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The Invasion Paradox: Reconciling Pattern and Process in Species Invasions


Fridley, Jason D, Stachowicz, John J, Naeem, Shahid, Sax, Dov F, Seabloom, Eric W, Smith, Melinda D, Stohlgren, Thomas J, Tilman, David, and Von Holle, Betsy, The Invasion Paradox: Reconciling Pattern and Process in Species Invasions: .


The invasion paradox describes the co-occurrence of independent lines of support for both a negative and a positive relationship between native biodiversity and the invasions of exotic species. The paradox leaves the implications of native?exotic species richness relationships open to debate: Are rich native communities more or less susceptible to invasion by exotic species? We reviewed the considerable observational, experimental, and theoretical evidence describing the paradox and sought generalizations concerning where and why the paradox occurs, its implications for community ecology and assembly processes, and its relevance for restoration, management, and policy associated with species invasions. The crux of the paradox concerns [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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