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Folders: ROOT > ScienceBase Catalog > US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) > Programs > Migratory Birds > Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management > USFWS MBM Alaska Shorebird Program > Shorebird Nest survival on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Alaska ( Show all descendants )

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_ScienceBase Catalog
__US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
____Migratory Birds
_____Region 7 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Management
______USFWS MBM Alaska Shorebird Program
_______Shorebird Nest survival on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Alaska
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This file contains information pertaining to the survey plot including date and time of surveyed, survey conditions, plot location, and ecological and biological conditions of the survey plot. The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions or intended use. The originators of this dataset shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Potential users of these data should first contact the data authors listed below, as potential...
This file contains information on avian nests found during this study including species, date and time found, location, status, estimated incubation dates, tiny tag and camera monitoring and retrieval information, and nest fate. Note, that .ttd files viewed using Tinytag Explorer may have assessment times that are off by an hour, as the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. Also, in 2019 camera date and times were not set correctly prior to deployment. See fields...
This file includes R code to select annual sampling units for nest survival analysis on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge using a stratified random sampling approach. We used the Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) procedure (Stevens and Olsen 2004) to obtain a spatially balanced sample of 28 plots in 2019 and 48 in 2022 within two of the four strata. In 2019, plots were equally allocated between wetland and moist strata, with 14 plots allocated to each. In 2022, additional plots were allocated to the moist stratum given the proportional availability on the landscape, with the final allocation being 30 moist plots and 18 wetland plots. We also selected an additional 20 “oversample” plots in each...
Collection of video files taken of avian nests by Plotwatcher Pro–Time Lapse cameras during field work conducted on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photos are organized in folders by year. Naming convention for each photo includes nest ID and camera number. Within each NestID folder are a series of TLV files saved directly from cameras. TLV files can be saved as an AVI file to view in Windows. Note, in 2019 camera date and times were not set correctly prior to deployment. See ‘ANWR nest survival nest data’ for date and time as set on the camera at time of deployment. The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but it is possible that undetected errors remain. It is strongly recommended that...
This collection of files contains temperature data files (.ttd files) downloaded directly from Tiny Tag devices, as well exported temperature data as .csv files for each nest monitored with Tiny Tags by year. File names include nest ID. .ttd files can be viewed using Tinytag Explorer. Note, however, that the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. All .csv files were exported using the Tinytag Explorer during the same daylight savings time as when the data were collected....
This collection of files contains independent assessments of both the Tiny tag and camera data, as well as temperature actograms produced by Martin Bulla in his assessment of the Tiny Tag data. Each assessment is saved as a separate file, containing the name of the reviewer in the file name. Note, that .ttd files viewed using Tinytag Explorer may have assessment times that are off by an hour, as the times displayed by Tinytag Explorer are calculated when the data is displayed and depend on the daylight saving settings of the PC at that time. For example, if a .ttd file is opened before and after DST settings change, then all times displayed by Tinytag Explorer will go forward or back. Also, in 2019 camera date and...
Collection of photographs taken during nest survival field work on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photos include those taken of nests and nest habitat at time of revisit (i.e., after nests hatched or failed), completed datasheets, by crew members, and select images from the Plotwatcher Pro–Time Lapse cameras. Directories include ANWR_nest_survival_nest_photos, ANWR_nest_survival_datasheet_photos, ANWR_nest_survival_other_photos, ANWR_nest_survival_plot_camera_photos. Note, in 2019 camera date and times were not set correctly prior to deployment. See ‘ANWR nest survival nest data’ for date and time as set on the camera at time of deployment. The data providers have invested considerable effort in QA/QC, but...
This dataset includes a polygon vector shapefile that provides information pertaining to the sampling universe (i.e., the potential sampling units within the study area) from which nest sampling areas were selected. To delineate sampling units (i.e., survey areas), we overlaid the northwest portion (i.e., northwest of the Marsh Creek Anticline) of the 1002 Area of the Arctic NWR with a grid of 16 ha plots (400 × 400 m each) in ArcGIS 10 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA, USA; Alaska Albers Equal Area Conic NAD83). Given the logistical constraints for obtaining permission to access private lands within the Arctic NWR, we limited our spatial sampling to public lands administered by the U.S. Fish...

    map background search result map search result map Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival camera images Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival tiny tag data Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival nest data Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival photographs Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival plot data Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival plot selection Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival protocols Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival publications Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival sampling universe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival tiny tag camera assessment Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival camera images Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival tiny tag data Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival nest data Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival photographs Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival plot data Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival plot selection Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival protocols Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival publications Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival sampling universe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shorebird nest survival tiny tag camera assessment