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___Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative
_____State Wildlife Action Plans Projects
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Completion of the National Wildlife Inventory has been identified as a top science priority for the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes-LCC (UMGL). Some areas of Minnesota and Wisconsin still have not been mapped to NWI standards. Completion of NWI is integral to developing geospatial models based on landscape-level land use. Completion of NWI will also aid in monitoring of wetlands to assess effects of climate change. Funding for this project has been leveraged with several other larger projects to improve digital wetland mapping infrastructure for Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. This project is targeting a portions of Wisconsin, at least six counties, for digital conversion and updating of Wetland Inventory maps....
Indiana’s State Wildlife Action Plan was completed in 2005. The plan identified Indiana’s priority needs for all fish and wildlife species and priority efforts to address those needs. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) developed a network of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs). The purpose of the LCCs is to provide applied science to increase the efficiency of conservation delivery for conservation priorities shared by FWS, the States and other conservation partners in the face of climate change and other landscape-scale conservation challenges. Identification of evolving fish and wildlife needs and priorities, among the State and Federal fish and wildlife management agencies and their partners, is...
The project had four explicit objectives: 1) Conduct a climate vulnerability assessment of Species of Greatest Need of Conservation and major habitat types 2) Identify conservation strategies that increase resiliency or adaptive capacity, or mitigate the effects of climate change 3) Outline an adaptive management approach for informing management decisions 4) Recommend changes to existing monitoring programs and identify research needs
In the United States, many resources devoted to conservation are routed through states, but animal and plant populations do not conform to state boundaries. Consequently, neighboring states can enhance their collective conservation impact by coordinating natural resources management. In order to support managers as they review and revise state Wildlife Action Plans in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, this project identified regional conservation priorities for streams and grasslands of the Upper Midwest.Specifically, we (1) selected stream and grassland species of common conservation interest to partnering states, (2) modeled and mapped regional distributions of these species, and (3) used predicted species...
Working within the constraints of the SWAP revision timeline, we propose to advance biodiversity conservation within the region by enhancing the regional effectiveness of SWAPs and the ability of the LCC to address regional biodiversity priorities. We propose to accomplish these outcomes through engagement of SWAP coordinators and LCC professionals in the creation of a set of detailed best practices and learning resources tailored to needs that they help to identify. We will regularly engage with the SWAP coordinators as we develop these resources to allow each state to influence and employ the resources as needed, recognizing that time and resources to participate in this project will vary among states. As part...
With the ultimate goal of conserving and restoring threatened native grassland prairies and the wildlife that depend on them, the National Audubon Society (Audubon) is facilitating a landscape conservation design for the grassland birds in the greater Chicago region. As a first step in this process standardized avian point count surveys conducted primarily by citizen volunteers were combined with landcover composition and configuration, soils, and vegetation productivity data to model abundance of five grassland bird species. Models were updated with additional data and expert review in 2015 and now provide map outputs of existing grassland bird habitat and population estimates for species of conservation concern...
Full life-cycle vulnerability assessments are identifying the effects of climate change on nongame migratory birds that are of conservation concern and breed in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes region. Full life-cycle analyses are critical, as current efforts likely underestimate the vulnerability of migratory land birds due to a focus on assessing only one component of the annual cycle. The approach provides a framework for integrating exposure to climate changes, sensitivity to these changes, and the potential for adaptation in both winter and summer seasons, and accounts for carry-over effects from one season to another. The results of this work will inform regional management by highlighting both local and...
This project directly addresses the need for integration of climate change information and strategies into Wisconsin’s Wildlife Action Plan (WWAP) as identified by Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Land Conservation Cooperative. Wisconsin’s WWAP is used as a major conservation planning tool by state agencies and partners, but this tool currently lacks information on climate change. At the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), the WWAP informs master planning for state‐owned properties, influences land acquisition priorities, and provides direction for management, inventory, and research. As a user‐friendly, detailed, web‐based resource, the WWAP is also available to other conservation organizations and private...
This scenario planning decision support tool for the Kankakee River basin as a first case study/proof-of concept. Hydrology models, both surface water and groundwater, and ecology of the Kankakee River watershed will be combined to evaluate the effects of habitat restoration on water suppy ecosystem services, agricultural irrigation demands, urbanization, and waterfowl habitat, and sportsman and recreational user interests. Various scenarios for restoration identified with peer input were tested for the watershed. Each scenario results in different individual and aggregate values for ground water recharge, surface water storage, waterfowl habitat, sportsman and recreational use, and agricultural capacity. Some...
For management agencies, there is a growing need to understand (1) how climate change affects and will continue to affect wildlife populations of conservation concern, and (2) how the negative Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Request for Funding 2013 demographic effects of climate change can be mitigated through management strategies. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA) integrates available data and scientific understanding in a transparent process, details assumptions and uncertainties, and ultimately projects population-level responses of target species to future climate change. Climate change is already influencing distributions and abundances of species throughout North...
The primary goals of this proposed project are to help identify and prioritize threats to endangered mussels and to determine whether existing environmental concentrations of ammonia, copper, and major ions in sediment pore-water are contributing to the decline of native mussel populations, as indicated by recent laboratory toxicity tests. These goals are consistent with the needs identified in the National trategy for the Conservation of Mussels, particularly to “increase coordination and information exchange among entities that study, manage, harvest, conserve, or recover native freshwater mussels”; and “determine how various perturbations impact mussels and their habitat, and provide managers with the information...
The study seeks to provide a retrospective analysis of the relationships among bird abundance and distribution and changes in land cover and climate in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes region. The resultant models will be used to provide spatially explicit forecasts of future avian responses. Using data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and a hierarchical modeling framework that accounts for imperfect detection during surveys, species distribution and abundance is estimated. Historic aerial photos are being digitized and classified to measure landscape covariates. Once species-specific relationships between distribution parameters (i.e., occupancy, colonization, extinction) and landscape covariates...

    map background search result map search result map Moderization of National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) mapping Identification & Risk Assessment of Most Climate Vulnerable Terrestrial Species and Natural Communities and Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the UMGL LCC Distribution and abundance of breeding birds in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes region as influenced by climate and land cover change Full life cycle vulnerability assessments for the birds of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes Assessment of Waterfowl Habitat Restoration as an Adaptive Mechanism for Water Sustainability in the Grand Kankakee River Watershed Facilitating the Effectiveness of State Wildlife Action Plans at Multiple Scales in the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes LCC Region Grassland Bird Conservation Design in the Chicago Region Adapting Conservation to a Changing Climate: An Update to the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan Climate Change Impacts on Wisconsin's Natural Communities and Conservation Opportunities Areas: Updating Wisconsin's Wildlife Action Plan Identifying Regional Priority Areas for Focusing Conservation Actions in Streams and Grasslands A climate change update to Indiana's State Wildlife Action Plan Assessment of Waterfowl Habitat Restoration as an Adaptive Mechanism for Water Sustainability in the Grand Kankakee River Watershed Grassland Bird Conservation Design in the Chicago Region A climate change update to Indiana's State Wildlife Action Plan Adapting Conservation to a Changing Climate: An Update to the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan Climate Change Impacts on Wisconsin's Natural Communities and Conservation Opportunities Areas: Updating Wisconsin's Wildlife Action Plan Moderization of National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) mapping Identification & Risk Assessment of Most Climate Vulnerable Terrestrial Species and Natural Communities and Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the UMGL LCC Full life cycle vulnerability assessments for the birds of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes Facilitating the Effectiveness of State Wildlife Action Plans at Multiple Scales in the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes LCC Region Identifying Regional Priority Areas for Focusing Conservation Actions in Streams and Grasslands Distribution and abundance of breeding birds in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes region as influenced by climate and land cover change