Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers > Northwest CASC > FY 2012 Projects > Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Wetlands in the Pacific Northwest > Approved DataSets ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers ___Northwest CASC ____FY 2012 Projects _____Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Wetlands in the Pacific Northwest ______Approved DataSets Filters
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These data are the result of two years of pond-breeding amphibian visual encounter surveys conducted across a range of pond types (from highly ephemeral to permanent hydrology) in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks. The R code includes well-annotated code for reorganizing and sub-setting the master data, which should make it much easier to work with than the raw spreadsheet. Associated hydrologic data may be of use for other research applications. Recognize that this amphibian dataset is tied to (1) hydrologic projections developed using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model, which provides historical reconstructions of hydroperiod for most of 20th century and future hydrologic projections...
This dataset provides point locations of wetlands in the channeled scablands of Washington State. It was created through object based image analysis of high resolution imagery from 2006 and 2009. Each wetland location has an associated surface water hydrograph constructed from spectral mixture analysis of Landsat satellite imagery (1983 – 2011). Hydrologic data is stored in an associated csv file and can be linked to the data through a unique identifier (Wetland_ID). Additionally, individual surface water hydrographs for wetlands, in jpeg format, can be linked to wetland location through the unique identifier.
This dataset delineates wetland ponds and emergent wetland vegetation in Mt. Rainier National Park. It was created through object based image analysis of high resolution imagery from 2006 and 2009 and LiDAR data acquired in the fall of 2008. Riparian wetlands are not included in this dataset. Accuracy is only verified for wetland ponds in the subalpine region. Forested wetlands, riparian wetlands, and emergent vegetation were only visually assessed. This data maps all wetland habitat, but was primarily used to locate and delineate amphibian habitat in Mt. Rainier National Park.
Categories: Data;
Types: Shapefile;
Tags: Mount Rainier National Park,
Mt. Rainier National Park,
North Cascades,
Northwest CASC,
Washington State,