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These data were compiled during a laboratory experiment showing the turbidity response to increasing silt and clay concentration. The sediment used for the laboratory experiment was collected in the Grand Canyon study area, from the bank of the Little Colorado River, approximately 1 kilometer upstream from its confluence with the Colorado River. The sediment was passed through a 63 µm sieve to isolate the silt-and-clay-size fraction. The silt and clay was completely dried in an oven (at 105 degrees Celsius for 12 hours), weighed, mechanically disaggregated, and added in stages to a measured volume of water to calculate concentration. The sediment was kept in suspension with an electric stirrer and turbidity was...
These raster data represent the results of a case study in Arizona on how vertebrate richness metrics can be used with existing state and federal guidance in wind and solar energy facility siting. Each of the four geodatabases (see Cross References) contain eight native terrestrial wildlife group models in Arizona: 1) all vertebrates, 2) amphibians, 3) reptiles, 4) birds, 5) mammals, 6) bats, 7) raptors and 8) long-distant migratory birds. An XML workbook is included that lists all terrestrial native vertebrate species in Arizona which cross-walks these species to the name of the National Gap Analysis Project species distribution model.
These data were compiled for investigating the relationship between acoustic backscattering by riverbeds composed of various riverbed substrates (bed sediment), and for developing and testing a probabilistic model for substrate classification based on high-frequency multibeam acoustic backscatter. The model is described in Buscombe et al. (2017). The data consist of various quantities on coincident grids, from various sites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, including water depth, bed roughness, the area (or footprint) of the acoustic beam, unfiltered and filtered backscatter magnitude, sediment classification (for each location, 1 of 5 sediment classes in a categorical scheme), and the probabilities for...
This ESRI geodatabase consists of 5 feature datsets with 23 individual polygon feature classes and two raster datasets. A master campsite polygon feature class represents the boundaries of campsites identified in the 1973, 1984, and 1991 campsite inventories of the Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona. The other polygon feature classes represent camp locations along the Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona during different survey periods using different surveying techniques. The raster datasets represent sub-aerial and sub-surface sandbar surfaces at 37 long term-monitoring sites between Lees Ferry and Diamond Creek, Arizona in Grand Canyon National Park, measured in September and October...
These data were used to examine drivers behind changes in water temperature downriver of dams across the western U.S. from 1995-2015 and the influence of such changes on rainbow trout recruitment and rainbow and brown trout adult length. First, we linked reservoir storage capacity and dam size to the warmest monthly water temperature per water year (WY) to assess the influence of low storage capacity (shallow reservoirs) on downstream water temperature. We then took results from previously published Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) that assessed the influence of physical and biological predictors (e.g., flow, trout density, reservoir metrics) on trout recruitment and adult size and added mean annual, maximum...
These data are aerial image-derived, classification maps of tamarisk (Tamarisk spp.) in the riparian zone of the Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to Separation Canyon, a total river distance of 412 km. The classification maps are published in GIS vector format. Two maps are published: 1) a classification of tamarisk from a 0.2 m resolution multispectral image dataset acquired in May 2009 (Tamarisk Classification 2009), and 2) a classification of tamarisk impacted by the tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) from a 0.2 m resolution multispectral image dataset acquired in May 2013 (Beetle Impact Classification 2013). Tamarisk presence in 2009 was classified using the Mahalanobis Distance method with a total of...
These data were compiled to fit an integrated population model of brown trout in the Glen Canyon Reach of the Colorado River and test different hypotheses regarding the driver of brown trout population dynamics. Also, data were compiled as inputs for a model to simulate population dynamics and species interactions among brown trout, rainbow trout and humpback chub in the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and the confluence of the Colorado River and the Little Colorado River.
These data were compiled for monitoring riparian vegetation change along the Colorado River. This file contains data recorded at 42 sandbars between Lees Ferry and Diamond Creek, AZ, which are sampled for both geomorphic and vegetation change annually. Field data contained here were collected from 2012 to 2016 in September and October of each year. Plant species cover values in 5441 1m^2 quadrat frames, locations and elevations of those sampling frames, slope and aspect, sample dates, temperature and precipitation data, and flood frequency parameters were either recorded in the field or calculated. Annual and seasonal climate variables were estimated from eight weather stations distributed along the river corridor...
Tags: Arizona, Botany, Climatology, Colorado River, Diamond Creek, All tags...
These data were compiled to accompany flow modeling work on Kanab Creek near the mouth (USGS gage 09403850). The data include topographic data collected by a remote sensing detection light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system and surveying total station in June 2017, high water marks from six floods from 2011 to 2013, and control points and gage structures. Topographic data include ground topography collected by LIDAR and channel bathymetry collected by total station survey of a 600 meter reach of Kanab Creek, ending at the confluence with the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. High water mark data include sets from six floods collected by USGS personnel using total station surveys.
Invasive annual plants such as red brome (Bromus rubens), cheatgrass (B. tectorum), and African mustard (Malcomia africana) can have profound impacts on dryland ecosystems. Potential impacts include the alteration of fuel loads and fire regimes, as well as the competitive displacement of native plant populations. Both of these impacts can significantly degrade habitat quality for wildlife and can have important socioeconomic consequences for human society. To design science-based strategies for mitigating these impacts, managers need information on the relative abundance of invasive plant populations over time and across complex landscapes characterized by multiple management jurisdictions, a range of urban and...
This climate and vegetation index dataset was collected from readily available open source data, such as Landsat. The data represents points across the northern Colorado plateau. The vegetation type was defined based on U.S. Geological Survey ReGAP data. Using compositing techniques by season we developed a dataset of lag and legacy for each point. We could then look to understand how both lag and legacy impacted vegetation production across the time series. In this dataset we focus on the soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), the standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index (SPEI), and precipitation. Included in this dataset are climate lags of 3,6,9 and 12 months. Additionally, the legacy construct...
These data were compiled to support effective conservation for species within Astragalus sect. Humillimi. Two species, A. cremnophylax var. cremnophylax and A. humillimus are federally listed as endangered taxa. The data provided herein were used to resolve the relationaships among taxa, the population structure within taxa, and genetic diversity within taxa. The data are provided in a STRUCTURE-formatted file that includes taxa, individuals, sampling localities, and the genotype scores per individual for 690 Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs).
These data were compiled for a joint mark-recapture analysis of humpback chub and rainbow trout and include capture histories for both species, as well as environmental covariates associated with monthly time steps used to measure survival and growth and environmental covariates used to predict capture probability during each sampling trip. This worksheet also include parameter estimates and associated variance-covariance matrix from a prior analysis, which were combined with the output from the joint mark-recap analysis to predict equilibrium adult abundances under a variety of scenarios.
These data are records collected from six automated weather stations in operation between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2015 within the Colorado River Corridor of Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Data collection locations, equipment configurations and methods follow those of the original report (OFR 2014-1247). These files are 4-minute interval data for each of the automated weather stations, tab separated by parameter (wind direction, wind speed, wind gusts, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and rainfall). Climatic conditions during the reporting period were warm and dry early in 2014 and transitioned to average to slightly above precipitation from mid-2014...
These data represent a set of capture histories of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss or RBT) captured in the Colorado River (CR) and(or) detected on the multiplexer array in the Little Colorado River (LCR). Capture trips to the Colorado River occurred in April 2012, July 2012, September 2012, January 2013, April 2013, July 2013, September 2013, January 2014, April 2014, July 2014, and September 2014. Rainbow trout were detected on the PIT array system (MUX) from October 2013 - April 2014.
These data are remote sensing image-based classification maps of unvegetated river-derived sand along the Colorado River. One map is based on imagery acquired in May 2013 and is a classification of sand located above the wetted river channel in the imagery which was acquired at the approximate contemporary low-flow river discharge of 8,000 cubic feet per second (227 cubic meters per second) and extends from Glen Canyon Dam at Lake Powell to Separation Canyon at Lake Mead, a total distance of approximately 255 river miles (410 river kilometer). Three other maps are based on imagery acquired in May 2002, 2009, and 2013, respectively, and are classifications of sand located above the wetted river channel (at river...
Categories: Data; Tags: Arizona, Colorado River, Diamond Creek, GIS vector data, Geography, All tags...
These data were compiled to evaluate the potential adverse impacts that stocked trout may have on native fish populaitons through predation. Hatchery-reared rainbow and brown trout are typically fed exclusively on commercially prepared pelleted feeds and have no experience catching or consuming life fish at the time of stocking and yet stocked fish are percieved to present a high predation risk for juvenile native fishes. These data were compiled to allow for a relative comparison of predation effectiveness between hatchery-reared fish and wild fish. Mean numbers of prey fish surviving in replicated overnight laboratory predation trials were quantified.
Tags: Aquatic Biology, Arizona, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Page Springs Fish Hatchery, Big Water, Canyon Creek, All tags...
Using Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soil databases, topographic features derived from digital elevation models, stream networks, and regional climatic patterns, I developed a ranking system for watershed potential erosion rates and suitability for check-dam placement across the SRLCC. This ranking system serves as a first step for land managers to prioritize areas for check-dam installation based on relatively static factors (soil properties, topography, and hydrology) that can contribute to rates of soil erosion by water and the stability of check-dams. Many other relatively dynamic factors over time can contribute to rates of soil erosion by water, such as recent wildfire events, changes in weather...
There were five objects for compiling these data: 1) to conduct a systematic inventory of diamond-backed terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) using headcount surveys on four National Wildlife Refuges (Harris Neck, Blackbeard Island, Wassaw, and Wolf Island) that are a part of the greater Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex in southeast Georgia, USA; 2) to use occupancy modeling to determine detection probability and distribution of diamondback terrapins; 3) to perform risk assessments of these terrapin populations in relation to crabbing pressure; 4) to generate maps with associated GIS files of terrapin relative densities related to crabbing pressure; and 5) to provide scientific information that will allow for effective...
Data was collected to characterize the conditions under which sagebrush occurs after seeding and wildfire in the Great Basin, and used to parameterize models used to explore adaptive seeding approaches. Data includes plot level field data on sagebrush occurrence, density, weather, and soil moisture conditions in the year that seeding after wildfire occurred. Weather data includes both average annual summaries and average weather at 5-day intervals from day 1-250 of the year of seeding. Also included are summaries of annual temperature and soil moisture conditions from 1979 to 2016 and model predictions of the probability of sagebrush establishment in each of these years.

map background search result map search result map Early Season Invasives Mapping 2001 - 2010, Washington County, Utah, USA Geomorphology and Campsite Data, Colorado River, Marble and Grand Canyon, Arizona Meteorological Data for Selected Sites along the Colorado River Corridor, Arizona, 2014-2015 Continuous Detection PIT Array Data & Model Humpback Chub and Rainbow Trout Joint Mark-Recapture Data and Model, Colorado River, Arizona Remote sensing derived maps of tamarisk (2009) and beetle impacts (2013) along 412 km of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona The influence of water temperature on salmonid recruitment and adult size in tailwaters across western North America—Data Landscape-scale wildlife species richness metrics Climate, hydrology and riparian vegetation composition data, Grand Canyon, Arizona Laboratory experiment data—turbidity response to increasing silt and clay concentration Spatial distribution and risk analysis data for diamond-backed terrapins relative to crab trapping, Savannah Coastal Refuge Complex, USA Population dynamics of humpback chub, rainbow trout and brown trout in the Colorado River in its Grand Canyon Reach: modelling code and input data Acoustic backscatter - Data and Python Code Sand classifications along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon derived from 2002, 2009, and 2013 high-resolution multispectral airborne imagery Genetic analyses of Astragalus sect. Humillimi data in the southwest USA Watershed potential erosion rate ranking system and check-dam placement suitability data within the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SRLCC) Geomorphic Change-Sediment Transport Data for Kanab Creek, Arizona USA Environmental conditions, covariate data used in model fitting, and long-term establishment predictions from 1979 to 2016 in the Great Basin, USA Hatchery Trout Predation Data, Arizona Dataset for climate legacy and lag effects on dryland plant communities in the southwestern U.S. Spatial distribution and risk analysis data for diamond-backed terrapins relative to crab trapping, Savannah Coastal Refuge Complex, USA Geomorphology and Campsite Data, Colorado River, Marble and Grand Canyon, Arizona Sand classifications along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon derived from 2002, 2009, and 2013 high-resolution multispectral airborne imagery Hatchery Trout Predation Data, Arizona Meteorological Data for Selected Sites along the Colorado River Corridor, Arizona, 2014-2015 Continuous Detection PIT Array Data & Model Humpback Chub and Rainbow Trout Joint Mark-Recapture Data and Model, Colorado River, Arizona Remote sensing derived maps of tamarisk (2009) and beetle impacts (2013) along 412 km of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona Climate, hydrology and riparian vegetation composition data, Grand Canyon, Arizona Laboratory experiment data—turbidity response to increasing silt and clay concentration Population dynamics of humpback chub, rainbow trout and brown trout in the Colorado River in its Grand Canyon Reach: modelling code and input data Acoustic backscatter - Data and Python Code Geomorphic Change-Sediment Transport Data for Kanab Creek, Arizona USA Early Season Invasives Mapping 2001 - 2010, Washington County, Utah, USA Dataset for climate legacy and lag effects on dryland plant communities in the southwestern U.S. Landscape-scale wildlife species richness metrics Genetic analyses of Astragalus sect. Humillimi data in the southwest USA Environmental conditions, covariate data used in model fitting, and long-term establishment predictions from 1979 to 2016 in the Great Basin, USA Watershed potential erosion rate ranking system and check-dam placement suitability data within the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SRLCC) The influence of water temperature on salmonid recruitment and adult size in tailwaters across western North America—Data