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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center > Models ( Show all descendants )

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Resource managers and users seek information that can be used to balance the needs of competing uses of groundwater and streamflow in the Heeia watershed, Oahu. A previously constructed steady-state numerical groundwater-flow model for the island of Oahu, Hawaii ( using MODFLOW-2005 with the Seawater Intrusion (SWI2) package was used to examine the effects of withdrawals in the watershed. Four simulations representing a baseline and various withdrawal conditions were run using the previously published numerical model. The baseline simulation represents conditions in 2001-10 which were used to calibrate the Oahu model and to which all other scenarios are compared. The three scenarios...
This data release contains the source code, executable file, and example files for WATRMod, a Water-budget Accounting for Tropical Regions Model code that is documented in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022-1013 available at The source code is written in the Fortran computer language. The model source code was compiled using Intel(R) Visual Fortran Intel(R) 64 for Windows, version 11.0.061, Copyright(C) 1985-2008. WATRMod can be executed (run) in a Command window by typing the command WATRMod1 (preceded by the appropriate path to the file WATRMod1.exe if the file WATRMod1.exe does not reside in the folder from which the command is issued) at the prompt; the file WATRMOD.FIL...
This data release contains inputs and outputs needed to reproduce the findings for the publication: Rosa, S.N., and Hay, L.E., 2017, Fena Valley Reservoir watershed and water-balance model updates and expansion of watershed modeling to Southern Guam: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5093, 64 p., Data are provided in several files: 1) the PRMS_2016 folder contains the input files needed to run each of the modeled regions in southern Guam, the calibration data files, and a README_PRMS_2016.txt document that describes the contents of this archive and the execution of the model batch files; 2) the FVR_2016 folder contains the input files needed to run...
This data release contains inputs and outputs needed to reproduce the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model findings for the publication: Fortini, L.B., Leopold, C.R., Perkins, K., Chadwick, O.A., Yelenik, S.G., Jacobi, J.D., Bishaw, K., II, Gregg, M. and Rosa, S., 2020, Local to landscape-level controls of water fluxes through Hawaiian forests: Effects of invasive animals and plants on soil infiltration capacity across substrate and moisture gradients, University of Hawai'i at Hilo Hawai`i Cooperative Studies Unit Technical Report HCSU-TR095, 93p., The SWAT model, a physically based, semi-distributed, continuous model, was used to develop a watershed model for Hanalei, Kauaʻi...
Previously constructed steady-state numerical groundwater-flow models for the islands of Kauai, Oahu, and Maui, Hawaii ( using MODFLOW-2005 with the Seawater Intrusion (SWI2) package, were used to examine the consequences of historical and plausible future withdrawals and changes in recharge. The volcanic aquifers of the Hawaiian Islands supply water to 1.46 million residents, diverse industries, and a large component of the U.S. military in the Pacific. Groundwater also supplies freshwater that supports ecosystems in streams and near the coast. Hawaii’s aquifers are remarkable given their small size, but the islands’ capacity to store fresh groundwater is limited because each...
This data release contains the input files for the watershed and water-balance models that simulate historic (1990‒2009) and future (2080‒2099) climate conditions on Guam. These simulations are described in the associated Scientific Investigations Report, “Water Resources on Guam—Potential Impacts of and Adaptive Response to Climate Change" by Stephen B. Gingerich, Adam G. Johnson, Sarah N. Rosa, Mathieu D. Marineau, Scott A. Wright, Lauren E. Hay, Matthew J. Widlansky, John W. Jenson, Corinne I. Wong, Jay L. Banner, Victoria W. Keener, and Melissa L. Finucane ( The watershed and water-balance models were previously published in “Supporting data for Fena Valley Reservoir watershed...

    map background search result map search result map Supporting data for Fena Valley Reservoir watershed and water-balance model, southern Guam Southern Guam watershed model and Fena Valley Reservoir water-balance model input files for historic (1990‒2009) and future (2080‒2099) climate conditions Supporting data for Hanalei Watershed model: SWAT_Hanalei WATRMod, a Water-budget accounting for tropical regions model--source code, executable file, and example files MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater availability scenarios in volcanic aquifers on Kauai, Oahu, and Maui, Hawaii MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater and surface-water interactions in the Heeia Watershed, Oahu, Hawaii Supporting data for Hanalei Watershed model: SWAT_Hanalei Supporting data for Fena Valley Reservoir watershed and water-balance model, southern Guam Southern Guam watershed model and Fena Valley Reservoir water-balance model input files for historic (1990‒2009) and future (2080‒2099) climate conditions MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater and surface-water interactions in the Heeia Watershed, Oahu, Hawaii MODFLOW-2005 and SWI2 models for assessing groundwater availability scenarios in volcanic aquifers on Kauai, Oahu, and Maui, Hawaii WATRMod, a Water-budget accounting for tropical regions model--source code, executable file, and example files