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Jana S Stewart

This topobathymetric digital elevation model (TBDEM) mosaic represents the topography and bathymetry for the Milwaukee River Estuary in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and adjacent terrestrial and Lake Michigan nearshore coastal areas. The TBDEM was produced in support of modeling and for developing a physical habitat framework to help with understanding the effects from multidirectional currents and seiche effects associated with the mixing of river flows with Lake Michigan backwater. The TBDEM mosaic is built off existing terrestrial, nearshore, and estuary frameworks developed for other areas around the Great Lakes and the Milwaukee River Harbor. Ranging from 2008-2015, land elevations derived from lidar and historic topographic...
This dataset includes all of the variables that were used in predictive models to estimate nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use from commercial fertilizer sales data at the catchment/county level for the Conterminous U.S. for the year 2012. The dataset includes model input at the catchment/county level. A companion USGS Scientific Investigations Report describes the methods and subsequent results of two models developed for estimating elemental nitrogen and phosphorus commercial fertilizer use on agricultural lands for the conterminous US at the catchment/county scale for the year 2012. A companion data release provides catchment-level estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use, for agricultural lands,...
This shapefile is the official boundary of the Great Lakes Basin Fish Habitat Partnership. The boundary was originally developed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and was updated in 2013 to reflect revisions from the Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership, a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) of the National Fish Habitat Partnership.
Previous work by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed models to estimate the amount of water that is withdrawn and consumed by thermoelectric power plants (Diehl and others, 2013; Diehl and Harris, 2014; Harris and Diehl, 2019 [full citations listed in srcinfo of the metadata file]). This data release presents a historical reanalysis of thermoelectric water use from 2008 to 2020 and includes monthly and annual water withdrawal and consumption estimates, thermodynamically plausible ranges of minimum and maximum withdrawal and consumption estimates, and associated information for 1,360 water-using, utility-scale thermoelectric power plants in the United States. The term “reanalysis” refers to the process of...
This dataset contains catchment-level estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use, for agricultural lands, for the conterminous U.S., for 2012. An approach was developed to relate farm commercial fertilizer sales data from the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) to a set of explanatory variables using spatially-referenced modeling methods. Separate models for nitrogen and phosphorus are developed to estimate elemental fertilizer use on agricultural lands for the conterminous U.S. at the National Hydrography Dataset Plus version 2 (NHDPlusV2) catchment scale. The approach builds on earlier efforts that use Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) data on fertilizer...
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