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Zachary H Bowen

Landscape Program Coordinator, Ecosystems Mission Area

Office of the Associate Director for Ecosystems

Office Phone: 970-226-9218
Fax: 970-226-9230
ORCID: 0000-0002-8656-1831

2150 Centre Avenue
Building C
Fort Collins , CO 80526-8118

Supervisor: Paul F Wagner
This is a collaborative, two-part project to compile and analyze resource data to support WLCI efforts. Part 1 entails directing data synthesis and assessment activities to ensure that they will inform and support the WLCI LPDTs and Coordination Team in their conservation planning efforts, such as developing conservation priorities and strategies, identifying priority areas for conservation actions, evaluating and ranking conservation projects, and evaluating spatial and ecological relations between proposed habitat projects and WLCI priorities. In FY2014, we helped the Coordination Team complete the WLCI Conservation Action Plan and BLM’s annual report, and we provided maps and other materials to assist with ranking...
As the principal agency charged with conducting WLCI science, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides multidisciplinary scientific- and technical-assistance support to WLCI partners and works to advance the overall scientific understanding of ecosystems in Southwest Wyoming. Fulfilling these roles entails evaluating the effectiveness of habitat treatments implemented by WLCI partners and collaborators, assessing the cumulative effects of energy development and other land-use changes on wildlife and habitat in the WLCI area, coordinating work activities with the WLCI community, and demonstrating how to integrate research findings into on-the-ground management actions. Work is guided by a Science Strategy based...
Shale gas is a key source of onshore domestic energy for the United States and production of this resource is increasing rapidly. Development and extraction of shale gas requires hydraulic fracturing, which entails horizontal drilling, perforation of steel casing and cement grout using explosive charges, and expansion of fractures using fluids under high pressure. Concern over potential environmental effects of shale gas development is growing and based on a recent review there is very little information in the scientific literature on potential environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing. We propose to conduct the first broad scale, data-based assessment of the potential effects of hydraulic fracturing on water...
A program as large and complex as the WLCI requires significant coordination and management, as well as the integration of what is learned from science with the decision-making and program-evaluation processes. For the WLCI, coordination and integration are accomplished through the WLCI Coordination Team, which is composed of one member each from the USGS, BLM, FWS, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and Wyoming Department of Agriculture. There is also a USGS member on the Science and Technical Advisory Committee. Under the direction of the WLCI Executive Committee, the Coordination Team manages the fiscal and logistical operations necessary to meet the goals and objectives of the WLCI. The Coordination Team also...
This project involves a web-based application and information resource focused on ecosystems, energy, and water in northwestern Colorado. The project will be developed and implemented in partnership with land and resource managers and will compliment ongoing and proposed work to support data and information management needs in the region. Representative on-going efforts and entities involved include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative studies, Bureau of Land Management Rapid Ecoregional Assessments, Americas Great Outdoors Initiative, WaterSMART, Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Yampa River Legacy Project, Soil Landscape Geochemistry Project, Sage...
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