This catalog contains Geographic Information System (GIS) data in georeferenced vector (point) and raster formats. The vector (point) data are available as Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefiles and as comma-separated text (*.csv) files. Shapefiles generally include *.shp, *.shx, *.xml, and *.dbf files at a minimum. All these data files also include the *.prj files, which contain the dataset projection information. The corresponding 4-km resolution raster data are available in Imagine *.img format. The GIS files have been bundled by year. Each year of raster data (GRID-type) has an associated compressed WinRAR zip file. The corresponding shp and csv data types have compressed WinRAR RAR files,...
This Catalog contains Geographic Information System (GIS) data in georeferenced vector (point) and raster format. The vector (point) data are available in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile format and in comma-separated text (*.csv) files. Shapefiles generally include *.shp, *.shx, *.xml, and *.dbf files at a minimum. All of these data files also include the *.prj files, which contain the dataset projection information. The corresponding 4-km resolution raster data are available in ESRI GRID format. The GIS files have been bundled by year. Each data type (shp, GRID, csv) has a compressed WinRAR zip file—one for each year, hence every zip file may contain up to 12 months of data. In addition...