian malaria prevalence in passerines 2023 Ceratocystis DNA Detection in Frass During Caged Sampler Comparison Kawaikoi Mosquito Dissections 2016-2017 Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Hawaiian hoary bat acoustic data 2013-2015 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Puhimau Geothermal Area vegetation and abiotic data, 2011-2021 Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Temporal changes in water conditions in four anchialine pools supporting Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly, 2016 Pre-Amplifcation qPCR Ceratocystis DNA Detections Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017 Ceratocystis lukuohia spore dilution for probit analysis Kaua‘i Avian Botulism Surveillance Track Data Lāna‘i Landcover Maps Hawaii Island bird activity from 2014 through 2019 Hawaii Island Environmental Sampler Comparison 2016-2018 Midway Atoll survey of avian malaria prevalence in passerines 2023 Derived ELISA Values for Hawaiian Island forest bird avian malaria detection using whole blood preserved in lysis buffer Hawaiian Islands habitat suitability models for highly invasive plants based on global and regional data for baseline climate scenario (1990-2009) Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian hoary bat genome assembly data, 2009-2015 Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian hoary bat SNP genotype data, 2009-2015 Categorization rules used to coarsen LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings data into fewer groups for modeling invasive plant cover in the Great Basin