Adaptation Planning Workshop #1:We convened a two-day workshop with scientists, managers, conservation practitioners, and others to use the findings of the vulnerability assessment to inform the development of climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions to conserve priority habitats. Specifically, we used the results of the vulnerability assessment to evaluate whether existing management actions may be vulnerable to climate change, and identify opportunities to modify existing actions to reduce vulnerabilities and become more climate-smart. We then focused on identifying climate-smart conservation strategies and actions that are not currently being implemented, but should be considered in order to conserve priority habitats. As part of this activity, adaptation strategies and actions were evaluated for feasibility (likelihood of being implemented) and effectiveness (likelihood of achieving desired results), potential barriers (e.g., institutional, social), and linked with corresponding management operation levels. For example, some adaptation strategies would be most appropriately implemented at the land management plan level (e.g., instituting activity restrictions within a certain distance of riparian areas) whereas others are best implemented at the project or site-specific level (e.g., removing culverts). Adaptation strategies and actions developed during the workshop were compiled into an Adaptation Plan, sent out for expert review, and revised based on feedback and comments.
Adaptation Planning Workshop #2:Participants from the first workshop reconvened to explore the results of the climate-informed mapping and Adaptation Plan in order to generate implementation plans that clearly lead to on-the-ground action. We revisited the earlier developed adaptation strategies and actions and, using the climate-informed maps, identified where on the landscape managers could implement specific actions. As part of this second workshop, we discussed model assumptions and uncertainties, as well as data and mapping limitations in the context of creating realistic, on-the-ground action recommendations. Workshop findings were used to generate an implementation handbook that describes where, when, and how to implement actions, as well as emphasizes adaptation across management boundaries. The handbook also provides guidance on the application and integration of the vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies in management decision-making.