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___Planetary Geologic Mapping Program
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The geologic map of Ophir and central Candor Chasmata is one of a series of 1:500,000 scale maps prepared for areas on Mars that are of particular scientific interest and may serve as potential future landing sites. This map is also part of a set that includes east Candor Chasma, west Candor Chasma, and Melas Chasma. The geologic interpretations are based dominantly on medium- and high-resolution Viking images, many of them stereoscopic, and supplemented by lower resolution apoapsis and other color images. A strip of very high resolution stereoscopic images (~20 m/pixel) crosses the central part of the quadrangle from northwest to southeast and served to clarify detailed relations not obvious on other images. A...
Most of the Cebrenia quadrangle (lat 30° to 65° N., long 180° to 240° W.) is in the circumpolar plains of Mars. Craters from an early episode of intense bombardment have been largely obliterated by later volcanism, tectonism, erosion and sedimentation by wind and water, and by circumpolar glacial and periglacial processes. South of 47° N. the plains are dissected by numerous channels, most of which drained off abroad volcanic upland near the southern border of the quadrangle. The impressive Elysium volcanoes cap the crest of this upland; their northernmost member, Hectates Tholus, lies within the Cebrenia quadrangle.
The Plato quadrangle in the north-central part of the Moon lies within a series of concentric depressed and raised rings surrounding the Imbrium basin, the center of which lies about 335 km southwest of Montes Teneriffe. The innermost raised ring is marked by isolated ridges and peaks within Mare Imbrium itself, including in the Plato quadrangle Montes Recti and Teneriffe. The band of terra including Montes Aples forms part of the second and most prominent raised ring, immediately encircling Mare Imbrium. Mare Frigoris is part of the succeeding depressed ring and the terra in the north of the quadrangle part of the third raised ring. It is believed that the Imbrium basin and other multi-ringed basins on the Moon...
Material exposed on the surface of the moon is heterogeneous. The albedo and other physical characteristics that have been determined with the use of optical and radio telescopes vary from one part of the moon to another, and the variations are partially correlated with differences in topography . Discontinuities in the areal variation permit the surfaces material to be divided into map units, each exhibiting a limited range of topographic characteristics. Each map unit is further characterized by a distinctive pattern of distribution, and the patterns of certain units are in places superimposed on the patterns of other units. From the relations of superposition it is possible to determine the sequence in which...
Material exposed on the surface of the Moon is heterogeneous. The albedo and other physical characteristics that have been determined with the use of optical and radio telescopes vary from one part of the Moon to another, and the variations are partially correlated with differences in topography. Discontinuities in the areal variation permit the surface material to be divided into map units, each exhibiting a limited range of photometric properties associated with a limited range of topographic characteristics. Each map unit is further characterized by a distinctive pattern of distribution, and the patterns of certain units are in places superimposed on the patterns of other units. From the relations of superpositon...
Formation of the three major impact basins apparently influenced the early geologic development of the petavius quadrangle. First of these was Fecunditatis, whose outer structure probably underlies much of the terrae. Large degraded craters such as Snellius formed subsequently, followed by the Nectaris impact basin and its associated radial features, including Vallis Snellius, Crisium may be youngest of the three basins and its represented in this quadrangle by the terminus of a secondary crater chain and by ejecta forming at least parts of the smooth and hummocky materials.
The Tharsis quadrangle lies within the sparsely cratered hemisphere (Carr and others, 1973) of Mars. Its geology is dominated by young volcanic features, including both circular constructs and lava plains; little evidence of primitive densely cratered terrain remains. Included are three of the four largest shield volcanoes in the Tharsis province, Olympus Mons, Ascraeus Mons, and Pavonis Mons, together with several smaller shields. The fourth shield, Arsia Mons, lies to the south of the map area, as does Labyrinthus Noctis at the west end of the equatorial canyon system. The terrain within the quadrangle has approximately 25 km of relief with the three shield volcanoes standing 9 to 25 km above the plains, which...
Tags: Geology, Mars, Tharsis
The Syrtis Major quadrangle is located in the equatorial belt of Mars across the boundary between the cratered plateau region to the south and west and the northern lowland plains. The cratered plateau is part of the northern extension of cratered highlands, which generally stand at altitudes greater than 4 km. The southeastern part of the quadrangle is dominated by eastward-sloping plains on the floors of Sytris Major and Isidis Planitia. Total relief in the quadrangle is greater than 6 km over a latitudinal distance of 2,000 km, corresponding to a regional slope of 0.6 degree in an east-northeast direction.
The Casius quadrangle (30 degrees N to 65 degrees N lat; 240 degrees W to 300 degrees W long) is one of the northern tier of Lambert conformal sheets of the Mars Atlas. It consists of four distinctive physiographic regions: 1) part of the northern cratered plain which forms an incomplete annulus around the north polar region, 2) smooth lowland plains of Utopia Planitia across the central and southwestern part of the map, 3) mountainous terrain, in the Nilosyrtis Mensae region south of the lowland plains, consisting of distinct mountains with hummocky surfaces, and 4) cratered plateau in the southwest part of the map, forming the northern part of a large complex cratered region in the mid-latitudes of Mars. In the...
Tags: Casius, Geology, Mars
The region centered at Elysium Mons contains the second largest volcanic complex on Mars, surpassed in size by only the Tharsis complex. The Elysium region also has been a center of tectonic, fluvial, and mass-wasting activity. After degredation of ancient cratered terrain within the northern lowlands, volcanic rocks erupted from the Elysium Mons, Hecates Tholus, and Albor Tholus in Elysium Planitia. The volcanic activity was associated with episodes of channel formation, faulting, and apparent volcano/ground-ice modifications of some areas.
The map area, in the Coprates 1:2,000,000-scale quadrangle MC-18 NW lies in the heart of the Valles Marineris trough system. The western part of Ophir Planum (36,660 km2) occupies 40 percent of the map areas; parts of Candor, Melas, and Coprates Chasmata make up the remainder. The troughs contain distinctive landslide deposits, normal faults, possible young volcanic rocks, and layered materials. Ophir Planum plateau is deformed by normal faults and grabens in an en echelon array that is unique along the Valles Marineris.
This 1:50,000 scale geologic map is one of a series constructed at various scales from photographs transmitted by the Ranger VII, VIII and IX spacecraft. The center of the map area is about 23 km southwest of the Ranger VIII (US Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Center Chart AIC 60C, Arago). In general, geologic maps of the moon portray similarities and differences in the characteristics of the lunar surface. These characteristics, mainly topography and albedo, probably depend on the nature of the underlying rock units and the manner in which they formed. Information about the lunar surface for this map was obtained mostly from the Ranger VIII photographs, which were taken with the setting sun approximately...
The Tycho quadrangle is centrally located in the southern half of the earthside hemisphere of the Moon. The area is characterized by a high density of craters the largest of which - Stofler - is about 140km in diameter. The northern and eastern parts of the quadrangle are dominated by plains and hilly terra units of regional extent, and by the western part by the crater Tycho and its ejecta blanket. Structural features probably associated with the Imbrium basin to the North and the Orientale and Humorum basins to the northwest are present, although blanketing units related to these units are not recognized.
The Cleomedes quadrangle is broadly divisible into three provinces. First, the north half of Mare Crisium dominates the southern part of the area. Second, terra materials occur in concentric bands that alternate with mare or plains forming materials in the northern part. These bands are interrupted by the crater Cleomedes whose associated materials dominate the northwest part of the map and form the third provence.
Materials of the lunar surface are divided into mappable units and relatively dated on the basis of morphology, albedo (reflectivity under full-moon illumination), and superposition and crosscutting relations. Time stratigraphic classification of units follows the work by Shoemaker (1962), Shoemaker and Hackman (1962), McCauley (1967), and Wilhelms (1970).
The Rumker quadrangle, in the northwest quadrant of the Moon, is adjacent to the western rim of the multi-ring Imbrium basin and to Sinus Iridum, a large (220 km diameter) mare-filled crater. Both of these great depressions were probably formed by impact, as indicated here and elsewhere on the Moon by the characteristic form, distribution, and texture of surrounding materials and structures. The Imbrium basin and Iridium crater were filled by mare materials during the Imbrium and Eratosthenian Periods. In this quadrangle, the widespread ejecta blanket of the Imbrium basin, as well as the basin's concentric ridges and mountian rings, has largely been buried by terra materials of mixed origin and by ejecta from Iridum...
The Macrobius quadrangle is in the northeast quadrant of the Moon's near side. Although predominantly a highland area centered around the Taurus Mountains (Montes Taurus), it is bounded b three major mare-filled basins; Tranquillitatis, the oldest, to the south; Serenitatis to the west; and Crisium on the east. Most of the geologic units within the quadrangle have been profoundly affected by the formation of these basins and by that of the younger Imbrium basin farther to the northwest. Some of the youngest material on the Moon, believed to be of volcanic origin, blankets part of the mare and terra along the southwest margin of the map. Sampling this material will be a primary objective of the Apollo 17 mission,...
The map area contains two mare provinces, one terra province, and one province of mixed mare and terra. The maria are the semicircular southern half of Mare Crisium and the northeast sector of Mare Fedunditatis. The massive belt of terra that arcs across the quadrangle between these maria is the south rim of the Crisium multi-ringed basin; its southwest part is probably superposed on an older, originally similar, accurate rim of the Fecunditatis basin. The fourth province, in the southeast corner, includes small irregular maria such as Mare Undarum and Mare Spumans and intervening peninsulas and islands of terra.
Most of the photographs used for geologic mapping were acquired by the departing spacecraft during the first pass (Mercury I). The Mercury II encounter provided no usable images of the map area; two low-oblique photographs suitable for geologic mapping were acquired during the third flyby on March 17, 1975 (Davies and others, 1978, p. 31). No stereoscopic phtographic pairs are available for the Borealis region.
The Amenthes quadrangle includes two main physiographic and geologic subdivisions. In the southern part of the quadrangle, densely cratered plateaus rise about 3 km above sparsely to moderately cratered plains. The low plains that form Elysium Planitia also build the eastern flank of the Isidis basin, which mostly lies within the adjacent Sytris Major quadrangle to the west; the Elysium region, one of the main volcanic units in the Amenthes quadrangle are related to this volcanic and uplifted zone. Geologic mapping is based mainly on morphological criteria together with some albedo, superposition, and crater-density data from both high- and low-resolution Mariner 9 images. Interpretations of rock units were made...

map background search result map search result map (RLC-9) Geologic map of the Sabine DM region of the moon (LAC-41) Geologic map of the Montes Apenninus region of the Moon Geologic map of the Plato Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Cleomedes Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Tycho Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Aristoteles Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Petavius quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Macrobius Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Rumker Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Casius Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Cebrenia Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Elysium region of Mars Geologic map of Ophir and central Candor Chasmata (MTM -05072) of Mars Geologic map of the western Ophir Planum region (MTM -10067) of Mars (RLC-9) Geologic map of the Sabine DM region of the moon Geologic map of the western Ophir Planum region (MTM -10067) of Mars Geologic map of Ophir and central Candor Chasmata (MTM -05072) of Mars (LAC-41) Geologic map of the Montes Apenninus region of the Moon Geologic map of the Cleomedes Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Petavius quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Macrobius Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Tycho Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Rumker Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Plato Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Aristoteles Quadrangle of the Moon Geologic map of the Casius Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Cebrenia Quadrangle of Mars Geologic map of the Elysium region of Mars