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Sean W Bailey


Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Office Phone: 608-781-6204
Fax: 608-783-6066
ORCID: 0000-0003-0361-7914

UMESC - Laboratory/Office - #1
2630 Fanta Reed Road
La Crosse , WI 54603

Supervisor: James H Larson
This dataset contains the recorded water temperatures of specific sites in western Lake Erie during the summer of 2014.
This dataset contains the recorded water temperatures of specific sites in western Lake Erie, Saginaw Bay in Lake Huron, and Grand Traverse Bay in Lake Michigan during the summer of 2015. Sites with just a number were from Lake Erie. Sites from Grand Traverse Bay have a GTB prefix; Saginaw Bay= SB prefix.
Between 1900 and 1932, a copper (Cu) mine operated near Gay, Michigan, along the shore of Lake Superior, discharged approximately 22.8 million metric tons of waste material known as ‘stamp sands’ (SS) to a nearby beach. This pile of SS has migrated via wind and rain along the beaches in northern Grand Traverse Bay and into Buffalo Reef, an important spawning area for Lake Trout and Lake Whitefish. During their first summer, these newly spawned fish consume benthic invertebrates and zooplankton in nearby beach habitats. SS contain elevated concentrations of metals (especially Cu) that are toxic to many invertebrate taxa, and studies have observed very few benthic taxa in areas with very high SS. Here, we sampled...
In this dataset, we report on the biomass and abundance of invertebrates collected on artificial substrates in the Great Lakes from 2013-2016. Sampling effort was focused on the western basin of Lake Erie, but also includes some sampling from Green Bay (Lake Michigan), Grand Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) and Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron). In 2015 and 2016, we increased the number of taxa that we quantified. Round Hester-Dendy samplers were used as artificial substrates. Substrates were deployed at sites where unionid mussels were also deployed in cages.
Microcystins (MC) are a class of cyanotoxins produced by many cyanobacteria taxa. Although toxic to metazoans, the evolution of microcystin pre-dates the appearance of metazoans, and so MC did not originate as a toxin to potential metazoan grazers. One hypothesized functional role of microcystin is the management and acquisition of metals, several of which form complexes with MC intracellularly. Metals are often used to build enzymes within the cell that allow cyanobacteria to use non-preferred nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) sources, such as nitrate, urea and organic P. If trace metals are in low supply, primary producers may become limited because of their inability to access these non-preferred N and P forms....
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