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Record of the North American southwest monsoon from Gulf of Mexico sediment cores


R Z Poore, Milan J Pavich, and Henri D Grissino-Mayer, Record of the North American southwest monsoon from Gulf of Mexico sediment cores: .


Summer monsoonal rains (the southwest monsoon) are an important source of moisture for parts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Improved documentation of the variability in the southwest monsoon is needed because changes in the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation in this semiarid region of North America influence overall water supply and fire severity. Comparison of abundance variations in the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer in marine cores from the western and northern Gulf of Mexico with terrestrial proxy records of precipitation (tree-ring width and packrat-midden occurrences) from the southwestern United States indicate that G. sacculifer abundance is a proxy for the southwest monsoon [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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