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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > ReSciColl Archive > Geological Survey of Alabama > Paleontology collections of Alabama > Geological Survey of Alabama Paleozoic fossil collection ( Show all descendants )

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___Geological Survey of Alabama
____Paleontology collections of Alabama
_____Geological Survey of Alabama Paleozoic fossil collection
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Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 40, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 2 specimen(s) of the blastoid Pentremites puldellus from the Mississippi Gasper Formation in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 2860, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 1 specimen(s) of the trilobite Phacops species from the Devonian Corniferous Formation in OH, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 3936, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 2 specimen(s) of the brachiopod Meristella leus from the Ordovician Trenton Group in MI, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 4189, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 2 specimen(s) of the coral Cladopora reticulate from the Silurian Niagara Group in KY, USA.
Invertebrate fossil sample, GSA Paleozoic number 5053. A fossil sample of the Mississippian crinoid , unidentified genus unidentified species, from the geologic unit St. Louis Limestone, collected from the county of Montgomery, TN, USA.
Invertebrate fossil sample, GSA Paleozoic number 5070. A fossil sample of the Ordovician graptolite , Climacograptus sp., from the geologic unit Athens Shale, collected from the county of unknown, AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 4757, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 1 specimen(s) of the brachiopod unidentified genus and species from the Cambrian Conasauga Formation in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil sample, GSA Paleozoic number 5045. A fossil sample of the Mississippian brachiopod , Spirifer sp., from the geologic unit Bangor Limestone, collected from the county of Jackson, AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil sample, GSA Paleozoic number 5043. A fossil sample of the Mississippian coral , Lithostrotionella castelnaui, from the geologic unit Tuscumbia Limestone, collected from the county of Calhoun, AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil sample, GSA Paleozoic number 5049. A fossil sample of the Mississippian crinoid , unidentified genus unidentified species, from the geologic unit Pride Mountain, collected from the county of Colbert, AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 3007, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains > 20 specimen(s) of the box of mixed taxa that fills the missing specimen boxes unidentified genus and species from the Paleozoic Unspecified formation in an unspecified state in, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 4747, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 1 specimen(s) of the brachiopod unidentified genus and species from the Cambrian Conasauga Formation in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 4738, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 1 specimen(s) of the brachiopod unidentified genus and species from the Cambrian Conasauga Formation in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 4753, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 1 specimen(s) of the brachiopod unidentified genus and species from the Cambrian Conasauga Formation in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 1764, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 3 specimen(s) of the ammonite Goniatites aff G. crenistria from the Mississippian Moorefield Formation in AR, USA.
Invertebrate fossil sample, GSA Paleozoic number 5071. A fossil sample of the Ordovician graptolite , unidentified genus unidentified species, from the geologic unit Athens Shale, collected from the county of Shelby, AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 3601, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains > 50 specimen(s) of the brachiopod Spirifer leidyi from the Mississippian Bangor Limestone in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 1715, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 2 specimen(s) of the bivalve Pecten species from the Paleozoic Pratt Group in AL, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 2005, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 4 specimen(s) of the brachiopod Orthis subquadrata from the Paleozoic Cinti Group in OH, USA.
Invertebrate fossil, GSA Paleozoic number 2613, from the GSA Paleozoic invertebrate paleontology collection. This specimen box contains 1 specimen(s) of the brachiopod Fenestella tenuiceps from the Silurian Niagara Group in NY, USA.

map background search result map search result map GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 40 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 1715 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 2005 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 2613 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 2860 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 3007 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 3601 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 3936 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 4189 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 5043 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 5045 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 5049 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 5053 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 5070 GSA Paleozoic fossil, GSA PZ number 5071