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Nikita N Avdievitch

Geologic Hazards Science Center


Supervisor: Jeffrey A Coe
Summary This data release contains postprocessed model output from a simulation of hypothetical rapid motion of landslides, subsequent wave generation, and wave propagation. A simulated displacement wave was generated by rapid motion of unstable material into Barry Arm fjord. We consider the wave propagation in Harriman Fjord and Barry Arm, western Prince William Sound (area of interest and place names depicted in Figure 1). We consider only the largest wave-generating scenario presented by Barnhart and others (2021a, 2021b). As in Barnhart and others (2021c), we used a simulation setup similar to Barnhart and others (2021a, 2021b), but our results differ because we used different topography and bathymetry datasets....
This data release contains four GIS shapefiles, one Google Earth kmz file, and five metadata files that summarize results from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analyses in the Glacier Bay region of Alaska and British Columbia. The principal shapefile (Moving_Ground) and the kmz file (GBRegionMovingGround) contain polygons delineating slow-moving (0.5-6 cm/year in the radar line-of-sight direction) landslides and subsiding fan deltas in the region. Landslides and fan deltas were identified from displacement signals captured by InSAR interferograms of Sentinel-1 C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar images. The images were acquired at 12-day intervals from June to October from 2018 to 2020. We applied the...
This work integrated multiple topographic and bathymetric data sources to generate a merged topobathymetric map of western Prince William Sound. We converted all data sources to NAD 83 UTM Zone 6 N and mean higher high water (MHHW) before compiling. In Barry Arm, north of Port Wells, we used a digital terrain model (DTM) derived from subaerial light detection and ranging (lidar) data collected on June 26, 2020, (Daanen and others, 2021) and submarine multibeam sonar bathymetric data collected between August 12 and 23, 2020 (NOAA, 2020). In College Fiord, adjacent to Barry Arm to the east, we used multibeam sonar bathymetric data collected between March 25 and August 26, 2021 (NOAA, 2021). These data were combined...
Mass-wasting events that displace water, whether they initiate from underwater sources (submarine landslides) or subaerial sources (subaerial-to-submarine landslides), have the potential to cause tsunami waves that can pose a significant threat to human life and infrastructure in coastal areas (for example towns, cruise ships, bridges, oil platforms, and communication lines). Sheltered inlets and narrow bays can be locations of especially high risk as they often have higher human populations, and the effects of water displacement from moving sediment can be amplified as compared to the effects from similarly sized mass movements in open water. In landscapes undergoing deglaciation, such as the fjords and mountain...
In coastal subarctic environments such as the fjords of Southeast Alaska, tidewater glaciers can control local hydrology, climatic patterns, ecology, and geologic hazards like landslides and consequent tsunami waves. Documenting and studying glacial retreat in fjords can help scientists understand the dynamic systems that are intrinsically tied to glacial ice processes and forecast changes in these systems. Detailed inventories of glacial retreat have been produced using satellite images and other remote data spanning back to the mid-1900s. However, compiling data on ice positions from before the availability of remotely sensed data requires the existence of historical observations and surveys; oral or written accounts;...
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