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Robin D Calfee

Supervisory Biologist

Office Phone: 573-441-2969
Fax: 573-876-1896
ORCID: 0000-0001-6056-7023

4200 New Haven Road
Columbia , MO 65201
Description of Work Initial tests of a variety of chemical stimuli identified a strong response to the algal food attractant. Field testing of chemical stimulants based on algae will seek to identify potent mixtures based on persistence and duration of attraction. These studies will include consideration of component chemicals such as amino acids produced by algae that enhance the attractiveness of the stimulus, based on carp smell and taste senses. Means of providing a sustained release of the stimulant will be explored through tests of various media. Tests will be conducted to confirm the possibility that carp can be conditioned to feeding stations that can be used to facilitate their capture. Relevance & Impact...
Data includes grass carp position and sampling data from 2020 to 2022. We used grass carp that were implanted with acoustic transmitters. The position data was generated in Fathom Position from receivers that composed several VEMCO Positioning Systems (VPS). We also queried the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation Network (GLATOS) to obtain non-VPS position detections from receivers made from multiple projects across Lake Erie and associated tributaries. Sampling data was downloaded from the grass carp capture database hosted on ArcGIS Online These data contain information such as location of event, time gears were deployed and retrieved, and number of grass carp caught.
Data represent a comparison of herding techniques commonly used by natural resource agencies and the public to increase removal or harvest of invasive carp (i.e., Silver Carp) from U.S. waterways. Sites on lower Perche Creek, Columbia, MO (2018 August 9th to 2018 October 26th) were contained using block nets and treated with one of five herding techniques: (1) method commonly used by commercial fishers in the U.S. (“commercial technique”), (2) pulsed-DC electrofishing (“electric technique”), (3) broadband sound administered with underwater speakers (“sound technique”), (4) both sound and electric in combination (“combination technique”), and (5) solely the boat with no added stimulus (“control”). Sites were administered...
Data tables represents a telemetry study assessing the efficacy of sound and electricity used to herd Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The study occurred in Jonathan Creek Embayment of Kentucky Lake, Kentucky using 10 telemetered Silver Carp and 46 passive acoustic receivers. Two herding boats traveled at 2.22 meters per second along bank-to-bank transects through the study area (longitudinal progression rate = 0.37 meters per second) emitting sound and electricity (“stimulus”) or no added stimuli (“control”). Fish movement responses included fish presence in the refuge-zones located at either end of the embayment, fish presence fore of herding boats, and fish presence within 100 meters, 200 meters, 400...
Data includes fish abundance and habitat data collected at ten sites in the Sandusky River, OH. Fish were collected using two 3.67 m long hoop nets with an initial hoop diameter of 0.91 m. Nets were set perpendicular to the current, opening toward the shoreline. Nets were set for approximately 24 hours and catch rates for each set were defined as the number of fish caught in the two hoop nets per 24-hour sampling period. Fish were identified to species, measured for total length (mm), and released. Water quality was taken daily at each site at approximately the same time of day with a YSI Exo2 multiparameter sonde. Physical habitat data was recorded at the start of each trial. Vegetation coverage was characterized...
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