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_ScienceBase Catalog
__Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
___PIERC Public Data Releases
____Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: Impacts to Avifauna from the Tohoku Tsunami 2011
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This dataset contains a screen-digitized coastline for Midway Atoll (Sand, Eastern, and Spit Islands) based on a DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite image taken on January 14, 2010. The digitized coastline was not corrected for tide since no digital elevation model was available at the time the image was collected. Like most of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, this coastline is very dynamic and changes considerably from season to season, year to year, as erosion and depsoition of sand are in constant flux.
Three albatross species breed at Midway Atoll: black-footed (Phoebastria nigripes), Laysan (P. immutabilis), and short-tailed (P. albatrus). This dataset contains the boundaries of survey area sectors used during the USFWS albatross censuses at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. The entire area of the atoll is divided into 61 unequal-area sectors. Sector boundaries were established by the USFWS. USGS digitzed the sector boundaries using satellite imagery and data points collected during the 2011-2012 albatross breeding season (hatch year 2012).
This dataset contains a screen-digitized coastline for Laysan Island based on a DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite image taken on May 18, 2010. After digitization the coastline was corrected for tide using a 1-meter digital elevation model (DEM). It was also smoothed in ArcGIS 10 to remove some of the inherent jaggedness from the point-by-point digitizing process. Like most of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, this coastline is very dynamic and changes considerably from season to season, year to year, as erosion and deposition of sand are in flux.
Approximately one-third of the global population of black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) nest at Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. As part of an effort to monitor albatross at this globally important site, USFWS personnel and volunteers conduct an annual, spatially-explicit, atoll-wide albatross census during the peak nesting when albatrosses are attending an egg (December-January). During the 2011-2012 breeding season (hatch year 2012) the census was conducted December 16, 2011–January 8, 2012. Albatross nest counts during the census were divided into 61 historically established, spatially-explicit sectors of unequal area. Within a sector, surveyors walked parallel transects approximately...
This GIS shapefile delineates the approximate inundation extent on Laysan Island during the March 11, 2011 tsunami event that originated off the Tohoku coast of Japan. The high water mark was created from a GPS track file of the debris line taken on March 12, 2011, the day after the tsunami. The coastline at the time of the tsunami was estimated based on the location of the coastline as viewed in a satellite image taken approximately 10 months before the tsunami(May 18, 2010). The inundation extent was estimated as the polygon area bound by the coastline and high water mark.
This polygon layer delineates the area inundated during the March 11, 2011 tsunami. It is based on a tracking file generated by Pete Leary, of US Fish and Wildlife Service, who traversed the high water mark (debris line) of the tsunmai on March 15, 2011. The coastline at Midway Atoll, which changes from year to year and season to season, was taken from the last available image (Jan. 14, 2010) prior to the tsuanmi event. The tsunami inundation area represents the area bound by the high water mark and the coastline.
Approximately one-third of the global population of black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) nest at Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. As part of an effort to monitor albatross at this globally important site, USFWS personnel and volunteers conduct an annual, spatially-explicit, atoll-wide albatross census during peak nesting when albatrosses are attending an egg (December-January). During the 2011-2012 breeding season (hatch year 2012) the census was conducted December 16, 2011–January 8, 2012. Albatross nest counts during the census were divided into 61 historically established, spatially-explicit sectors of unequal area. Within a sector, surveyors walked parallel transects approximately...
This dataset contains landcover classes for Laysan Island based on a satellite image taken by DigitalGlobe, Inc. on May 18, 2010. Landcover was classified into 15 different categories, categories determined by how avifauna use these categories for habitat, nesting and foraging.
This dataset contains a raster-based landcover map for Midway Atoll as of Jan 14, 2010. Landcover is classified into 9 different categories including various types of vegetation, bare ground, beach, and human structures. These categories were created using manual digitizing and unsupervised classification techniques on a DigitalGlobe WorldView-2 satellite image taken January 14, 2010.