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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center > PIERC Public Data Releases ( Show direct descendants )

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The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey (HFBS) systematically characterized plant and bird communities across transects spanning all major Hawaiian Islands except O‘ahu. This extensive dataset has now been organized into a database and associated geographic information system (GIS) layers. This baseline provides an opportunity to assess how forest ecosystems and their constituent bird and plant populations have changed over time. As part of the HaBiTATS (Hawaiian Biodiversity Trends Across Time and Space) project, a select area on Hawai‘i Island was surveyed in 2015 with the objective of demonstrating the potential of using the HFBS methodology to reassess the status of bird and plant communities across multiple geographic...
This dataset contains the point-transect distance sampling records of Hawaii Akepa collected at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge between 1987 and 2017. These data include the survey point locations, observer details, time of day, and sampling conditions during the counts. In addition, the data include the elevation and alliance level habitat classification at the survey points. Provided here in the data release is the single tabular dataset containing the project’s bird and habitat data.
List of all plant species found in, or adjacent to, plots K1 or K2 during all the sampling periods. Species recorded at least once during the vegetation transect surveys are marked with “Yes”. The taxonomy follows Wagner and others (2005).
We quantified the availability of breeding habitat of the endangered Hawaii Akepa (Loxops coccineus). The species is thought to nest excusively in natural cavities within mature ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) trees but birds commonly occur in short stature trees that presumably do not have any natural cavities because of their polyploidal (many-branched) structure. To test this hypothesis we searched for cavities in trees where akepa forage and we measured diameter of each stem of each tree examined. The habitat is in montane areas of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Mauna Loa volcano.We surveyed 57 plots, 49 in montane woodland and 8 in closed-canopy forest. Six tree cavities were detected in the 214 sampled trees:...
This data layer identifies the full mapping boundary for a vegetation map of the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Hakalau Forest Unit and adjacent lands, island of Hawaii.
Vegetation and ‘ōhi‘a mortality data collected during the 2016 survey of lower Puna District, Hawai`i. Data were collected at points along rural highways, secondary roads and residential streets where trained observers recorded the vegetation within a 50 m radius using the Jacobi (1989) rapid assessment. This description included tree crown cover, tree height, tree species composition, and ground cover or understory type. In addition, the proportion of dead ‘ōhi‘a was estimated, in 5% intervals, for each quarter of the station starting with the NE quadrant and proceeding counter clockwise.
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents the survival of fish or invertebrate exposed to carbon dioxide (CO2) gas treatment during aquarium trials. Aquarium trials were conducted with six taxa: guppies (Poecilia reticulata), western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Opae ula shrimp (Halocaridina rubra), feeble shrimp (Palaemon debilis) and a species of thiarid snail (Thiaridae). These results were part of a larger study aimed to test the efficacy of CO2 as a tool for managing invasive fish in anchialine pools.
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents changes in pH of anchialine pool water before, during and after diffusion of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. These results are part of a study testing the efficacy of CO2 as tool for eradicating invasive fish from anchialine pools. The trials were conducted at Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park and Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Hawaii, during 2021-2022.
This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents unique types of mandibles dissected from caterpillars collected from different plant species at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge during 2017-2018.
This data release includes data and metadata on 1) avian diet 2) seed rain 3) understory plant composition 4) seedling abundance and 5) sampling locations for these sites. In addition it includes data on seedling abundance, grass cover and light levels for a grass removal/seed addition experiment . All sites were within Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge on Hawaii Island. This study looked at multiple biotic interactions that potentially lead to self-reinforcing feedbacks within intact forest and degraded forest sites.
In this project, we assessed the potential for twelve coastal wetland sites on the island of Molokaʻi, Hawaiʻi, to provide socio-cultural resources and habitat for flora and fauna following restoration. In April 2022, a rapid field assessment of hydrology, soils, and vegetation was carried out at each of the wetland sites. In this data release, all the vegetation data collected during the rapid field assessment are provided. The vegetation datasets consist of three spreadsheets found in the "Attached Files" section. Each dataset has its own description.
Categories: Data; Tags: Molokai, biota, vegetation
It is unclear whether DNA lysis buffers used for preservation of whole blood samples from Hawaiian forest birds cause denaturation and loss of antigen binding capability of antibody molecules. If their antigen binding capability is not affected, then the samples can be used in serological assays to provide an independent assessment of the accuracy of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) diagnostic tests for avian malaria. This data set reports raw absorbance measurements that were collected with a BioRad Model 3550 ELISA plate reader at a wavelength setting of 405 nm for different dilutions of blood from an infected Hawaii Amakihi that were preserved in PBS (phosphate buffered saline), TEN (Tris-Ethylenediaminetetraacetic...
This data release includes data and metadata on seedling counts for native woody species, for plots that were established to monitor the efficacy of post-fire seed addition in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Island of Hawaiʻi. All plots were located in the burn scar of the 2018 Keauhou Fire in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, in the area known as the "Mauna Loa strip", located on the south flank of Mauna Loa.
These data provide geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and elevation of Passive Environmental Samplers (PES) that were deployed to detect airborne propagules of the invasive fungi that cause Rapid Ohia Death (Ceratocystis lukuohia and C. huliohia) and Ohia Rust (Austropuccina psidii).
This data release includes data and metadata on seedling abundance, composition, and rooting substrate within Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge on Hawaii Island. This study aims to evaluate the role of bryophytes in seedling recruitment and thus forest regeneration in different forest types. We compared bryophyte composition and coverage between tree species (Acacia koa and Metrosideros polymorpha) and forest types (intact forest and restoration forest) and then sampled native woody seedling recruitment in the bryophytes as well as other ground covers, such as leaf litter, bare soil, and exotic grass.
The publication "Invaders from Islands: Thermal Matching, Potential, or Plasticity?" is comprised of data derived from multiple datasets. These datasets include climatic and temperature variables used in ecological niche models for predicting suitable habitat for Leiocephalus carinatus in its invaded and native ranges. Also included are thermal tolerance measurements assessed in March 2020 for Leiocephalus carinatus from Key Largo and Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA. Additionally, we include weatherstation data for local minimum and maximum ambient temperatures for the experimentally assessed populations at short (months) and long (decades) timescales. The dataset "curly_thermal_limits" describes thermal tolerance data...
Hawaiian hoary bats ('ōpe'ape'a; Lasiurus semotus) were surveyed at 23 sites on Hawaiʻi Island from 33 to 2,341 m elevation from May 2018 to August 2021. Of the 23 sites, 8 were established as fixed survey sites for sampling at repeated intervals from January 2019 through January 2021. We surveyed each fixed site at least once per four month period (January–April, May–August, September–December), with a survey comprising one to three netting events. Additional opportunistic surveys were conducted at alternate locations or on alternate dates. We captured 138 unique bats (37 female, 101 male) and recaptured 10 bats over 224 mist-netting events. This data file includes data pertaining to mist netting effort locations,...
‘Ōpe‘ape‘a (Hawaiian hoary bats; Lasiurus semotus) were surveyed at 23 sites on Hawaiʻi Island from 33 to 2,341 m elevation from May 2018 to August 2021. Bats were captured using mist nets; once detangled from mist nets, bats were secured in cloth holding bags for up to 10 min before collecting age, sex, reproductive condition, mass, forearm length, and biological samples and marking individuals with split ring bands and attaching very high frequency (VHF) radio transmitters. We captured 138 uniquely identified individuals (37 female, 101 male), of which 10 were recaptured (4 female, 6 male) and an additional 10 were ensnared in nets and escaped, for a total of 158. This data file includes data related to individual...
This single raster dataset has five different bands, one band for each of the five Bioclim models computed, based on different subsets of the available CRB occurrence data including: 1) all available global data (excluding Hawaii); 2) only occurrences within CRB's native range; 3) only occurrences in the species non-native range (excluding Hawaii); 4) only occurrences in the species insular non-native range (excluding Hawaii).; and 5) only occurrences collected in Hawaii by the CRB response team. Detailed methods for each model are described in the associated xml metadata file.

map background search result map search result map Acoustic data for Hawaiˊi ˊamakihi (Chlorodrepanis virens) in Hakalau Forest NWR, Hawaiˊi, data collected in 2015 Occurrence of natural nest cavities in montane ohia trees in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Monitoring Hawaiian Biodiversity: Pilot study to assess changes to Hawaii Island forest birds and their habitat - 1977 vegetation structure dataset Molokai (Kawela) USGS ridge-to-reef vegetation monitoring study 2009-2014 – plant species list Vegetation and ‘ōhi‘a mortality data collected during the 2016 survey of lower Puna, Hawai`i Plant seedling composition, abundance and substrate data Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Hawaii Akepa point-transect surveys, 1987-2017 Effect of SDS and Proteinase K on whole blood preserved in lysis buffer for Hawaiian Island avian malaria detection, 2005-2006 Avian diet and vegetation data for Hakalau Forest, Hawaii, 2012-2016 Full map area for the vegetation map of the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Hakalau Forest Unit and adjacent lands, island of Hawaii, 2016. Florida invasive Leiocephalus carinatus ecological niche model, thermal environment, and thermal tolerance, 1991-2020 Geographic Locations and Elevations of Passive Environmental Samplers 2016 - 2017 Mandible types of caterpillars at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge CRB climate compatibility maps based on global and local species occurrences Hawai‘i Island ʻōpeʻapeʻa captures, 2018–2021 Hawaiʻi Island ʻōpeʻapeʻa mist netting effort, 2018–2021 Hawaii Island, carbon dioxide as a tool to manage invasive fish in anchialine pools, aquarium trials subject fate, 2020 Puuhonua o Honaunau and Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Parks, carbon dioxide as a tool to manage invasive fish in anchialine pools, field pH levels during treatment, 2021-2022 Molokaʻi, Hawai'i vegetation structure and plant species composition of coastal wetland sites 2022 Seedling counts, Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park Acoustic data for Hawaiˊi ˊamakihi (Chlorodrepanis virens) in Hakalau Forest NWR, Hawaiˊi, data collected in 2015 Occurrence of natural nest cavities in montane ohia trees in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Molokai (Kawela) USGS ridge-to-reef vegetation monitoring study 2009-2014 – plant species list Plant seedling composition, abundance and substrate data Avian diet and vegetation data for Hakalau Forest, Hawaii, 2012-2016 Seedling counts, Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park Mandible types of caterpillars at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Hawaii Akepa point-transect surveys, 1987-2017 Full map area for the vegetation map of the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge Hakalau Forest Unit and adjacent lands, island of Hawaii, 2016. Vegetation and ‘ōhi‘a mortality data collected during the 2016 survey of lower Puna, Hawai`i Monitoring Hawaiian Biodiversity: Pilot study to assess changes to Hawaii Island forest birds and their habitat - 1977 vegetation structure dataset Hawaii Island, carbon dioxide as a tool to manage invasive fish in anchialine pools, aquarium trials subject fate, 2020 Hawai‘i Island ʻōpeʻapeʻa captures, 2018–2021 Hawaiʻi Island ʻōpeʻapeʻa mist netting effort, 2018–2021 Effect of SDS and Proteinase K on whole blood preserved in lysis buffer for Hawaiian Island avian malaria detection, 2005-2006 Geographic Locations and Elevations of Passive Environmental Samplers 2016 - 2017 CRB climate compatibility maps based on global and local species occurrences Florida invasive Leiocephalus carinatus ecological niche model, thermal environment, and thermal tolerance, 1991-2020