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Problem - A variety of factors potentially impact natural resources in the Neversink River basin and in other tributaries to the Upper Delaware River along the New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey boarders in the northeastern US. Increased urbanization within most watersheds of the Delaware River has decreased forested lands and ground permeability; fractionated forests, streams, and rivers; impounded flowing waters, and discharged municipal, agricultural, and industrial pollutants into many waterways. The effects on water quality and hydrology have been quantified relatively well. The direct impacts of these perturbations on biological components of stream and river ecosystems are sometimes known, however, more...
Introduction The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is evaluating alternative treatments for road deicing with the goal of reducing the impact of this activity on the State’s water resources. The NYSDOT has requested support from the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) in monitoring the effects of these alternative treatments on the water resources. In the past, the USGS has cooperated with State transportation agencies in studies to evaluate road-deicer concentrations in Massachusetts (Church and others, 1996; Granato and Smith, 1999; and Smith and Granato, 2010) and to determine the impacts on water resources in Ohio and Indiana that included the application of surface-and borehole-geophysical technologies...
Problem The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) intends to develop a Nine-Element Watershed Plan ( for the Lake Erie/Niagara Basin. To develop the Nine-Element Plan, NYSDEC needs a high quality, quality assured, nutrient-loading dataset to serve as a baseline against which future change can be measured and to identify areas in greatest need of water quality improvement. Objective and Scope The objective of this project is to collect baseline nutrient water-quality data that can be used to 1) build a watershed model that will help focus future water quality improvement efforts in the basin, and 2) aid in future regional target-setting efforts...
Problem Statement There are over 1.3 million residents in Nassau County that rely on groundwater as their sole source of potable drinking water. The mixed land uses (residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and recreational) of Nassau County contribute point and non-point sources of aquifer contamination. Nassau County water purveyors currently operate supply wells screened in the upper glacial, Magothy, and Lloyd aquifers. The protection and long-term sustainability of all three aquifers are vital concerns for the Nassau County Department of Public Works (NCDPW). Monitoring of groundwater for contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) associated with mixed land uses within these aquifers is necessary for...
The growth of temperate forests is typically limited by the availability of nitrogen. Elevated concentrations of nitrate in some Catskill Mountain streams, which are tributary to New York City's water-supply reservoirs west of the Hudson River, indicate that the forests of this region are at the early stages of nitrogen saturation. That is, nitrogen is available in excess of the amount utilized by vegetation and soil microorganisms in the forests. Nitrogen saturation is a concern because the mobile nitrate that moves through soil is accompanied by other nutrients such as the base cations calcium and magnesium that are necessary for forest growth but are present in short supply in some Catskill soils. And, nutrient...
Background With few exceptions, the contemporary and past effects of acidification on fish populations and communities in streams across acid-sensitive regions of NY have not been documented. The pervasive lack of information only permits anecdotal insight into the spatial effects of acidification on stream-fish assemblages and essentially precludes any broad effort to quantify temporal trends and potential recovery of fish assemblages in less acidic or less toxic streams. Though the effects of acidification on fish assemblages have been qualified in several streams of the eastern Adirondacks during 1979, the 1980s, and early 2000s, (Schofield and Driscoll 1987; Simonin et al. 2005) quantitative impacts were...
The Ellison Park wetland, a 423-acre, predominantly cattail marsh at the mouth of Irondequoit Creek in Monroe County near Rochester, N.Y., was evaluated for its potential role to decrease phosphorus loads that are derived from a 151-square-mile largely urbanized area and that ultimately enter and exacerbate efforts to ameliorate the eutrophic conditions in Irondequoit Bay. Monroe County's water-quality management plan included (1) modification of flow patterns upstream from and within the wetland by diverting storm runoff into backwater areas of the wetland, and (2) construction of a flow-control structure midway through the wetland that would cause short-term rises in water levels and increased dispersion of...
Problem: Dissolved volatile-organic compounds (VOCs), including trichloroethylene (TCE), have been identified in a sole-source aquifer near the former Northrop Grumman Bethpage facility and Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) in Nassau County, N.Y. The Northrop Grumman Bethpage facility and NWIRP are listed as Class II inactive hazardous waste disposal sites (Site Nos. HW130003A and HW130003B respectively) on the New York State registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites. Past investigations have documented that the groundwater contamination originated from these two sites and now extends nearly four miles to the south; in the direction of groundwater flow. During 2019, a groundwater-flow model...
The NYWSC carries out multidisciplinary science activities across the State’s diverse coastal waters and landscapes on the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes, including the many interconnected waterways, the barrier beaches that form and erode continually, the open waterways that are prone to the effects of major storms and hurricanes, and upland surface-water and groundwater source areas. These areas are also some of the most productive ecosystems in the State and host most of the population and economic development of the State. As a result, the interplay of environmental- and human-health concerns is a prominent thread that connects much of the coastal science activities of the USGS and involves cooperation not...
Problem The Town of Riverhead in the northeastern Suffolk County includes rural farmland and suburbs and is bounded by the Long Island Sound to the north and Peconic Bay to the southeast. Riverhead’s close proximity to saline embayments and its location along the northeastern discharge area for Long Island’s groundwater flow system makes it vulnerable to saltwater intrusion. Several public-supply wells in Riverhead have experienced increased chloride concentrations recently due to the encroachment of saltwater. Riverhead is underlain by a sequence of unconsolidated deposits ranging in age from Pleistocene to Upper Cretaceous that overlie a basement complex of Precambrian bedrock. These deposits are part of Long...
BACKGROUND The Adirondack region of New York has a history of relatively high atmospheric sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) deposition (Greaver et al. 2012). Adirondack ecosystems have been impacted by these inputs, including soil and surface water acidification, and impaired health and diversity of forest vegetation and aquatic biota. Air quality management, through the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NOx Budget Trading Program, and the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) has resulted in decreases in atmospheric S and N deposition in the Adirondacks and throughout the eastern U.S. (Lehmann et al., 2005), which is driving the recovery of surface waters from past acidification. Section 303(d)...
The overall goal of this project has been the development of forest health and sensitivity indicators and “1st-generation” maps of potential sensitivity to disturbance for lands within watersheds of the NYC water supply in the Catskill Mountains of New York. The methodologies and data layers created in this effort can now be used to aid management decisions and help determine the extent and magnitude of terrestrial and aquatic responses to acidic deposition. The data products derived from this effort have been produced and documented in such a manner that stakeholders can now use these products for site evaluation as well as to perform more extensive analysis on the suite of readily available GIS and image-based...
Summary Fire Island National Seashore (FIIS) occupies 42 km of the barrier island for which it is named that lies off the southern shore of western and central Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y. Fire Island is underlain by a complex aquifer system consisting of unconsolidated glacial, lacustrine, deltaic, and marine deposits of clay, silt, sand, and gravel that range in age from Late Cretaceous to Holocene. Accelerated sea level rise, storms, rising temperatures, and changes in patterns of precipitation are all expected to drive significant ecological change. Among the most vulnerable resources are the Island’s fresh groundwater resources. The potential for climate-driven changes in the quantity and quality of...
The National Network of Reference Watersheds is a collaborative and multipurpose network of minimally disturbed watersheds and monitoring sites. The purpose of this website is to allow users to search the NNRW database of reference watersheds, to identify watersheds of interest, and download watershed information and water quality data. The current scope of the network is limited to freshwater streams. Membership in the network is voluntary and open to individuals, agencies, and institutions interested in participating in monitoring and (or) research in minimally disturbed and pristine watersheds. The NNRW defines reference watersheds as those minimally disturbed by human activity preferably in an area protected...
Background - Turbid waters originating in the Schoharie Reservoir allegedly impair habitat and resident trout populations in Upper Esopus Creek; however, to date no scientific studies have documented adverse affects of altered thermal, suspended sediment (turbidity), and flow regimes on survival, growth, or behavior of trout or the health of their populations. The 424 mi2 Esopus Creek watershed is a tributary to the Hudson River in the south-central Catskill Mountains of New York State and is often considered to be two systems separated by the Ashokan Reservoir. The Upper Esopus Creek is considered the reach between its source, Winisook Lake, and the reservoir. Flows in the Upper Esopus Creek are supplemented by...
Problem - During 2003-07, a precipitation-runoff watershed model with water-quality components was developed to assess pollutant sources and loadings to Onondaga Lake, and to assist water-resources managers in making decisions regarding the selection and location of mitigative measures to maximize load reduction for a given effort. In the absence of chemical loading rates that were specific to the Onondaga Lake Basin, the model was calibrated to estimated loading rates that were derived from a review of scientific literature. During 2005-08, an intensive water-quality study of the basin was conducted to provide basin-specific data that, among other uses, could be incorporated into the watershed model and provide...
Mission Statement: The mission of the cooperative is to facilitate coordinated collection of high quality broad-based soil data to evaluate temporal dynamics, to complement meteorologic, hydrologic and biologic monitoring, and to support decision making and science education. Objectives: Develop and share protocols for field and lab soil sampling and analysis Identify information needs that would benefit policy and management decisions Establish a rigorous multi-scale soils collection program whose continuity is maintained while responding to emerging issues. Synthesize existing soil monitoring data, including a critical review of past research and analysis of time scales of various soil dynamics Compile...
Objective: The USGS New York Water Science Center (NYWSC) works with other Federal agencies as well as with State, municipal, and tribal agencies to provide research and data about water-related issues. Relevance and Impact: The NYWSC leads the scientific and water-resources management communities by providing high-quality, timely, and unbiased scientific data, reports, and other information that are widely accessible and understandable and that benefit science interests of all levels of government, academia, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, and the general public. Statement of Problem: The NYWSC studies the effects of weather, climate, and manmade influences on groundwater levels, streamflow (discharge),...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Beach and Barrier Dynamics, Beach and Barrier Dynamics, Beach and Barrier dynamics, Coastal Science, Coastal Science, All tags...
Problem The ground-water flow system underlying the Manhasset Neck Peninsula, which provides potable water to the local population, consists of a complex assemblage of Pleistocene- and Cretaceous-age sediments that form five aquifers and at least two confining units. Recent hydrogeologic mapping in Manhasset Neck indicates significant glacial erosion of the Magothy aquifer, Raritan Clay, and Lloyd aquifer, and several gaps in the confining units that overlie the North Shore and Lloyd aquifers. Five areas of salt-water intrusion have been delineated, two of which are considered active. Several public-supply wells on the Manhasset Neck Peninsula have been shut down in the past as a result of saltwater intrusion....
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Complete, Completed, Cooperative Water Program, GW Model, GW Model, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Simulation of Flow and Water Quality by a Precipitation-Runoff Model of the Onondaga Lake Watershed, Onondaga County, New York Natural Resources of the Neversink River Watershed Balancing Wetland Functions in an Urban Setting -- Water-Quality Improvement and Habitat Preservation, Ellison Park Wetland, Monroe County, New York Assessment of Regional Forest Health and Stream and Soil Chemistry Using a Mulit-Scale Approach and New Methods of Remote Sensing Interpretation in the Catskill Mountains of New York An Assessment of Forest Health and Soil Nutrient Status to Determine the Effects of Logging Practices on Water Quality in New York City's West-of-Hudson Watersheds Use of telemetry to assess potential effects of Schoharie Reservoir waters on trout populations in the Upper Esopus Creek Assessing Spatiotemporal Patterns in Fish Assemblages from Acid-Sensitive Streams in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains Assessment of Groundwater Resources to Adapt to Climate Change at Fire Island, New York Northeastern Soil Monitoring Cooperative The National Network of Reference Watersheds Development of a Ground-Water Flow Model for the Manhasset Neck Peninsula, Nassau County, New York Acidification and Recovery and Development of Critical Loads of Acidity for Stream Ecosystems of the Adirondack Region of New York State New York Water Science Center Data Program Delineation of the Saltwater-Freshwater Interface at Selected Well Locations in the Town of Riverhead, NY Surface-water quality in the Lake Erie/Niagara River Basin of New York State Groundwater-Quality of Nassau County, Long Island, New York Analysis of Factors Affecting Plume Remediation in a  Sole-Source Aquifer System, Nassau County, New York (Northrup Grumman Plume) Thermal infrared and photogrammetric data collected by drone for hydrogeologic characterization around two US Geological Survey Next Generation Water Observing Systems stream gage locations near Claryville, NY, USA Thermal infrared and photogrammetric data collected by drone for hydrogeologic characterization around two US Geological Survey Next Generation Water Observing Systems stream gage locations near Claryville, NY, USA Balancing Wetland Functions in an Urban Setting -- Water-Quality Improvement and Habitat Preservation, Ellison Park Wetland, Monroe County, New York Analysis of Factors Affecting Plume Remediation in a  Sole-Source Aquifer System, Nassau County, New York (Northrup Grumman Plume) Development of a Ground-Water Flow Model for the Manhasset Neck Peninsula, Nassau County, New York Delineation of the Saltwater-Freshwater Interface at Selected Well Locations in the Town of Riverhead, NY Natural Resources of the Neversink River Watershed An Assessment of Forest Health and Soil Nutrient Status to Determine the Effects of Logging Practices on Water Quality in New York City's West-of-Hudson Watersheds Use of telemetry to assess potential effects of Schoharie Reservoir waters on trout populations in the Upper Esopus Creek Assessment of Groundwater Resources to Adapt to Climate Change at Fire Island, New York Groundwater-Quality of Nassau County, Long Island, New York Simulation of Flow and Water Quality by a Precipitation-Runoff Model of the Onondaga Lake Watershed, Onondaga County, New York Surface-water quality in the Lake Erie/Niagara River Basin of New York State Assessing Spatiotemporal Patterns in Fish Assemblages from Acid-Sensitive Streams in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains Assessment of Regional Forest Health and Stream and Soil Chemistry Using a Mulit-Scale Approach and New Methods of Remote Sensing Interpretation in the Catskill Mountains of New York Acidification and Recovery and Development of Critical Loads of Acidity for Stream Ecosystems of the Adirondack Region of New York State New York Water Science Center Data Program Northeastern Soil Monitoring Cooperative The National Network of Reference Watersheds