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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal > Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative > Projects > Grasslands Conservation Geospatial Data Compilation and Synthesis > Grasslands Inventory ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative
_____Grasslands Conservation Geospatial Data Compilation and Synthesis
______Grasslands Inventory
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The Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS) is a gateway web site that provides access to data systems in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and other government data sources. This central point of access assists Service personnel in managing data and information, and it provides public access to information from numerous Service databases. ECOS serves a variety of reports related to FWS Threatened and Endangered Species. A selection of our most popular reports is listed below. See the Species Reports for the complete list. Listed Species Summary All Threatened and Endangered Animals All Threatened and Endangered Plants Reclassified Species Delisted Species Obtaining an Official Species List:...
The Sonoran Joint Venture Bird Conservation Plan (Plan) provides the biological foundation for the activities of the Sonoran Joint Venture (SJV). The Plan summarizes the status of avian species, prioritizes these species, provides habitat discussions and conservation recommendations, and lists Focus Areas for conservation action. This Plan will be a blueprint for regional bird conservation. It will guide the SJV staff, Board, and committees in their actions and inform SJV partners of beneficial activities. Finally and most importantly, this Plan demonstrates and emphasizes the need for conservation action and for the resources to achieve the SJV’s biological objectives. There are approximately 740 species documented...
About VAs: Although there are different definitions of vulnerability assessment, we adopted the definition provided by IPCC (2007) that pertains to climate change and suggests an understanding of vulnerability of a particular target, asset, or resource can be can be achieved through the assessment of exposure (magnitude and rate of climate change a resource is likely to experience), sensitivity (characteristics of a particular resource that mediate tolerance to climate change), and adaptive capacity (the inherent ability of the resource to moderate the impacts of climate change; IPCC 2007). This is also the most commonly used definition by the natural resources community (e.g., Glick et al. 2011). However, we...

map background search result map search result map Environmental Conservation Online System Sonoran Joint Venture Bird Conservation Plan Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability (CRAVe) Sonoran Joint Venture Bird Conservation Plan Environmental Conservation Online System Climate Registry for the Assessment of Vulnerability (CRAVe)