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Ecological energetics of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): effects of rainfall and drought


Peterson, Charles C, Ecological energetics of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii): effects of rainfall and drought: .


To elucidate ecological effects of variation in the temporal distribution of a limiting resource (water in the Mojave Desert), energetics of two free-living populations of desert tortoises (Gopherus [=Xerobates] agassizii) were studied concurrently over 18 mo with use of doubly-labeled water. Field metabolic rates (FMR) and feeding rates (estimated from rates of water influx and rates of change in dry mass) were highly variable. This variability was manifested at several levels, including seasonal changes within populations, year-to-year differences within populations, and differences between populations. Underlying observed patterns and contrasts was considerable variation among individuals. Much of the variation in energetic variables [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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