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Elizabeth R Jachens


California Water Science Center

Office Phone: 916-225-6144

Supervisor: Zachary Stanko
This digital dataset contains the climate data used for the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models (Salinas Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model (SVIHM) and Salinas Valley Operational Model (SVOM)). The monthly climate data for the Lower Salinas Valley Hydrologic Models are based on the regional climate data for the Salinas Valley Hydrologic System [Hevesi and others, 2022]. To develop the monthly climate grids, the regional climate data were resampled to a monthly timescale and area weighted to the model grid. The climate data include spatially distributed monthly precipitation and potential evapotranspiration for the model grid for October 1967 to September 2018.
This digital dataset consists of monthly climate data from the Basin Characterization Model v8 (BCMv8) for the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2) for water years 1922 to 2019. The BCMv8 data are available in a separate data release titled "The Basin Characterization Model - A regional water balance software package (BCMv8) data release and model archive for hydrologic California, water years 1896-2020". The data were modified by: (1) extracting the data from the data source for the relevant model domain and times, and (2) rescaling the 270-meter BCMv8 grid to the small watersheds that contribute boundary flow to the CVHM2 model for the hydrologic variables recharge and runoff. The three data pieces...
This digital dataset contains three types of information about the land use properties used in the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2): land use shapefile showing primary land use type for a model cell through time, soil data using the curve number for each region and zone, and farm process parameter values including crop coefficients and rooting depths. First posted - August 11, 2022 Revised - January 2023 (version 2.0) Revised - September 2023 (version 3.0)
This data release documents the datasets and procedures used to update the Los Angeles Basin Watershed Model (LABWM) (Hevesi and Johnson, 2016) from INFIL3.0 (USGS, 2008a, 2008b) to INFIL4.0. The LABWM provides gridded monthly infiltration, evaporation, recharge, and runoff estimates for the Los Angeles region using the water balance recharge model, INFIL. INFIL is a grid-based, distributed-parameter, deterministic model that uses a daily time step to simulate the temporal and spatial distribution of the root-zone water balance, including net infiltration and potential recharge across the lower boundary of the root zone. INFIL3.0 was originally released and documented in 2008 (USGS, 2008a) and has been used and...
This digital dataset consists of monthly climate data from the Basin Characterization Model v8 (BCMv8) for the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2) for water years 1922 to 2019. The BCMv8 data are available in a separate data release titled "The Basin Characterization Model - A regional water balance software package (BCMv8) data release and model archive for hydrologic California, water years 1896-2020" that accompanies the USGS Techniques and Methods report titled: "The Basin Characterization Model - A Regional Water Balance Software Package". The BCMv8 data are extracted from the state-wide data for the CVHM2 modeled area for water years 1922 to 2019. Climate data for CVHM2 are presented in two child...
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