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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal > Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative > SRLCC Landscape-scale Planning Projects > Four Corners and Upper Rio Grande Adaption Forums > Upper Rio Grande ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative
____SRLCC Landscape-scale Planning Projects
_____Four Corners and Upper Rio Grande Adaption Forums
______Upper Rio Grande
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Adaptive Capacity Fields: Count_: Number of mapped karst formations in watershed, 0 - 112 Count1: Number of springs in watershed, 0 - 25 PctNatCov: Percentage of watershed covered by natural vegetation, 18 - 100 PctGAP1_2: Proportion of watershed managed to maintain biodiversity and a natural state 0 - 1 Karst_code: Indicator that karst or pseudokarst is present in watershed, Count_ > 0 = 1 Sprin_code: Indicator that springs are present in watershed, Count1> 0 = 1 NatCo_code: Indicator of high native cover of watershed, PctNatCov ≥ 95% = 1 GAP12_code: Indicator of land managed for biodiversity and a natural state, PctGAP1_2 ≥ 70% = 1 SumACCode: Sum of coded adaptive capacity indicators, 0 - 4 ACscale: Reclassified...
Exposure Fields: Sum_MAch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease mean annual flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 68 Sum_MSch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease in mean summer flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 75 Sum_CFMc20: Number of stream segments in watershed with change in projected center of flow mass timing date between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0 - 79 RVD: Ratio of remote-sensed to predicted riparian cover, used as an index of departure from natural conditions, 0 - 1052 Count_: Number of major dams in watershed, 0 -...
Adaptive Capacity Fields: ColdTemp: Presence of streams with projected August water temperatures < 9o C during the period of 1993-2011, 0/1 Count_: Number of springs in watershed, 0 - 25 Count1: Number of mapped karst formations in watershed, 0 - 112 Sum_SHAP_1: Area (m2 ) of groundwater-supported wetlands in watershed, 0 - 20,000,000 Sum_BeavKm: Kilometers of stream segments with capacity for beaver dams, 0 - 84 PctGAP1_2: Proportion of watershed managed to maintain biodiversity and a natural state, 0 - 1 Wtemp_code: Indicator that stream segments in watershed are currently too cold for ideal trout habitat, but may become ideal (9-11 C) with future warming, = ColdTemp SpWet_code: Indicator that springs or groundwater-supported...
This dataset contains both the inputs and outputs generated as part of the Vulnerability assessment, including indicators of Exposure (the magnitude of climatic or ecological changes within the target landscape), Sensitivity (the response of targets to exposure), and Adaptive Capacity (the potential of the target to cope with exposure). These spatial datasets can be used to construct maps that classify areas according to the presence of vulnerable components.
Sensitivity Fields: ONAPinHUC: Presence of streams occupied by Apache trout (threatened species) in watershed, 0/1 LEVIinHUC: Presence of streams with critical habitat for Little Colorado River spinedace (threatened subspecies) in watershed, 0/1 CADIinHUC: Presence of streams with critical habitat for Zuni bluehead sucker (endangered subspecies) in watershed, 0/1 RVD: Ratio of remote-sensed to predicted riparian cover, used as an index of departure from natural conditions, 0 - 1052 PctBlw2286: Percentage of watershed below 2286 m elevation, 0 - 100 TESp_code: Indicator of threatened or endangered species presence in watershed, > 0 t and E species present = 1 RVD_code: Indicator of decrease in riparian cover in a...
Vulnerability Fields: SumExpCode: Sum of coded exposure indicators, 0 - 5 ExpScale: Reclassified summed exposure score, 1-5 SumSenCode: Sum of coded sensitivity indicators, 0 - 3 SensScale: Reclassified SumSenCode value, 1-5 SumACCode: Sum of coded adaptive capacity indicators, 0 - 4 ACscale: Reclassified SumACCode value, 1 – 5 Impact: SumExpCode + SumSenCode, 0 – 6 ImpScale: Reclassified Impact value, 1-5 scale Adpt_txt: ACscale in text format Imp_txt: ImpScale in text format Vulnerabil: Adpt_txt+ Imp_txt in text format Vuln_class: Interpretation of combined vulnerability score \Imp_class: Interpretation scaled impact score
Vulnerability Fields: SumExpCode: Sum of coded exposure indicators, 0-4 ExpScale: Reclassified summed exposure score, 1-5 SumSenCode: Sum of coded sensitivity indicators, 0 -3 SensScale: Reclassified SumSenCode value, 1-5 SumACCode: Sum of coded adaptive capacity indicators, 0 - 3 ACscale: Reclassified SumACCode value, 1 – 5 Impact: SumExpCode + SumSenCode, 0 – 6 ImpScale: Reclassified Impact value, 1-5 scale Adpt_txt: ACscale in text format Imp_txt: ImpScale in text format Vulnerabil: Adpt_txt+ Imp_txt in text format Vuln_class: Interpretation of combined vulnerability score Imp_class: Interpretation scaled impact score
Exposure Fields: Sum_MAch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected decrease in mean annual flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0-68 Sum_MSch20: Number of stream segments in watershed with decrease in projected mean summer flow volume between projected historical period and the 2040 period (2030-2059), 0-75 Sum_Wtemp: Number of stream segments in watershed with projected increase in mean August water temperatures from < 11o C to > 11o C between the periods of 1993-2011 and 2030-2059, 0-10 Xings_SqKm: Density of road-stream intersections within watershed (crossings/square km), 0-0.94 Canals_SqK: Density of canals within watershed (canals/square km), 0-0.66...
Sensitivity Fields: ONAPinHUC: Presence of streams occupied by Apache trout (threatened species) in watershed, 0/1 GICYinHUC: Presence of critical habitat for humpback chub (endangered species) in watershed, 0/1 LEVIinHUC: Presence of critical habitat for Little Colorado River spinedace (threatened species) in watershed, 0/1 NOSIinHUC: Presence of critical habitat for Pecos bluntnose shiner (threatened species) in watershed, 0/1 XYTEinHUC: Presence of critical habitat for razorback sucker (endangered species) in watershed, 0/1 HYAMinHUC: Presence of critical habitat for Rio Grande silvery minnow (endangered species) in watershed, 0/1 PTLUinHUC: Presence of critical habitat for Colorado pikeminnow (endangered species)...

    map background search result map search result map Riparian Corridors Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Sensitivity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Vulnerability Results, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Habitat Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Habitat Sensitivity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Vulnerability Results, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Sensitivity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Vulnerability Results, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Riparian Corridors Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Adaptive Capacity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Habitat Exposure Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Habitat Sensitivity Indicators, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version Coldwater Fish Vulnerability Results, Four Corners Region and Upper Rio Grande Final Version