Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) > SBSC Public Data, Metadata & Software > 2020 ( Show all descendants )
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ROOT _ScienceBase Catalog __USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) ___SBSC Public Data, Metadata & Software ____2020
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This dataset is from a restoration field study conducted at seven sites distributed across the southern Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona as part of the RestoreNet dryland restoration field trial network. The data consist of post-experimental restoration treatment (2018-2019) plant density and height measurements along with site precipitation, temperature, and soils data. Plant data were collected through plot monitoring visits distributed throughout the first year following restoration treatments and seeding.
These data were compiled for a manuscript in which 1) we develop a water temperature model for the major river segments and tributaries of the Colorado River basin, including the Colorado, Green, Yampa, White, and San Juan rivers; 2) we link modeled water temperature to fish population data to predict the probability native and nonnative species will be common in the future in a warming climate; and 3) assess the degree to which dams create thermal discontinuity in summer in river segments across the western US. Per goal #1, we developed a water temperature model using data spanning 1985-2015 that predicts water temperature every 1 mile (1.6-km) in rivers both now and in the future due to the potential influence...
These data were compiled to provide seed transfer and native plant materials development guidance to managers and practitioners across the Colorado Plateau and in adjacent regions. This data release contains empirical seed transfer zones derived from molecular genetic data for Cleome lutea (syn. Peritoma lutea) and Machaeranthera canescens (syn. Dieteria canescens). These species show distinct population structure (i.e., genetic differentiation) across their ranges; as such, seed transfer zones reflect both patterns of genetic differentiation and information on each species' unique adaptations to climatic gradients. These shapefile data may support successful restoration outcomes if, for example, seed transfer follows...
These data were compiled here to fit various versions of Bayesian population models and compare their performance, primarily the time required to make inferences using different softwares and versions of code. The humpback chub data were collected by US Geological Survey and US Fish and Wildlife service in the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers from April 2009 to October 2017. Adult fish were captured using hoop nets and electro-fishing, measured for total length and given individual marks using passive integrated transponders that were scanned when fish were recaptured. The other three datasets were collected by US Forest Service. Owl data for the N-occupancy model was collected between 1990 and 2015. Owl data...
These data were compiled to study mercury and selenium concentrations in fish species and assemblages in lotic waterbodies across the Upper Colorado River Basin. Data were compiled from State and Federal agencies. This data table contains raw concentration data, as well as standardized concentrations corrected for differences based on sample type (i.e., tissue type), species-specific bioaccumulation rates (Table S1), and fish size (Table S2). The data were used in linear mixed effects models to estimate average mercury and selenium concentration in fish species and in fish assemblages, including fish total length (cm), sampling location (Sub basin name and GPS coordinates), and sampling year (Figures 2,3, and 4...
This data release comprises nearly three decades of measurements of sandbar topography for monitoring sites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The data were collected to monitor the effects of the operations of Glen Canyon Dam on sandbars, which are also recreational campsites. The data were collected by the US Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center in cooperation with Northern Arizona University. Funding for data collection, processing, and reporting has been provided by the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program administered by the US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
These data describe the distribution and abundance of Hydropsyche, a widespread and diverse genus of net-spinning caddisflies, in the Colorado River Basin. Abundance data, measured as catch rates, were collected by citizen scientists using light traps. We subsampled Hydropsyche spp. from light trap samples collected throughout the Colorado River Basin and measured the lengths and widths of mesothoracic tibia and first tarsal segments. Samples and measurements were processed at Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center in Flagstaff, AZ.
These data were compiled for monitoring riparian zone trends and changes in the Lower Colorado Delta as part of the Minute 139 of the 1944 Water Treaty between the United States and Mexico. The quality and quantity of the Delta’s riparian and aquatic ecosystems have been dramatically reduced over the past century, due largely to significant alterations to natural hydrologic and sediment regimes. The Minute 319 Agreement states that 130 million cubic meters of water was to be released during the spring of 2014. Water was released from Morelos Dam at the Northern International Border (NIB) near Yuma, Arizona, to the river’s delta in Mexico, allowing water to reach the Gulf of California for the first time in 13 years...
These data are the primary data used to estimate rainbow trout abundance and survival in the Colorado River, Glen and Grand Canyons. Refer to the analyses as per the associated journal manuscript (see Larger Work Citation). Prey availability, feeding efficiency, and competition reduce somatic growth and cause the collapse of a fish population" Nighttime boat electrofishing was used to sample rainbow trout four times per year in April, July, September, and January, from April 2012 through September 2016. A total of five reaches were sampled between Glen Canyon Dam (river kilometer [rkm] 0) to below the confluence with the Little Colorado River (located at rkm 130). Reaches ranged from two to six km in length. A total...
Bathymetric, topographic, and grain-size data were collected in May 2012 along a 33-mi reach of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. The study reach is located from river miles 29 to 62 at the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers. Channel bathymetry was mapped using multibeam and singlebeam echosounders, subaerial topography was mapped using ground-based total-stations, and bed-sediment grain-size data were collected using an underwater digital microscope system. These data were combined to produce digital elevation models, spatially variable estimates of digital elevation model uncertainty, georeferenced grain-size data, and bed-sediment distribution maps.
These data represent simulated ecological drought conditions for current climate, and for future climate represented by all available climate models at two time periods during the 21st century. These data were used to: 1) describe geographic patterns in ecological drought under historical climate conditions, 2) quantify the direction and magnitude of change in ecological drought, 3) identify areas and ecological drought metrics with projected changes that are robust across climate models, defined as drought metrics and locations where >90% of climate models agree in the direction of change.
These data were compiled in support of the 'Predicting the next high-impact insect invasion: Elucidating traits and factors determining the risk of introduced herbivorous insects on North American native plants' project, supported by the U.S. Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis. The project working group compiled data for non-native insects herbivorous on three or fewer North American conifer families. Data were synthesized from existing resources for a variety of insect traits, traits of their North American conifer host trees, divergence time between the North American host trees and the host tree in the insects' native range, and native insects that feed on the same North American...
These data were compiled to investigate the evolutionary history of Hilaria jamesii, Hilaria mutica, and Hilaria rigida. The data release consists of two tab delimited text files that may be used to infer population structure (viva_structure.stru) or relationships among sampling localities (viva.phylip). Files record genetic variation on an individual (.stru) or sampling locality (.phylip) level. These files may be opened and edited in a text editor program, such as Notepad ++ (PC) or BBEdit (Mac). The .phylip file can be uploaded to phyML or SVDQuartets to generate a tree-based visualization of relationships ( or, repectively). The .stru file...
These data are spatial polygon data and remote sensing image-based classification maps of surface water and vegetation species for 2012 along the Rio Grande River in Big Bend National Park in Texas. The geographic extent of the classification spans from the end of Mariscal Canyon to 5 km after the end of Boquillas Canyon, totaling approximately 77 Km of the river. The maps are also restricted to a digitized extent of riparian vegetation that is defined by the alluvial valley of the Rio Grande River. The 2012 classification maps are created using 20 cm multispectral (Near Infrared (NIR), Red and Green) imagery and LiDAR data collected in June 2012. The accuracy assessment for the classification product is based on...
These data were compiled to evaluate reproductive output of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) in relation to environmental and individual-level variables. We collected data from four study sites in the Sonoran Desert of California, including two separate populations within Joshua Tree National Park, one population located on the northern versant of the Orocopia Mountains, and one population located at the extreme western end of the Coachella Valley. These data represent eight reproductive seasons that spanned over 20 years (1997-2000, 2015-2018). These data were compiled and added to a larger database with additional records collected by other scientists from eight other study sites in order to detect...
These data were compiled for the use of training natural feature machine learning (GeoAI) detection and delineation. The natural feature classes include the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature types Basins, Bays, Bends, Craters, Gaps, Guts, Islands, Lakes, Ridges and Valleys, and are an areal representation of those GNIS point features. Features were produced using heads-up digitizing from 2018 to 2019 by Dr. Sam Arundel's team at the U.S. Geological Survey, Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science, Rolla, Missouri, USA, and Dr. Wenwen Li's team in the School of Geographical Sciences at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. Figure 1 shows the areal boundary (cyan) of Bachelor...
These data were compiled for an assessment of rangeland ecosystem conditions of the Grand Canyon - Parashant National Monument. The approximately one-million-acre Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (PARA) is located in the northwest corner of Arizona and co-managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Park Service (NPS). This report is focused on the ca. 200,000 acres of NPS administered lands—one of the largest NPS units where livestock grazing is a permitted land-use activity. Many ecosystems in PARA are characterized by a low degree of resilience to improper grazing due to low and variable precipitation. PARA is marked by an extremely high degree of environmental heterogeneity, including...
This data package contains the final combined field sampling data collected by the USGS July 2013 and July-August 2015 at three active uranium mines (Canyon Rim Mine, Pinenut Mine, and Arizona 1 Mine) as well as two reference sites (Little Robinson Tank and EZ2 Pipe) in northwestern Arizona. Vegetation and soils were assessed by using line-point intersect (LPI) methods and estimates of plant species richness. In addition, triplicate tissue samples for three functional groups (graminoids, forbs, and shrubs) were collected at plots around each site to be analyzed for tissue contaminant concentrations. There are three separate shapefiles depicting A) Point locations for the mine study sites (the center of the mine...
These data were compiled to better understand sedimentation patterns on the bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, and the way these patterns relate to suspended sediment grain size and concentration. These data were collected by the US Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center from 2000 to 2014, primarily using the "Flying Eyeball" underwater imaging system. This dataset is composed of over 50,000 samples, as part of 16 individual data tables from 16 research expeditions. On each expedition, grain size measurements were made in a grid-like pattern over short segments of the river. Each point sample includes mean grain size, geographic coordinates, date, and geomorphic setting.
These data were compiled to evaluate the effects of low steady weekend flows on emergent aquatic insects during the first year of experimental Bug Flows below Glen Canyon Dam (2018) and recreation in Glen Canyon in the second year of Bug Flows (2019). Bug Flows are experimental flows that were released from Glen Canyon Dam in 2018 and 2019. The flows consist of low steady flows on weekends and have the goal of increasing aquatic insect production. These data were compiled for an outreach article providing Citizen Scientists with an update on ongoing research evaluating the effects of Bug Flows. Midge and caddisfly data were collected by Citizen Scientists using light traps. Angler data were collected under a paired...