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Joshua Reece

The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment utilized expert opinion that was gathered through the Standardized Index of Vulnerability and Value (SIVVA) tool, which is an Excel-based vulnerability and prioritization tool that enables assessors to provide input in a relatively short time and allows for relatively seamless compilation of results. The vulnerability of each ecosystem and associated species was conducted by subregion, excluding those subregions where the species did not occur in significant numbers. Assessors were asked to evaluate species based on the habitats they use in a particular subregion. Because vulnerability can vary with life-stage for many species, assessors were asked to consider the most vulnerable...
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for the Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment Project. The data release was produced in compliance with the new 'open data' requirements as way to make the scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public. The dataset consists of 2 separate items: 1. Vulnerability assessment data for habitat and species based on expert opinion (Tabular datasets) 2. Vulnerability assessment values for species across subregions in study area (Vector GIS dataset)
The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment (GCVA) used an expert opinion approach to qualitatively assess the vulnerability of four ecosystems: mangrove, oyster reef, tidal emergent marsh, and barrier islands, and a suite of wildlife species that depend on them. More than 50 individuals participated in the completion of the GCVA, facilitated via Ecosystem and Species Expert Teams. The GCVA made use of the Standardized Index of Vulnerability and Value Assessment (SIVVA) (Reece and Noss 2014) to provide an objective framework for evaluating vulnerability by guiding assessors through a series of questions related to the changes an ecosystem or species might experience due to climate change and other threats. Assessors...
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