Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > Eastern Geographic Science Center > Public_Approved_Only > jshermeyer > Datasets related to crop residue, irrigation, and shortwave infra-red (SWIR) spectral reflectance, Talbot County, MD, May 2015 ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __Eastern Geographic Science Center ___Public_Approved_Only ____jshermeyer _____Datasets related to crop residue, irrigation, and shortwave infra-red (SWIR) spectral reflectance, Talbot County, MD, May 2015 Filters
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A shapefile containing the irrigated wedges (both dry and wet) used in this study. These wedges cover a small portion of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, centered on Hillsboro, MD.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Conservation agriculture,
Eastern Shore of Maryland
A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. This sheet outputs a corrected fractional residue cover and also has estimates of standard error, residual standard error, residual mean squared error and range of the calculated fractional residue estimates.
Worldview 3 SWIR Image Mosaic that has been atmospherically corrected to surface reflectance covering a small portion of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, centered on Hillsboro, MD.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
Tags: Conservation agriculture,
Eastern Shore of Maryland
A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. This sheet outputs a corrected fractional residue cover and also has estimates of standard error, residual standard error, residual mean squared error and range of the calculated fractional residue estimates.
A spread sheet documenting the mean and standard deviations of spectral response of Worldview 3 bands and spectral indices.
A spread sheet documenting the wetness conditions for various fields in the study site. Additionally, this sheet documents mean spectral responses for Landsat and Worldview 3 bands as well as tillage and wetness indices, and the estimated percentage of residue and raw water content.
A spreadsheet documenting the wetness conditions for various fields in the study site. Additionally, this sheet documents mean spectral responses for Landsat and Worldview 3 bands as well as tillage and wetness indices, and the estimated percentage of residue and raw water content.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Eastern Shore of Maryland