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Additional data layers have been developed to supplement recently published information collected and developed for an investigation of shoreline erosion along the Lower Brule Reservation in Central South Dakota. The additional data layers presented in this data release include georeferenced 1965 single frame aerial photos, digitized shoreline features from the georeferenced 1965 images, digitized shoreline features from 2016 aerial imagery, and real-time kinematic surveys of shoreline features on selected reaches of the Lake Sharpe shoreline in 2018. This effort was completed by the USGS Dakota Water Science Center in cooperation with the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Tribal Preservation Office.
Data were collected in August, 2020 to support development of a bathymetric map for Larimore Dam in Grand Forks County, North Dakota. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveying equipment was used in static and real-time kinematic (RTK) mode to establish a local reference mark and check-in/check-out point, to collect water surface elevations, and to collect topographic points along established data collection transects. Topographic points were collected on land, in water too shallow for boating, and in areas of the lake where thick aquatic vegetation prohibited use of an echosounder and transducer. In areas of the lake deep enough for boating and where aquatic vegetation was not present, depth data was collected...
This data release includes text files of well data and shapefiles of potentiometric contours of the Fort Union, Hell Creek, and Fox Hills aquifers within the Standing Rock Reservation. The data accompanies a USGS scientific investigations map from Anderson and Lundgren (2024). The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (the Tribe) of North and South Dakota and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) completed a comprehensive assessment of groundwater resources within the Standing Rock Reservation.Generalized potentiometric surfaces of the Fort Union, Hell Creek, and Fox Hills aquifers were constructed to assess the groundwater resources of the Standing Rock Reservation. Water-level data from the U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater...
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, collected field and remotely sensed data on precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), and soil-water content to determine available soil-water storage (AWS) at six study sites on sandy and clay soils in Cass County, North Dakota. Data were collected at all the study sites from May 1-October 31, 2016, and from May 1-October 24, 2017. Estimated daily AWS was determined using daily meteorological and potential evapotranspiration (PET) data obtained from various climate stations, and estimated monthly AWS was determined using monthly meteorological and PET data and monthly ET data determined using...
A comprehensive study to evaluate water-quality trends in the international Red River of the North basin and to assess water-quality conditions for Red River of the North crossing the international boundary near Emerson, Manitoba was completed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the International Joint Commission, North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and in collaboration with Manitoba Sustainable Development (MSD) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). In this dataset a zipped folder is provided which contains all files necessary to run models and produce results published in U.S. Geological Scientific Investigations...
The City of Mitchell, South Dakota is exploring ways to improve water quality in Firesteel Creek, which flows into Lake Mitchell. One possible way is to construct a wetland on City-owned land in the Firesteel Creek floodplain above Lake Mitchell, allowing sediment deposition and nutrient uptake by aquatic vegetation in the constructed wetland. In order for a constructed wetland to be designed, information on typical flows and water surface elevations of Firesteel Creek throughout the growing season must be considered. This data release documents datasets and procedures used to estimate that information for a study area encompassing the proposed location of the constructed wetland. Monthly duration curves of daily...
This data release is a collection of hydrologic characteristics of groundwater and surface water of selected lakes (Dry Lake #1 and #2, and Antelope Lake) within Clark County, South Dakota. The compiled data was broken into two parts, Reports and Maps, and GIS Data. The Reports and Maps dataset contains PDF reports, maps, and logs for aquifers, lake bathymetry, lithology, and observation wells near the selected lakes and for the entire county. The GIS datasets include publicly available data found on federal and state websites. The GIS Data is presented as comma separated value files, zipped folders with shapefiles, rasters, and a duplicate file geodatabase containing geodatabase tables, shapefile tables, and raster...
This data release contains electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and passive seismic data collected east of Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, from April to September 2021. The data accompanies a USGS scientific investigations map from Medler (2022). The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, used surface geophysical methods to delineate the top of the Cretaceous Pierre Shale along survey transects in selected areas east of Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota. In 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey performed passive seismic and 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys along 21 co-located survey transects east of Ellsworth Air Force Base. Passive seismic...
This dataset contains data in support of a study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to describe water-quality characteristics of the Red River of the North and tributaries prior to construction of the Flood Risk Management Project in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area. This dataset contains bacteria data for ten sites supplied by the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality, pesticide data for five sites supplied by the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, results from quality control samples collected at ten sites by the USGS as well as files necessary to run loads for ten sites and seven constituents published in U.S. Geological Scientific Investigations...
The U.S. Geological Survey Dakota Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, have been collecting data to document shoreline erosion along Lake Sharpe and within the Lower Brule Reservation. This data release includes data collected and compiled from four efforts: shorelines were digitized from existing available maps and aerial imagery to record shoreline locations over time, trail cameras were used to automatically collect photos of the shoreline over time and create time-lapse videos, bank location surveys were completed at intervals to record changes in the location of the top of bank over time, and an unmanned aerial system (drone) was used to collect imagery that was used to generate...
This data release contains borehole video and aquifer-test data for the Burnpit well (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] National Water Information System identification 435240103265301), Mount Rushmore National Memorial, collected in June and July 2020. The data accompany a USGS Scientific Investigations Report by Eldridge and others (2021).
A comprehensive study to evaluate water-quality trends in the International Souris River Basin, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada and North Dakota, United States was completed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the International Joint Commission. In this dataset all files necessary to run trend models and produce results published in U.S. Geological Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5084 [Nustad, R.A., and Tatge, W.S., 2023, Comprehensive water-quality trend analysis for selected sites and constituents in the International Souris River Basin, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, and North Dakota, United States, 1970–2020: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5084,...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center (USAF/CEC), conducted a pilot study at Malmstrom Air Force Base (MAFB) to evaluate the utility of two non-invasive geophysical techniques for detecting hydrocarbons in subsurface materials. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and electromagnetic induction (EMI) surveys were completed August 28–29, 2023, along 7 transects overtop contaminated and uncontaminated sites for comparison. Additionally, the USGS completed ultraviolet optical scanning tool (UVOST) soundings and collected soil samples from temporary boreholes to validate geophysical survey results. A total of 11 UVOST soundings and 7 boreholes were completed...
This produced dataset includes spatially aggregated records of measurements and observations from public and private organizations across the Upper Missouri River Basin. For this dataset the Upper Missouri River Basin is defined as Hydrologic Unit Code 1002-1013, and includes the states of Montana, Wyoming, Utah, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Streamflow measurements are an essential part of understanding the relationship between streamflow permanence and climatic and physical factors. For the purpose of this investigation, all streamflow observations were identified as perennial, non-perennial, or pooled to be used in the PROSPER (PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence) model.
The U.S. Geological Survey Dakota Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, analyzed annual peak-flow data to determine if trends are present and provide attribution of trends where possible. Work for the national trend attributions for nonstationary annual peak-flow records was broken into seven regions that are loosely based off of two-digit hydrologic unit watershed boundaries. Each of the regions made attributions for nonstationary annual peak-flow records using both monotonic trends and change point for 50 (1966-2015) and 75 (1941-2015) year trends. Each child page contains four supporting comma separated values (csv) files (50-year monotonic, 75-year monotonic, 50-year change...
In 2022, the USGS, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center (USAF/CEC), performed geophysical surveys at two areas of interest within and near Ellsworth Air Force Base (EAFB) to delineate the Cretaceous Pierre Shale bedrock. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data were collected in two grid patterns using the dipole-dipole array within and near EAFB and site information—including latitude, longitude, and elevation—were surveyed along geophysical transects comprising the grids using real-time kinematic (RTK) techniques. The purpose of collecting ERT data in grids rather than along individual transects was to create three-dimensional (3D) surfaces of the bedrock, which improve site characterization...
These data provide a public summary of the changes made to the U.S. Geological Survey peak-flow file since formal Nation-wide checking began in 2008. Coverage includes peak-flow sites in the United States and territories.
This data release contains borehole geophysical data collected within and near Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, from September 2020 to August 2021. The data accompanies a USGS scientific investigations map from Medler and others (2022). The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, collected borehole geophysical data and performed simple aquifer tests to estimate the thickness and hydraulic properties of surficial deposits. The purpose of data collection was to create generalized contour maps of Pierre Shale elevation and surficial deposit thickness within and near Ellsworth Air Force Base (study area). Natural gamma and electromagnetic induction (EMI) data were...
Flow-duration statistics at the 99th, 98th, 95th, 90th, 80th, 70th, 60th, and 50th percent exceedance probabilities and annual n-day low-flow statistics for the 1-, 7-, 14-, and 30-day mean low flows with 2-year (0.5 nonexceedance probability), 5-year (0.2 nonexceedance probability), and 10-year (0.1 nonexceedance probability) recurrence intervals were computed for 28 selected streamflow gaging stations in Puerto Rico. The 28 selected streamflow gaging stations were required to have 10 or more years of daily mean streamflow data through water year 2018. The flow-duration statistics and n-day low-flow frequencies were computed using the U.S. Geological Survey program, SWToolbox. Regional regression equations were...
This page contains a zipped folder which contains all items necessary to run trend models and produce results published in U.S. Geological Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5086 [Tatge, W.S., Hoogestraat, G., and Nustad, R.A., 2022, Water-Quality Data and Trends in the Rapid Creek Basin, South Dakota, 1970–2020: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5086]. To run the R-QWTREND program in R 6 files are required and each is included in this child page: prepQWdataV4.txt, runQWmodelV4XXUEP.txt, plotQWtrendV4XXUEP.txt, qwtrend2018v4.exe, salflibc.dll, and StartQWTrendV4.R (Vecchia and Nustad, 2020). The folder contains five items required to run the R–QWTREND trend analysis tool; a readme.txt...

map background search result map search result map Data Documenting the U.S. Geological Survey Peak-Flow File Data Verification Project, 2008-16 Data to document shoreline erosion at selected locations along Lake Sharpe on the Lower Brule Reservation in South Dakota, 1966-2015 Lower Brule Reservation Shoreline Erosion, Additional Data Layers, South Dakota, 2018 Supplemental Data for Water-Balance Techniques for Determining Available Soil-Water Storage for Selected Sandy and Clay Soil Study Sites in Cass County, North Dakota, 2016–17 Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015 Streamflow Observation Points in the Upper Missouri River Basin, 1973-2018 Water-quality and streamflow data for United States and Canadian sites in the Red River Basin and scripts for trend analysis—Data supporting water-quality trend analysis in the Red River of the North basin, 1970–2017 Bathymetric Data Collection for Larimore Dam in North Dakota, August 2020 Data Files for the Development of Regional Regression Equations for Flow-Duration Statistics and N-day Low-Flow Frequencies for Ungaged Stream Locations in Puerto Rico Using Data Through Water Year 2018 Borehole video and aquifer test data for the Burnpit well, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota, 2020 Data Compilation for Hydrologic and Inundation Analysis for Clark County, South Dakota, U.S.A. Estimated water surface elevations for selected monthly flow exceedance percentiles for Firesteel Creek upstream from Lake Mitchell in Davison County, South Dakota, 2021 Model Scripts and Water-Quality Data for Trends in the Rapid Creek Basin, South Dakota, 1970–2020 Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) data collected East and Southeast of Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, in 2021 Datasets Used to Create Maps of Pierre Shale Elevation and Surficial Deposit Thickness within and near Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, 2021 Data and scripts used in water-quality trend analysis in the International Souris River Basin, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada and North Dakota, United States, 1970-2020 Data and scripts used in water-quality characteristics of the Red River of the North and tributaries in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area, North Dakota 2019-2022 Electrical resistivity tomography, electromagnetic induction, and ultraviolet optical scanning tool data collected at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana, August 28–August 31, 2023 Three-Dimensional Delineation of the Pierre Shale Bedrock from Electrical Resistivity Surveys Conducted in Two Areas of Interest Within and Near Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, 2022 Datasets Used to Create Generalized Potentiometric Maps of the Fort Union, Hell Creek, and Fox Hills Aquifers within the Standing Rock Reservation Bathymetric Data Collection for Larimore Dam in North Dakota, August 2020 Electrical resistivity tomography, electromagnetic induction, and ultraviolet optical scanning tool data collected at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana, August 28–August 31, 2023 Three-Dimensional Delineation of the Pierre Shale Bedrock from Electrical Resistivity Surveys Conducted in Two Areas of Interest Within and Near Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, 2022 Borehole video and aquifer test data for the Burnpit well, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota, 2020 Estimated water surface elevations for selected monthly flow exceedance percentiles for Firesteel Creek upstream from Lake Mitchell in Davison County, South Dakota, 2021 Datasets Used to Create Maps of Pierre Shale Elevation and Surficial Deposit Thickness within and near Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, 2021 Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) data collected East and Southeast of Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, in 2021 Data to document shoreline erosion at selected locations along Lake Sharpe on the Lower Brule Reservation in South Dakota, 1966-2015 Lower Brule Reservation Shoreline Erosion, Additional Data Layers, South Dakota, 2018 Supplemental Data for Water-Balance Techniques for Determining Available Soil-Water Storage for Selected Sandy and Clay Soil Study Sites in Cass County, North Dakota, 2016–17 Data Files for the Development of Regional Regression Equations for Flow-Duration Statistics and N-day Low-Flow Frequencies for Ungaged Stream Locations in Puerto Rico Using Data Through Water Year 2018 Datasets Used to Create Generalized Potentiometric Maps of the Fort Union, Hell Creek, and Fox Hills Aquifers within the Standing Rock Reservation Data and scripts used in water-quality trend analysis in the International Souris River Basin, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada and North Dakota, United States, 1970-2020 Water-quality and streamflow data for United States and Canadian sites in the Red River Basin and scripts for trend analysis—Data supporting water-quality trend analysis in the Red River of the North basin, 1970–2017 Streamflow Observation Points in the Upper Missouri River Basin, 1973-2018 Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015 Data Documenting the U.S. Geological Survey Peak-Flow File Data Verification Project, 2008-16