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__USGS Nebraska Water Science Center
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An integrated hydrologic-flow model, called the Central Platte Integrated Hydrologic Model, was constructed using the MODFLOW-One-Water Hydrologic Model code with the Newton solver. This code integrates climate, landscape, surface water, and groundwater-flow processes in a fully coupled approach. This study provided the Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) with an advanced numerical modeling tool to assist with the update of their Groundwater Management Plan by providing them information on modeled future GW levels under different climate scenarios and management practices. This tool will allow the CPNRD to evaluate other scenarios as management changes in the future. A predevelopment model simulated...
The Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers reside in southern-central Nevada. This group of aquifers can be categorized into welded tuff, bedded tuff, and lava flow aquifers. Each of these categories possess different physical characteristics and have varying degrees of welding and number of interconnected joints. The lithology of these aquifers is primarily dependent on mode of eruption and cooling and are highly variable. Because the lithology is so variable, so is groundwater transmission, storage, and yield (HA 730-B). This product provides source data for the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers framework, including: Extent shapefiles: 1. p_57SRNVDV.shp: Polygon shapefile containing the areal extent...
In the fall of 2014 (October-November) the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers collected sediment samples (suspended and bed material) at several sites on the Niobrara River in Nebraska near the Spencer Dam prior to, during, and immediately after a sediment-flushing event. Suspended-sediment samples were analyzed for sediment concentration and percent finer than sand. Bed sediment samples were analyzed for particle-size distribution using standard classes by sieve analysis. In addition, a Sequoia LISST Streamside particle-size analyzer (PSA) was deployed during the first week of the flush; this unit collected suspended-sediment concentration and grain-size data. Sampled sites...
These data are the survey results from a five-mile section of the Platte River at, and upstream of the Nebraska Army National Guard Camp Ashland Training Site including the side channel chutes on the east bank. All survey data were collected along planned transect lines that were spaced 492.125 US survey feet apart beginning near the mouth of the Elkhorn River and ending near the U.S. Highway 6 bridge. An effort was made to get complete elevation data for each transect from top of bank to top of bank. Survey grade Global Navigation and Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiving antennas connected to a real time network (RTK high precision network were used to measure elevation along the transects, at...
Water samples from the Platte River were collected and analyzed for environmental DNA (eDNA). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Nebraska Water Science Center (NEWSC) collected samples monthly from November 2019 to September 2022 at the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska (USGS: 06801000). The USGS, in cooperation with the City of Lincoln, collected these samples. Water from the Platte River was collected as a series of weighted bottle subsamples that were taken from equal width increments across the river and composited into a sterilized 1-liter bottle. An aliquot of this composited sample was extracted using a sterile syringe and then filtered by the USGS NEWSC staff using filters provided by Jonah Ventures. These...
The Ada-Vamoosa aquifer resides in the Central Lowland Physiographic Province in east-central Oklahoma and ends at the Kansas State line. The aquifer underlies an area of about 2,300 square miles. The aquifer consists mainly of layers of fine to coarse-grained sandstone irregularly interbedded with shale and limestone. The rocks are in the Ada and the Vamoosa Groups are Pennsylvanian age. The maximum thickness of the aquifer is about 900 feet. The aquifer is productive where conditions are unconfined and acts as the primary water source for several towns in the area (HA 730-E). This product provides source data for the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer framework, including: Georeferenced images: 1. i_28ADAVMS_top.tif: Digitized...
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Lewis and Clark, Lower Elkhorn, Lower Loup, Lower Platte North, Lower Niobrara, Middle Niobrara, Upper Elkhorn, and the Upper Loup Natural Resources Districts, designed a study to refine the spatial and temporal discretization of a previously modeled area. This updated study focused on a 30,000-square-mile area of the High Plains aquifer and constructed regional groundwater-flow models to evaluate the effects of groundwater withdrawal on stream base flow in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, Nebraska. The model was calibrated to match groundwater-level and base-flow data from the stream-aquifer system from pre-1940 through 2010 (including predevelopment [pre-1895],...
This data release contains six zipped raster files of aerial thermal infrared (TIR) images of the South Loup River, North Loup River, and Dismal River named as,,,,, and This data release also includes a file which contains three ASCII comma separated values files with stream reconnaissance data which include stream temperature, streambed temperature, and vertical hydraulic gradient. This dataset also includes a
Digital flood-inundation maps for an 8.8-mile reach of the North Platte River, from 1.5 miles upstream of the Highway 92 bridge to 3 miles downstream of the Highway 71 bridge, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Cities of Scottsbluff and Gering. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgage on the Platte River at Scottsbluff, Nebr. (station 06680500). Near-real-time stages at this streamgage may be obtained on the Internet from the USGS National...
This Data Release is comprised of datasets used for the development of a hydrogeologic visualization model for western Sarpy County. Additional documentation on model development can be found in the associated Scientific Investigations Report. In 2016, the Papillion-Missouri River Natural Resources District (PMRNRD) contracted airborne electromagnetic surveys (AEM) of the area to be completed to better understand the stratigraphy and hydrogeology of the western Sarpy County area. The PMRNRD determined that they wanted to incorporate the AEM data into a visualization tool that would allow PMRNRD staff to easily interact with the AEM data and integrate it with other hydrogeologic and groundwater-quality data. The...
This data set contains two sets of measured water-level data collected on and near Offutt Air Force Base near Bellevue, Nebraska. Surface-water and groundwater-level data were collected for two synoptic water-level surveys completed in late summer of 2020 and in spring 2021. The elevations of surface-water features were surveyed with a rover receiver using a real-time network (RTN), where the rover receiver receives real-time position corrections from a central server through a mobile wireless-fidelity (Wi-Fi) hotspot linked to the rover receiver. Data collection procedures ensured that positions and elevations achieved a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Level-III survey accuracy and surveyed surface-water elevations...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Resources Mission Area (WMA) is working to address a need to understand where the Nation is experiencing water shortages or surpluses relative to the demand by delivering routine assessments of water supply and demand. A key part of these national assessments is identifying long-term trends in water availability, including groundwater and surface water quantity, quality, and use. This data release contains Mann-Kendall monotonic trend analyses for annual groundwater metrics at 39,964 wells located in the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The groundwater metrics include annual mean, maximum, and minimum water level and the timing of the annual...
The Western Interior Plains aquifer system is located in parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming and covers an area of more than 220,800 square miles. The thickness of the aquifer system ranges from 500 feet in eastern Colorado (HA 730-D) to as much as 10,000 feet in western Oklahoma (PP_1414B). This aquifer system consists of water-bearing dolostone, limestone, and shale and overlies the basement confining unit in the western part of the Interior Plains physiographic division. This aquifer system consists of the upper aquifer unit (A1), a middle confining unit, and the lower aquifer unit (A2). The aquifer system is overlain by the Western Interior...
Digital flood-inundation maps for a 37.2-mile reach of the Meramec River from Eureka to Arnold, Missouri, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, Missouri Department of Transportation, Missouri American Water, Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 7, and the cities of Pacific, Eureka, Wildwood, and Arnold. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science Web site at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at four USGS streamgages on the Meramec...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in collaboration with the Platte River Recovery and Implementation Program, collected capacitively coupled (CC) resistivity data and six direct push sediment cores to identify the coarsest alluvial deposits underlying the Morse properties in central Nebraska to supplement the subsurface geologic information, for the purposes of proper siting of intentional recharge structures, and to improve current understanding of groundwater movement. The subsurface geology is described in three different data sets in varied file formats. First, for the direct-push cores, data are given as detailed descriptions of core lithology and texture and are provided in Comma Separated Values (CSV) file...
The Niobrara River is a National Scenic River in northern Nebraska. The Niobrara River is characterized by a sand channel with areas of gravel and bedrock. Bathymetric and topographic surveys were completed at five sites (Norden, Meadville, Mariaville, Spencer, and Niobrara) on the Niobrara River in August 2020. The bathymetric data were collected using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) attached to kayaks. The ADCP data were collected on transects and between the transects following the flow of the river at each site. Topographic data including water surface elevations were collected with survey grade Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). A temporary reference point was established at each of...
Digital flood-inundation maps for an 8-mile reach of the Papillion Creek near Offutt Air Force Base, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force, Offutt Air Force Base. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science website at, depict estimates of the areal extent and depth of flooding corresponding to selected water levels (stages) at the USGS streamgages on the Papillion Creek at Fort Crook, Nebr. (station 06610795) and Papillion Creek at Harlan Lewis Road near La Platte, Nebr. (station 06610798). Near-real-time stages at...
This data release contains the inputs and outputs from the development of Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentration models for the four Missouri River sites near Omaha, Nebraska. Model development, models, and results are published in the associated U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) report Densmore and others, 2020. Load Estimator models (LOADEST) (Runkel and others, 2004) were developed from the first 5 years of data (July 2012–September 2016). Sites include Missouri River at NP Dodge Park at Omaha, Nebr. (USGS Site ID 412126095565201), Missouri River at Freedom Park Omaha, Nebr. (USGS Site ID 411636095535104), Missouri River near Council Bluffs, Iowa (USGS Site ID 06610505), and Missouri River near La Platte, Nebr....
The Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) is one of the most important agricultural regions in the United States and underlies about 32,000 square miles of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The MAP region supports a multibillion-dollar agricultural industry. The MAP is part of the Mississippi Embayment with several water-bearing units that make up the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System (MERAS). These water bearing units include the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Claiborne aquifers and Wilcox aquifers. Two areas in northeastern Arkansas, the Cache and Grand Prairie areas have been designated as critical groundwater areas because of decades of groundwater declines...

map background search result map search result map Direct-push sediment cores, resistivity profiles, and depth-averaged resistivity collected for Platte River Recovery and Implementation Program in Phelps County, Nebraska Niobrara River suspended-sediment and bed-sediment data collected during hydroelectric dam flush near Spencer, Nebr., October through November, 2014 Aerial thermal infrared imagery, focused groundwater discharge points, water temperature, streambed temperature, and vertical hydraulic gradient data collected along the South Loup, Dismal, and North Loup Rivers, Nebraska, 2014-16 Water-level and digital data for the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins groundwater flow model, Phase Three Flood-inundation geospatial datasets for the North Platte River at Scottsbluff and Gering, Nebraska Modeling Escherichia coli in the Missouri River near Omaha, Nebraska, 2012-16: Model Inputs and Outputs Bathymetric and Topographic Survey of the Platte River and associated chutes near the Nebraska Army National Guard Camp Ashland Training Site, 2019-2020 Niobrara River Bathymetric and Topographic Surveys to Assess Topobathymetric Lidar Accuracy, 2020 Flood inundation geospatial datasets for Papillion Creek near Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska Water-surface and groundwater-level elevations on and near Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, summer 2020 and spring 2021 MODFLOW-One-Water model used to support the Central Platte Natural Resources District Groundwater Management Plan Environmental DNA of selected terrestrial vertebrates and bacteria detected in the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska 2019-22 Datasets of altitude of the top of the Dakota Sandstone, top of the Pennsylvanian-age units, and water-level in western Sarpy County, Nebraska Simulations of the groundwater-flow system in the Cache and Grand Prairie Critical Groundwater Areas, northeastern Arkansas Long-term monotonic trends in annual groundwater metrics in the United States through 2020 Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer, Oklahoma Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Western Interior Plains aquifer system, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers, Nevada Direct-push sediment cores, resistivity profiles, and depth-averaged resistivity collected for Platte River Recovery and Implementation Program in Phelps County, Nebraska Environmental DNA of selected terrestrial vertebrates and bacteria detected in the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska 2019-22 Bathymetric and Topographic Survey of the Platte River and associated chutes near the Nebraska Army National Guard Camp Ashland Training Site, 2019-2020 Water-surface and groundwater-level elevations on and near Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, summer 2020 and spring 2021 Flood-inundation geospatial datasets for the North Platte River at Scottsbluff and Gering, Nebraska Flood inundation geospatial datasets for Papillion Creek near Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska Niobrara River suspended-sediment and bed-sediment data collected during hydroelectric dam flush near Spencer, Nebr., October through November, 2014 Datasets of altitude of the top of the Dakota Sandstone, top of the Pennsylvanian-age units, and water-level in western Sarpy County, Nebraska Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer, Oklahoma Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers, Nevada Aerial thermal infrared imagery, focused groundwater discharge points, water temperature, streambed temperature, and vertical hydraulic gradient data collected along the South Loup, Dismal, and North Loup Rivers, Nebraska, 2014-16 Simulations of the groundwater-flow system in the Cache and Grand Prairie Critical Groundwater Areas, northeastern Arkansas MODFLOW-One-Water model used to support the Central Platte Natural Resources District Groundwater Management Plan Water-level and digital data for the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins groundwater flow model, Phase Three Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Western Interior Plains aquifer system, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming Long-term monotonic trends in annual groundwater metrics in the United States through 2020