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Thermoelectric-power water use reanalysis for the 2008-2020 period by power plant, month, and year for the conterminous United States


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Galanter, A.E., Gorman Sanisaca, L.E., Skinner, K.D., Harris, M.A., Diehl, T.H., Chamberlin, C.A., McCarthy, B.A., Halper, A.S., Niswonger, R.G., Stewart, J.S., Markstrom, S.L., Embry, I., and Worland, S., 2023, Thermoelectric-power water use reanalysis for the 2008-2020 period by power plant, month, and year for the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Previous work by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed models to estimate the amount of water that is withdrawn and consumed by thermoelectric power plants (Diehl and others, 2013; Diehl and Harris, 2014; Harris and Diehl, 2019 [full citations listed in srcinfo of the metadata file]). This data release presents a historical reanalysis of thermoelectric water use from 2008 to 2020 and includes monthly and annual water withdrawal and consumption estimates, thermodynamically plausible ranges of minimum and maximum withdrawal and consumption estimates, and associated information for 1,360 water-using, utility-scale thermoelectric power plants in the United States. The term “reanalysis” refers to the process of reevaluating and recalculating [...]


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This water-use reanalysis supports the Water Availability and Use Science Program goals of determining the quantity and quality of water that is available for human and ecological uses, now and in the future and helps to identify where and when the Nation may have challenges meeting its demand for water because of insufficient water quantity or quality. National data, consistently estimated, that accounts for water removed (withdrawal) and consumed, respectively, from a groundwater or surface-water source provides needed information of how water is used for thermoelectric water use and can be used to evaluate the balance between supply and demand.



  • National Water Census
  • National Water Use Projects
  • Regional IWAAs – Integrated Methods for Base Evaluation Project
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ZE2FVM

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