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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal > Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative > Projects ( Show all descendants )

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Montana's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is a comprehensive strategy to maintain the health and diversity of wildlife within the state, including reducing the need for future listings under the Endangered Species Act. Special emphasis is given to addressing wildlife species that have received less attention in the past, including those that are not hunted or fished. All 50 states have developed SWAPs, providing a framework for planning and coordination on wildlife issues that cross state boundaries. The development and implementation of SWAPs is supported by the US Fish and Wildlife Services' State and Tribal Wildlife Grant Program.Montana's SWAP addresses a variety of wildlife and habitat management challenges,...
This project will develop species distribution models (SDM) to evaluate current and future occurrence and density of wetland-dependent birds relative to several predictors, including land use patterns, wetland condition and connectivity, geomorphic setting and climate. These tools will suggest which wetland-dependent bird species appear most vulnerable to climate and land use change based on the expected extent of range change under various scenarios. Knowledge of natural history and habitat associations of species coupled with coefficients from regression models will provide insight into the potential reasons for species vulnerability. This information will be valuable in the development of management strategies.
Wetland hydroperiod, the length of time water is available in wetlands, is particularly sensitive to changes in precipitation, temperature and timing due to climate variation. Truncated hydroperiod has major implications for wetland-dependent species (e.g., waterfowl) and human water allocation. Researchers aim to link hydroperiod to current climatic variation and use this relationship to predict wetland hydroperiod across the moisture gradient from sage steppe to grasslands.
Iowa's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is a comprehensive strategy to maintain the health and diversity of wildlife within the state, including reducing the need for future listings under the Endangered Species Act. Special emphasis is given to addressing wildlife species that have received less attention in the past, including those that are not hunted or fished. All 50 states have developed SWAPs, providing a framework for planning and coordination on wildlife issues that cross state boundaries. The development and implementation of SWAPs is supported by the US Fish and Wildlife Services' State and Tribal Wildlife Grant Program.Iowa's SWAP addresses a variety of wildlife and habitat management challenges, the...
Oil and gas development in North Dakota is occurring at a rapid rate, and managers and biologists are ill-equipped to address and minimize damage from oil development and related activities on fish and wildlife habitat. This project aims to gather information on impacts to grassland birds from oil and gas development to better inform conservation managers.The 2012 pilot season was a success. Bird surveys were conducted at 18 oil wells and four control sites. Preliminary findings showed reduced densities of grassland birds near wells compared with away from wells, but the effect varied among species. Continuing work will strengthen inferences as well as attempt to assess effects on uncommon species such as Baird’s...
Numerous studies have documented the effects of landscape disturbance, including that associated with energy development, on increased abundance of invasive and non-native species. As of February 2012, over 43,000 new petroleum wells have been drilled in the Williston Basin since the first successful Bakken test well drilled in 2000 in the Elm Coulee field of Montana. With the average single well pad approximating five acres, this large scale and regional land disturbance provides a pathway for the introduction and establishment of invasive species throughout the PPP LCC.The presence of invasive species has biological and economic implications across the PPP LCC. Leafy spurge has been shown to reduce habitat...
Wyoming's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is a comprehensive strategy to maintain the health and diversity of wildlife within the state, including reducing the need for future listings under the Endangered Species Act. Special emphasis is given to addressing wildlife species that have received less attention in the past, including those that are not hunted or fished. All 50 states have developed SWAPs, providing a framework for planning and coordination on wildlife issues that cross state boundaries. The development and implementation of SWAPs is supported by the US Fish and Wildlife Services' State and Tribal Wildlife Grant Program.Wyoming's SWAP addresses a variety of wildlife and habitat management challenges,...
The Invasion of native communities by cool-season introduced grasses, especially smooth brome and Kentucky bluegrass in upland prairies, reed canary grass in wetlands, is on one of the most important management issues on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)-owned lands. Two adaptive management projects, the Native Prairie and Reed Canary Grass Adaptive Management Projects were funded by USGS to examine restoration efforts on NWRs and WMDs in USFWS Regions 3 and 6. This project will support the completion of two decision support tools that are essential to long-term resource management success.
PLAN VISIONThe South Dakota Wildlife Action Plan assesses the health of South Dakota's fish and wildlife and associated habitats, evaluates the problems they face, and outlines actions to help conserve them for the long term. This plan encourages voluntary partnerships among governmental entities, tribes, organizations, and private citizens to help prevent fish and wildlife from becoming endangered and to provide for the needs of the full array of fish and wildlife and habitat diversity for the future sustained enjoyment and use by South Dakota's residents and visitors.WILDLIFE ACTION PLANThe entire South Dakota Wildlife Action Plan is provided below. Due to the plan's large size, sections have been broken into...
The Plains and Prairie Potholes LCC is currently developing a strategic plan that will help guide its partners toward making more informed conservation decisions across the Northern Great Plains. As part of that effort, the PPP-LCC aims to provide syntheses for its partners that will help them understand the effects of conservation decisions and policies across different resources and sectors of the economy. One way to view these impacts is in terms of ecosystem services. That is, the set of services that humans derive from ecosystems such as flood control, agricultural productivity or wildlife populations. The PPP-LCC aims to use the ecosystems services framework to synthesize current information about grasslands,...
Economic, market-based grassland conservation approaches are needed for expired Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands. This proposal describes a new Avoided Grassland Conversion Program that will provide a new private market driver and income stream from private sources for landowners of expired CRP looking for alternative programs to maintain grass cover. An innovative economic alternative to the Conservation Reserve Program will be piloted in portions of the Prairie Pothole Region in 2013, utilizing over $3 million in Federal and private dollars to develop fencing and livestock infrastructure on at-risk of conversion expired CRP lands, requiring an additional $140,000 in financial support to perform necessary...
WWF and partners will assess the probability of grasslands being converted to cropland in the Northern Great Plains by analyzing land characteristics (e.g. soil properties conducive to specific crops), climate variables (e.g. rainfall, temperature before and during the growing season) associated with different land uses. The conversion risk analysis will produce a statistical model that explains which factors drive grassland conversion and can predict grassland conversion risk across the NGP- at five and ten years from present. Likely impacts from climate change on suitability of lands for different crops will be incorporated by simulating conversion risks unde alternative future climate scenarios at 20 and 40...
The project will use baseline data on pre-restoration measures of baseline hydrology and water quality to evaluate the impacts of large scale wetland and prairire restorations on hydrology and water quality including: recovery of key habitats and functions; abilities of wetlands to buffer variable water flows; ability of groundwater to buffer water flows; groundwater and surface water quality; changes in groundwater movement; rates of denitrification and carbon storage/ transport.
Although it is certain that climate change will affect the hydrology and biota of Great Plains streams, how and where these effects will be manifested is not known. This project will predict the effects of climate change on these streams by creating watershed hydrology and fish assemblage models that are both linked to watershed characteristics, then predicting changes resulting from climate change using an ensemble of general circulation models. We will identify the areas of primary conservation concern by calculating Index of Biotic Integrity values for 1,600 samples in an existing regional fish database and compare them to the areas that are most likely to experience change under future climate scenarios.

map background search result map search result map Decision Support Tools for Adaptive Management Projects in Prairie and Wetland Habitats on National Wildlife Refuges and Wetland Management Districts in USFWS Regions 3 and 6 Capture of Down-Scale Climate Change Models. Part B: The Application of High Resolution Climate Models for Avian Conservation Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation Regional Assessment of Fish and Habitat Condition Completion of National Wetland Inventory for the Northern Great Plains Targeting grassland conservation: An Estimate of Land-Use Conversion Risk in the Northern Great Plains Managing for Resilience in Prairie-Wetland Landscapes of the PPP - Sustaining Habitats and Services under Accelerating Climate Change Predicting Effects of Climate Change on Native Fishes in Northern Great Plains Streams Effects of oil and gas development on grassland birds Wetland hydroperiod and climate change; implications for biodiversity and water availability Wyoming SWAP Climate Change Chapter Presence and abundance of invasive species and non-native perennial grasses related to energy development in Montana and North Dakota Economic Conservation of Expired CRP in the Prairie Pothole Region Climate Change & South Dakota Wildlife Action Plan Revision Montana SWAP Climate Change Chapter Iowa SWAP Climate Change Chapter Developing an ecosystem services modeling framework to help guide PPP LCC planning efforts Effects of oil and gas development on grassland birds Iowa SWAP Climate Change Chapter Climate Change & South Dakota Wildlife Action Plan Revision Wyoming SWAP Climate Change Chapter Montana SWAP Climate Change Chapter Presence and abundance of invasive species and non-native perennial grasses related to energy development in Montana and North Dakota Targeting grassland conservation: An Estimate of Land-Use Conversion Risk in the Northern Great Plains Decision Support Tools for Adaptive Management Projects in Prairie and Wetland Habitats on National Wildlife Refuges and Wetland Management Districts in USFWS Regions 3 and 6 Capture of Down-Scale Climate Change Models. Part B: The Application of High Resolution Climate Models for Avian Conservation Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation Regional Assessment of Fish and Habitat Condition Completion of National Wetland Inventory for the Northern Great Plains Predicting Effects of Climate Change on Native Fishes in Northern Great Plains Streams Wetland hydroperiod and climate change; implications for biodiversity and water availability Economic Conservation of Expired CRP in the Prairie Pothole Region Developing an ecosystem services modeling framework to help guide PPP LCC planning efforts Managing for Resilience in Prairie-Wetland Landscapes of the PPP - Sustaining Habitats and Services under Accelerating Climate Change