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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) > Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Data > Upper Mississippi River System > Elevation, Water Depth, & Floodplain Inundation > Bathymetry (Water Depth): Mississippi & Illinois Rivers (partial) ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)
___Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Data
____Upper Mississippi River System
_____Elevation, Water Depth, & Floodplain Inundation
______Bathymetry (Water Depth): Mississippi & Illinois Rivers (partial)
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Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: inlandWaters
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...
Categories: Data; Tags: bathymetry
Water depth is an important feature of aquatic systems. On the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), water depth data are important for describing the physical template of the system and monitoring changes in the template caused by sedimentation. Although limited point or transect sampling of water depth can provide valuable information on habitat character in the UMRS as a whole, the generation of bathymetric surfaces are critical for conducting spatial inventories of the aquatic habitat. The maps are also useful for detecting bed elevation changes in a spatial manner as opposed to the more common method of measuring changes along transects. The Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) has been collecting...

    map background search result map search result map Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 04 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- La Grange Pool Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 13 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 05 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 07 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 08 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 09 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 21 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 05 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 10 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 05 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 05 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 21 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 07 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 08 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 10 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 09 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 13 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- Pool 04 Bathymetric data for the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers -- La Grange Pool