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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center > Carbon and Greenhouse Gases ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
___Carbon and Greenhouse Gases
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Our research focuses on the abiotic and biotic factors that regulate greenhouse gas fluxes of PPR wetlands and uplands to reduce the uncertainties associated with temporal and spatial variability that characterizes these wetland systems. Our studies range from plot-level experiments in wetland catchments situated in grasslands and agricultural fields, to regional- and national-scale modeling to predict changes in soil processes associated with climate and land use. We use a combination of commercial and custom-made sampling devices to facilitate the collection of temporally-intensive data. The ability to extrapolate plot-level fluxes and to assess potential effects of climate and land-use change on wetland ecosystems...
Categories: Project