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_____Range-wide sage-grouse conservation assessment (2004)
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This data set maps sagebrush mortality in Utah delineated by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources personnel during the summer of 2003.
This data set depicts soil characteristics in western North America. The data set was created from NRCS STATSGO soil data. Calculations were made to reduce one to many relationships to one to one relationships in order to summarize average water capacity, depth to rock, salinity, and pH for each map unit (MUID). ArcMap 8.3 was used to import .dbf files and merge newly created attribute fields to the GIS soil coverage.
Map containing historical census data from 1900 - 2000 throughout the western United States at the county level. Data includes total population, population density, and percent population change by decade for each county. Population data was obtained from the US Census Bureau and joined to 1:2,000,000 scale National Atlas counties shapefile.
Communication antenna towers registered with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) program. The FCC requires that all towers >200 ft tall and towers <200 ft that are positioned in the glide path of an airport be registered with the FCC ASR program. Therefore, this data set does not necessarily depict all communication antennas actually present on the landscape. The source data are updated weekly by the FCC as new permits are issued. However, this data set is designed for a specific analysis, and is planned to remain static as of the publication date (11/06/2003).
Communication antenna towers recorded by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's International Bureau Filing System (IBFS) - 47 CFR Parts 73/74, 23 and 25 (Earth Stations). Note that not all antennas and towers are required to be registered with the FCC. Therefore, this data set does not necessarily depict ALL communication features actually present on the landscape. The source data are updated daily by the FCC as new permits are issued. However, this data set is designed for a specific analysis, and is planned to remain static as of the publication date (11/06/2003).
Rest areas in the western United States. Data was collected from various data sources including georeferenced locations obtained from other agencies, digitized points from various state maps, and other state GIS layers.
This metadata references the polygonal ARC/INFO GIS cover showing the current and historic distribution of potential habitat, or range, of the Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) in Western North America. This data was initially researched and compiled by Dr. Michael A. Schroeder, research biologist for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. The initial draft of current and historic range data was mapped and submitted to state, federal, or provincial natural resource agencies and other experts for review, comment, and editing. The final product represents the best available science and expert review available at the time of compilation.Definition...
This map depicts the proportion of non-Sage-grouse habitat with 18km of each pixel. The map was produced using a moving window analysis on the Distribution of Non-Sage Grouse Habitat in the Conservation Assessment Area with a search radius of 18km. The product of the moving window was the mean pixel value within the window. This map has a 540m resolution.
Density (km / km^2) of all roads in the western United States. Dataset was developed to generalize the 2000 US Census TIGER/Line Roads layer to a density within 18km of each pixel. Obtained from 2000 US Census TIGER/Line Roads using LINEDENSITY with an 18km search radius.
This map was developed to examine multi-scale spatial relationships between percentage of sagebrush and other response variables of interest. A map of sagebrush in the western United States was used as a base layer for a moving window analysis to calculate the percentage of the area classified as sagebrush within the given search radius.
This map was developed to examine multi-scale spatial relationships between percentage of sagebrush and other response variables of interest. A map of sagebrush in the western United States was used as a base layer for a moving window analysis to calculate the percentage of the area classified as sagebrush within the given search radius.
Agricultural land cover in the study area for the conservation assessment of Greater Sage-grouse conducted by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. This dataset was developed from Sagestitch, an Eastern Washington Shrubsteppe Mapping Project, several state-level Gap Analysis Program (GAP) land cover products (AZ, CA, NM, OR, and WA), National Land Cover Data (NLCD) (ND,SD,NE), and the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) Generalized Landcover (Alberta, Saskatchewan).
A complete set of wells associated with oil, natural gas, and coal bed natural gas development in the western states as of June 2004. This is a static dataset even though liquid energy development is a highly dynamic endeavor. Because these well location datasets are generally housed and managed by various state-based agencies (typically the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commissions) a uniform, spatially precise coverage for the western United States has not been available to date. This layer consolidates the best available well location data from ND, SD, MT, WY, CO, NM, UT, AZ, OR, and CA (ID and WA do not report any liquid energy development) and standardizes the attributes. While static as of June 2004 the well...
Cellular phone microwave towers registered with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Not all antennas are required to be registered with the FCC, therefore, this data set does not necessarily depict all cellular phone communication towers actually present on the landscape. The source data are updated weekly by the FCC as new permits are issued. However, this particular data set is designed for a specific analysis, and is planned to remain static as of the publication date (7/22/2007).
This map depicts the distribution of sagebrush and associated shrub-steppe habitat types using readily available data from a variety of source maps from WA, OR, CA, UT, NV, CO, WY, MT, ND, SD, AZ, NM, AB, and BC. Habitat was grouped from map sources that were classified with detailed information on specific sagebrush types, as well as coarse-scale maps that classified vegetation as only "shrub" in the case of ND and the Canadian provinces. This map is a 90-meter grid, but source material included 30 to 90-meter grids, and 1:24,000 and 1:100,000 polygon coverages.
This map depicts the proportion of non-Sage-grouse habitat with 18km of each pixel. The map was produced using a moving window analysis on the Distribution of Non-Sage Grouse Habitat in the Conservation Assessment Area with a search radius of 18km. The product of the moving window was the mean pixel value within the window. This map has a 540m resolution.
This dataset contains information regarding the acreages of land currently (as of 2004) enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) distributed by county and the year the CRP contract was initiated (1987-2004, excluding 1994 and 1995). Additionally, it contains total acreages of land enrolled in the CRP distributed by county and the contract year (1987-2003). USDA Farm Service Agency's (FSA) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a voluntary program available to agricultural producers to help them safeguard environmentally sensitive land. Producers enrolled in CRP plant long-term, resource-conserving covers to improve the quality of water, control soil erosion, and enhance wildlife habitat. In return, FSA...
Categories: Data, pre-SM502.8; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Arizona, CRP, California, Colorado, Colorado Plateau, All tags...
This map depicts the proportion of non-Sage-grouse habitat within 54km of each pixel. The map was produced using a moving window analysis on the Distribution of Non-Sage Grouse Habitat in the Conservation Assessment Area with a search radius of 54km. The product of the moving window was the mean pixel value within the window. This map has a 540m resolution.

map background search result map search result map Agricultural lands within the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment Study Area Oil and Natural Gas Wells, Western U.S. ASR_towers_sgca Sage-grouse Conservation Assessment Boundary Communication Towers in the US Conservation Reserve Program Acreage by County Proportion of Non-Sage-grouse Habitat Within an 18-km Radius Proportion of Non-Sage-grouse Habitat Within an 18-km Radius All Road Density (18km) Rest Areas in the Western United States Sagebrush Mortality in Utah - 2003 Distribution of the Sage-grouse in North America Distribution of Sagebrush and Associated Shrub-steppe Habitats in Western North America Percent Area of Sagebrush Habitat Within an 18-km Radius Percent Area of Sagebrush Habitat Within an 100-km Radius Average STATSGO Soil Characteristics for the Western United States Human Population in the Western United States (1900 - 2000) Proportion of Non-Sage-grouse Habitat Within an 54-km Radius All Roads in the Western United States Sagebrush Mortality in Utah - 2003 Average STATSGO Soil Characteristics for the Western United States Sage-grouse Conservation Assessment Boundary Proportion of Non-Sage-grouse Habitat Within an 18-km Radius Distribution of the Sage-grouse in North America Agricultural lands within the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Assessment Study Area Rest Areas in the Western United States All Roads in the Western United States Proportion of Non-Sage-grouse Habitat Within an 18-km Radius Proportion of Non-Sage-grouse Habitat Within an 54-km Radius Distribution of Sagebrush and Associated Shrub-steppe Habitats in Western North America Conservation Reserve Program Acreage by County Human Population in the Western United States (1900 - 2000) Oil and Natural Gas Wells, Western U.S. Percent Area of Sagebrush Habitat Within an 100-km Radius Percent Area of Sagebrush Habitat Within an 18-km Radius All Road Density (18km) ASR_towers_sgca Communication Towers in the US