Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Great Lakes Restoration Initiative > Evaluation of contaminants and their potential biological effects in Great Lakes tributaries ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __Great Lakes Restoration Initiative ___Evaluation of contaminants and their potential biological effects in Great Lakes tributaries Filters
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This dataset describes the quantity and morphology of floating microplastics in 29 Great Lakes tributaries in 6 states. Samples were collected in spring 2014 – spring 2015. Each tributary was sampled three to four times, capturing low-flow and runoff-event conditions. Sampling and analysis methods are described in the .xml metadata file. These data are interpreted in a journal article: Baldwin, A.K., Corsi, S.R., and Mason, S.A., 2016, Plastic debris in 29 Great Lakes tributaries: Relations to watershed attributes and hydrology: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 50, no. 19, p. 10377–10385, doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b02917.