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Jeffrey D Pepin


Colorado Water Science Center

Office Phone: 303-236-6889
ORCID: 0000-0002-7410-9979

DFC Bldg 53
Box 25046
Denver Federal Center
Denver , CO 80225-0046

Supervisor: Robert H Flynn
These data include 217 median groundwater elevations computed from compiled measurements made in the year 2010 within the transboundary Mesilla/Conejos-Médanos Basin, United States and Mexico, along with their corresponding interpolated groundwater elevations and standard errors from the application of kriging. Of the 217 median groundwater elevation locations, 109 were in the United States and 108 were in Mexico. Considered measurements were limited to wells thought to be completed in the basin-fill/Santa Fe Group aquifer based on well records. This dataset includes a comma-separated values file (Control_points.csv) that provides the median groundwater elevations that were kriged to yield rasters of estimated groundwater...
This data set consists 23 transient electromagnetic (TEM) soundings collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in June 2020 as part of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Geothermal Resources Assessment: Phase 2 project. TEM data were collected in 100 x 100 m loops or 40 x 40 m loops along 4 profiles in areas of interest for geothermal potential. Files included in this publication include measured TEM soundings and 1-D resistivity models.
This text file (Reference_List_V1.txt) lists references that describe relevant characteristics for reservoir thermal energy storage (RTES) research in the United States. References are grouped by corresponding city, including: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Charleston, South Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; Decatur, Illinois; Lansing, Michigan; Memphis, Tennessee; Phoenix, Arizona; and Portland, Oregon. The document includes hyphenated lines and headers to distinguish city-specific subsections. Internet links are provided for each reference in the event that the reference was accessible online (as of January 28, 2021).
This data set consists of 19 wideband magnetotelluric (MT) and 23 transient electromagnetic (TEM) soundings collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in June 2020 as part of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Geothermal Resources Assessment: Phase 2 project. Each MT station had 4 components, 2 orthogonal magnetic induction coils and 2 horizontal orthogonal electric dipoles. Data were collected for an average of 18 hours on a repeating schedule of alternating sampling rates of 256 samples/second for 5 hours and 50 minutes and 4096 samples/second for 10 minutes. The schedules were set such that each station was recording the same schedule to allow for remote reference processing. Data were processed with a bounded-influence...
These data are a compilation of 379 borehole temperature profiles collected during the period 1972 through 2018 for the Mesilla Basin, New Mexico. This dataset includes a comma-separated values file (Temperature Profile Index.csv) that serves as an index for the 379 text data files (.txt; with the file name corresponding to the “Well Name” in the index) that are included as a compressed (.zip) folder. Each data file contains header information that allows cross-referencing the sample location with other USGS databases and summarizes sample date, method of measurement, and the type of borehole. Following the header is a list of depths below ground surface with corresponding temperature measurements (a temperature...
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