Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Land Use Properties (ver. 3.0, October 2023)
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Seymour, W.A., and Faunt, C.C., 2022, Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Land Use Properties (ver. 3.0, October 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9NBWLYX.
This digital dataset contains three types of information about the land use properties used in the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2): land use shapefile showing primary land use type for a model cell through time, soil data using the curve number for each region and zone, and farm process parameter values including crop coefficients and rooting depths. First posted - August 11, 2022 Revised - January 2023 (version 2.0) Revised - September 2023 (version 3.0)
This digital dataset contains three types of information about the land use properties used in the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2): land use shapefile showing primary land use type for a model cell through time, soil data using the curve number for each region and zone, and farm process parameter values including crop coefficients and rooting depths.
First posted - August 11, 2022
Revised - January 2023 (version 2.0)
Revised - September 2023 (version 3.0)
Revision 3.0 by Whitney A Seymour on October 13, 2023. To review the changes that were made, see “CVHM2_Grid_LandUse_version_history.txt” in the attached files section.