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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal ___California Landscape Conservation Cooperative ____CA LCC External Projects (funded) _____Climate-Driven Alteration of Intertidal Habitats for Migratory Birds in the San Francisco Bay Estuary Filters
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In 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program completed three cruises to map the bathymetry of the main channel and shallow intertidal mudflats in the southernmost part of south San Francisco Bay. The three surveys were merged to generate comprehensive maps of Coyote Creek (from Calaveras Point east to the railroad bridge) and Alviso Slough (from the bay to the town of Alviso) to establish baseline bathymetry prior to the breaching of levees adjacent to Alviso and Guadalupe Sloughs as part of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project ( Since 2010 we have conducted four additional surveys to monitor bathymetric change in this region as restoration...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Completed,
LCC Network Science Catalog, California LCC,
The papers in this special issue feature state-of-the-art approaches to understanding the physical processes related to sediment transport and geomorphology of complex coastal–estuarine systems. Here we focus on the San Francisco Bay Coastal System, extending from the lower San Joaquin–Sacramento Delta, through the Bay, and along the adjacent outer Pacific Coast. San Francisco Bay is an urbanized estuary that is impacted by numerous anthropogenic activities common to many large estuaries, including a mining legacy, channel dredging, aggregate mining, reservoirs, freshwater diversion, watershed modifications, urban run-off, ship traffic, exotic species introductions, land reclamation, and wetland restoration. The...
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative Project on estuarine shoals and vertebrate predators: In this report, we describe the integrated research program supported by the California LCC addressing sea level rise effects on estuarine shoals and the vertebrate predators dependent on these habitats. We present results from the first year objectives to determine the feasibility of the project and to: 1) host a modeling workshop with partners to identify what parameters are needed to model effects of sea level rise on the ecology of shoals and migratory birds; 2) use existing shoals modeling grids (Ganju and Schoellhamer 2010) to develop methodology for quantifying key metrics for habitat change; 3) conduct a comprehensive...
The Deltares Delft3D FM (flexible mesh) model of the Bay-Delta that provides boundary conditions for the South San Francisco Bay geomorphic model, which is now a 1D model that is spatially extrapolated to 2D, was released at the Bay-Delta Conference in October 2014. The San Francisco Bay-Delta Community Model is an open source Delft3D FM model and allows for continuous development of a process-based, hydrodynamic surface water flow model of the San Francisco Bay-Delta system. The domain covers an area from Point Reyes up to the tidal limits near Sacramento and Vernalis and includes the entire Bay. A high-resolution mesh ultimately allows for detailed computations of flow (including salinity and temperature), sediment...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Completed,
LCC Network Science Catalog, California LCC,
Supplement to article “Climate-Driven Geomorphic Alteration of Intertidal Habitats for Foraging Migratory Birds in the San Francisco Bay Estuary; A California Landscape Conservation Cooperative Project”. Additional information regarding sampling methodology and habitat modeling ofdiving ducks.
Categories: Data,
Types: Citation;
Tags: Completed,
LCC Network Science Catalog,