Adaptation Planning Workshop #1:We convened a two-day workshop with scientists, managers, conservation practitioners, and others to use the findings of the vulnerability assessment to inform the development of climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions to conserve priority habitats. Specifically, we used the results of the vulnerability assessment to evaluate whether existing management actions may be vulnerable to climate change, and identify opportunities to modify existing actions to reduce vulnerabilities and become more climate-smart. We then focused on identifying climate-smart conservation strategies and actions that are not currently being implemented, but should be considered in order to conserve priority...
This project will conduct a vulnerability assessment, develop climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions, and generate implementation plans for focal habitats of the South and Central Coast regions of the CALCC, with a specific focus on four Southern California National Forests (Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland, Los Padres).Specific project goals include:(1) Assess the regional vulnerabilities and resiliencies of focal habitats to climate change and non-climate change stressors.(2) Generate climate-informed maps to identify how vulnerabilities vary spatially to help prioritize conservation areas and activities.(3) Identify implementable climate-smart conservation strategies and actions to conserve priority...
Categories: Data,
Tags: 2014,
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative,
Conservation Plan/Design/Framework,
Conservation Planning,
Federal resource managers, All tags...
LCC Network Science Catalog,
Vulnerability Assessment,
environment, Fewer tags
In this CA LCC-funded Climate-Smart Conservation Planning effort, EcoAdapt’s climate adaptation scientists worked with National Forest conservation managers to conduct vulnerability assessments, develop climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions, and generate implementation plans for key habitats of Southern California, with a specific focus on four National Forests (Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland, Los Padres). This effort provides information and example case studies for USFS planning and management (e.g., Forest Plan Revisions, Climate Change Performance Scorecard) among other natural resource management and conservation efforts to prepare for climate change impacts in Southern California.
In this CA LCC-funded Climate-Smart Conservation Planning effort, EcoAdapt’s climate adaptation scientists worked with National Forest conservation managers to conduct vulnerability assessments, develop climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions, and generate implementation plans for key habitats of Southern California, with a specific focus on four National Forests (Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland, Los Padres). This effort provides information and example case studies for USFS planning and management (e.g., Forest Plan Revisions, Climate Change Performance Scorecard) among other natural resource management and conservation efforts to prepare for climate change impacts in Southern California.
Webinars for regional stakeholders to present findings of the Vulnerability Analysis and Adaptation Planning and encourage participation in subsequent workshops.
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