Recent research has attributed major flood events with the upstream spread of invasive carp in the Mississippi River. In two sequential years, the upper Mississippi River experienced a low water year with very minimal flooding in 2022 and a very high water year with extreme and sustained flooding in the spring of 2023. This data release contains hydrologic data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at upper Mississippi River navigation locks 4-18 to classify when each dam experienced open river conditions and was no longer preventing upstream movements of fishes. To attribute biological movements around these open river conditions, we used acoustic telemetry data to track native paddlefish and invasive bigheaded...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Upper Mississippi River,
Water Resources,
Wildlife Biology, All tags...
acoustic telemetry,
bigheaded carp,
invasive species,
paddlefish, Fewer tags
This dataset accompanies the article "Upstream experience and experimental translocation of invasive bigheaded carps results in increased upstream passage success at a navigation lock in a large river". The data come from the experimental capture and tagging of invasive bigheaded carp with acoustic transmitters and physically moving some groups farther downstream. These transmitters emit signals that are detected and recorded on receivers that are strategically placed above, within, and below Mississippi River Lock and Dam 19 (LD 19). Once the data from the receivers were downloaded, we could show when successful upstream passage through LD19 occurs and compare the origin of the fish and the physical characteristics...
Categories: Data;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
Keokuk, Iowa,
Lock and Dam 19,
Mississippi River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), All tags...
acoustic telemetry,
bighead carp,
fish passage,
invasive carp,
silver carp, Fewer tags