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This data set includes geospatial data and tables providing location, environmental, and vegetation data collected in 2017 and 2018 at the Little Saint Francis River (LSFR) chat pile restoration site, Fredericktown, Madison County, Missouri. Restoration actions are being implemeneted as part of the settlement for the Madison County Mines Superfund site to compensate the public for losses of natural resources and the services they provide as part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District case. Data were collected prior to and during the early stages of restoration actions to restore bottomland forest habitat, reduce invasive plant species abundance, and improve...
Globally, changing fire regimes due to climate is one of the greatest threats to ecosystems and society. This dataset presents projections of historic and future fire probability for the southcentral U.S. using downscaled climate projections and the Physical Chemistry Fire Frequency Model (PC2FM, Guyette et al., 2012). Climate data from 1900-1929 and projected climate data for 2040-2069 and 2070-2099 were used as model inputs to the Physical Chemistry Fire Frequency Model (Guyette et al. 2012) to estimate fire probability. Baseline and future time period data are from three global climate models (GCMs): CGCM, GFDL, and HadCM3. The nine associated data sets (tiffs) represent estimated change in mean fire probability...
Point clouds, high resolution digital surface models (DSM), and high resolution orthoimagery of Palmyra Atoll, USA, were generated from aerial 3-color and 5-band imagery collected October 2016 using Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS, or "drones"). Data were processed in sections corresponsing to flight areas using photogrammetry to generate three-dimensional point clouds (.las) by identifying pixels from multiple images representing the same object and calculating the x, y, and z coordinates of that object/pixel. Point clouds for each section were processed to create DSMs (.tif) representing the continuous surface of the uppermost reflective surface (i.e., data have not been filtered for vegetation classes or height)....
This data set includes tables providing location, environmental, vegetation, soils, and carbon sampling data collected in 2015 and 2016 at vegetation sampling units on restored areas and other habitats at sites in northeast Indiana, USA. "Sample_units.txt" provides location, environmental, soil physical and chemical properties for each sample location. "Subplot_ground_flora.txt" provides subplot estimates of cover for each ground flora species in each each subplot; "Plot_ground_flora.txt" provides plot-level estimates of cover for each ground flora species in each plot. "Woody_stems.txt" provides diameter at breast height measurements and height estimates for woody species with measurable diameters at 1.4 m. "Downed_wood_less_than_3_in_diameter.txt"...
Broodstock, individual Faxonius quadruncus, were collected for culturing eggs until hatch. Hatchling crayfish were to be used in toxicity testing to assess hazards of metals mixtures to young Faxonius quadruncus
Isolated patches of native vegetation in human-modified landscapes are important reservoirs of biological diversity because they may be the only places in which rare or native species can persist. Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia, is an island embedded in a matrix of intensively modified lands; it is becoming increasingly isolated due to growth of the greater Washington, D.C. area. A series of cliffs along Bull Run support an eastern white pine community disjunct from its more typical range in the Appalachian Mountains. Cliffs frequently support vegetation communities that differ from surrounding habitat. In this ecological context, the cliffs along Bull Run are islands of specialized habitat within...
This supplementary table contains raw and relative (normalized) data for metrics measuring exposure (yellow columns), sensitivity (green columns), constraints on adaptive capacity (blue columns), and vulnerability for units in the US National Park Service Midwest administrative region. Stippled columns contain relative (normalized) data used to calculate the corresponding component. Vulnerability (two climate scenarios) was calculated as the mean of the three components. Metrics marked with an asterisk (*) were not calculated for parks with footprints greater than 90% developed.
Invasive crayfish are known to displace native crayfish species, alter aquatic habitat and community structure and function, and are serious pests for fish hatcheries. White River Crawfish (WRC; Procambarus acutus) were inadvertently introduced to a warm-water fish hatchery in Missouri, USA, possibly in an incoming fish shipment. We evaluated the use of chemical control for crayfish to ensure incoming and outgoing fish shipments from hatcheries do not contain live crayfish. We conducted acute (less than or equal to 24 hr) static toxicity tests to determine potency, dose-response, and selectivity of pesticides to WRC, Virile Crayfish (VC; Orconectes virilis), and Fathead Minnow (FHM; Pimephales promelas). Data included...
The Land Capability Potential Index (LCPI) is a hydrogeomorphic model of potential flow-return interval and soil drainage classes developed as a decision support tool for the restoration and management of floodplain habitat on the Lower Missouri River. Because the LCPI captures abiotic variables known to affect the distribution of plant species, it may be useful in predicting where invasive species are likely to occur and become abundant and as a framework for applying management actions to control their spread. The frequencies with which 5 non-native and 1 native invasive species occurred and exceeded 15 percent cover were examined in relation to LCPI classes using existing data collected during multiple studies...
This data set contains information on detections of amphibians at four bottomland hardwood restoration sites in northeastern Indiana in 2015 and 2016. Amphibian communities were surveyed using four different methods—automated recording units, diurnal visual encounter surveys along transects, nocturnal transect surveys, and amphibian rapid assessments. The data set contains three tables: 1) site descriptions and bounding coordinates, 2) detections of vocalizing anurans (i.e., frogs and toads) recorded by automated recording units, and 3) detections of amphibians by diurnal visual encounter surveys, nocturnal transect surveys, and amphibian rapid assessments.
Photo-interpretation of high-resolution aerial imagery was used to delineate individual stems of select woody species and to map vegetation communities at Palmyra Atoll, USA. Imagery collected using Unoccupied Aerial Systems in October, 2016, as well as derived elevation and mosaicked orthoimagery, were used to delineate individual crowns of coconut, Pisonia and other selected woody species that comprise the bulk of the canopy on the island. National Vegetation Classification System vegetation associations and other vegetation communities were also mapped. Finally, the high tide line was delineated to provide an updated map and estimate of area for terrestrial resources.
Data were collected associated with the application of a pesticide to a stormwater retention pond and burrows to suppress or eradicate an invasive crayfish species, Procambarus clarkii, in support of high-priority research developing control methods to mitigate impacts of invasive crayfish within the Great Lakes Basin. Effectiveness of the treatment was accessed using an in-situ bioassay and by measuring pesticide concentrations in water, sediment, and caged crayfish. Water quality data, including temperature, pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, and turbidity, in stormwater ponds was collected to evaluate whether environmental conditions may impact treatment effectiveness and...
Palmyra atoll includes nearly 50 square kilometers of coral reef and 275 hectares of emergent lands that include forests of endangered Pisonia grandis trees and colonies of several species of birds. The reef is considered pristine, but some land areas and nearshore sediments are chemically contaminated from activities that occurred during the occupation of the atoll by the US Navy during World War II. In 2008 and 2010, screening surveys were conducted to measure elemental and organic contaminants in soils and sediments at locations known or suspected to be contaminated. A map of Navy facilities on the atoll in 1944 was scanned, mosaicked, and georeferenced, and identifiable facilities were digitized and attributed...

    map background search result map search result map Missouri River invasive plant species sampling locations and cover values, 2002-2012 Table containing raw and normalized scores used to calculate vulnerability of 60 American Midwestern national parks to projected climate and land use changes for 2080-2099. Data in support of manuscript "Evaluation of chemical control for invasive crayfish at a warmwater fish production hatchery" Manassas Bluff Flora Database Geospatial data of elemental contamination at Palmyra Atoll, 2008 and 2010 Female Faxonius (formerly Orconectes) quadruncus broodstock for toxicity testing Future changes in southcentral U.S. wildfire probability due to climate change-Data NE Indiana bottomland restoration vegetation, soils and carbon data, 2015 and 2016 Pre-restoration vegetation data, Little Saint Francis River chat pile site, Missouri, USA, 2017 and 2018 Woody species crown and vegetation community data, Palmyra Atoll, 2016 Amphibian monitoring data collected from Indiana hardwood forests, 2015-2016 Orthoimagery and elevation data derived from UAS imagery for Palmyra Atoll, USA 2016 (ver. 1.1, November 2020) Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish Field and laboratory data to determine lethal pesticide concentrations for control of invasive crayfish Pre-restoration vegetation data, Little Saint Francis River chat pile site, Missouri, USA, 2017 and 2018 Manassas Bluff Flora Database Woody species crown and vegetation community data, Palmyra Atoll, 2016 Orthoimagery and elevation data derived from UAS imagery for Palmyra Atoll, USA 2016 (ver. 1.1, November 2020) Female Faxonius (formerly Orconectes) quadruncus broodstock for toxicity testing Geospatial data of elemental contamination at Palmyra Atoll, 2008 and 2010 NE Indiana bottomland restoration vegetation, soils and carbon data, 2015 and 2016 Amphibian monitoring data collected from Indiana hardwood forests, 2015-2016 Missouri River invasive plant species sampling locations and cover values, 2002-2012 Future changes in southcentral U.S. wildfire probability due to climate change-Data Table containing raw and normalized scores used to calculate vulnerability of 60 American Midwestern national parks to projected climate and land use changes for 2080-2099.